Okay? Okay.

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  • Dedicated to To Augustus Waters

I hope you liked my story. Sorry for the flaws, if there are. I just want to express and let you know what I hope happened with Hazel, Augustus, and all the characters in John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. Well I want to explain this short fan fiction to you more. :) 


Number 1 - The Writer's Note

About the Writer's Note in the beginning, I included it because if there are things you didn't like in my story, I understand it because we all have our different says and probable epilogue for this amazing book. I just want to share mine, I would like to know what's yours too.

Number 2 - Isaac

Many readers asked me what probably happened to Isaac. As said in this epilogue, Hazel was willing to donate her eyes to her blind friend. However, not all eyes were capable to be donated to some people who needed them. I didn't include specific thing about Isaac would really have Hazel's eyes because I wanted to show my readers how important it was for us to trust what would happen next, because no one was sure of the future. It showed not all things went the way we planned it, what we wanted to happen, but they happened on how they were supposed to.  And not just because we lost something so important, it couldn't be replaced. Things come, things go. People come, people go. Same as with opportunities and chances: they come, they go. What important is that we don't give up because surely, there is something ahead of us, down the hill, across the valley, into the depths of wherever we are now.

To make things clearer, what would happen to Isaac would remain a mystery. He would find his eyes whether it was Hazel's or not.  But I also assure you, everyone deserved a happily ever after. Even people with cancer, people with disabilities. As what Shai said: "Yes, of course. As much as he will accept me. It is just the sense of sight. There are still four other senses how to show how much I love that person... I still can smell him, hear him, talk to him and feel him. It is much more important." We lost a lot of things, but we should learn how to count things we had than things we didn't.

Number 3 - "I ended it the way I wanted it to end."

John Green said once that he ended The Fault in Our Stars the way he wanted to end it. He ended it in the last line where Hazel answering Augustus' question about choices.

Five words: "I do, Augustus. I do."

For some reason, I see TFIOS as AIA when it comes to how it ended. And as an ardent fangirl, I have tons of questions I want to ask John Green myself. If given an opportunity, I will go gatecrash him (genie please?). But I took this chance to add an epilogue. An epilogue the way I hoped the story finished because this book created a huge and deep mark in my life same as with the characters.

I know it might not be the way you wanted, but this is the way I think they truly deserve. If ever you don't, I suggest you simply make your own epilogue. I would love to read it any time. Different fangirl, different feelings, different thoughts. :)

Number 3 - The numbers of the chapters.

The story started with Chapter 8.1 up to 8.8. I like to be in that way because of what Hazel said in the funeral of Augustus: There is an infinity of numbers between 0 and 1. So I started with 8.1 as what Hazel tries to explain. I picked number 8 instead of just putting 0.1 or 1.1 because eight is like an infinity sign. It shapes like that (∞). I definitely found it cool, especially the end, 8.8, because it symbolizes two infinities. The big and the smaller one.

Number 4 - The quotes in the start of every chapters

I picked those quotes because I believe they are right for the stories of each chapter. It came from the book and I love how it fits and sums up my epilogue.

8.1 - "I'm a grenade and at some point I'll gonna blow up..." 

8.2 - "I do not want to see a world without him." 

8.3 - "It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." 

8.4 - "That's the thing about pain: It demands to be felt"

8.5 - "Love is keeping the promise anyway." 

8.6 - "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." 

8.7 - "You gave me a forever within a numbered days, and I am grateful." 

8.8 - "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."

Number 5 - The title (Our Own Infinity)

It took me so much time to think about a great title that can match my story about The Fault in Our Stars. I want it to have the word "Infinity" or "Forever" in it, then, this title was like whispered in my ears by an angel, "Our Own Infinity." I think Gus and Hazel themselves did it. Haha, it's creepy, but well... I just love them both they made me realize so many things like a friend giving me own self-experienced advices. I need to value everything I have because I am lucky enough that I have it before it go and be taken away from me. It's not about how long you have it, but rather, how meaningful it was while you had it.

I think Hazel and Augustus deserves their own infinity.



Vote if you like my story. Well, I surely wish you'll comment your thoughts and feed back about this. :) I will appreciate it so much. Thank you for having time to read this, I hope it wasn't a waste for you. Use the hashtag #OurOwnInfinity and help me plug and share this fanfiction :)

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