President Snowflake

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Mira sits at a huge mahogany desk, facing the big glass window overlooking her domain, behind the desk. As the camera pans in on her, the swivel chair slowly turns. Her hands clasped together in a clichè evil pose, she smiles, and all hope crashes to the roofs below.

Mira: Good morning everyone!

Hermione: What did I just watch?!

Mira: Art, my friend, simply art.

Hermione: Picasso is turning in his grave.

Ron: Pica-who? 

Harry: Picasso. Famous Muggle artist who joined the cubism movement in art.

Ron: Oh, that guy. Not who you think he was. Mass serial killer in the wizarding world. Fond of rearranging people's faces...not nice. Not that your lot ever caught on. 

Hermione: Oh my god.

Harry: *high pitched scream*

Ginny: *giggles*

The children cower in fear as Ron and Ginny laugh.

Mira: Well, I'm glad to see that today started on the right note. More fitting than any of you know, in fact.

Rose: Mum, I'm getting the sense that we're all going to die.

Hermione: So am I, honey, so am I.

Mira: Today you will all be meeting a very special friend of mine. His name is President...

*dramatic pause*

Mira: ...Snowflake.

*a moment, then everyone laughs*

Scorpius: President SNOWFLAKE? What is he, leader of the Santa Clauses?

Hermione: A great grammatical organisation, one like no other.

Rose: *snorts with laughter*

Everyone else: *crickets chirp*

Hermione: *sighs*

Mira: Bad jokes aside, no, he does not lead a pack of Santas. He is the president of a world, quite different to yours, my young wizards.

Draco: We're like 30 years older than you, twerp.

Mira: *smiles sweetly*

*Draco disappears*

Scorpius: Where did he go?!

Mira: Let's go and find out!

(everyone disappears)

They are in a control room, full of people and gadgets of every kind. In the middle of the room is a huge screen, with many coloured buttons, indicating options. On the screen is a display of blood, as two people attack each other with knives.

Hermione: Oh my god! I know where we are. Mira, this is not appropriate for children! But wait a minute, that means Draco is...NO!

*Hermione screams*

Ron: What, where is he?!

Mira: Let the fun begin...

*The adults disappear*

Mira: Ok children, let's watch your parents get viciously torn to death!

Hugo: Is this PG? Mama says i can only watch PG.

Mira: *looks at bloodshed on TV, as Draco gets hit on the head with a rock* Well...

*A long silence*

Rose: *glares at Mira*

Mira: *sighs* *magicks rock into balloon* 

Scorpius: *uncovers eyes and grins as his father gets in a good punch on his 6-foot opponent*

Draco: AFHAKHGELIGHAHLG *runs away screaming*

Hermione: Well, I was smart enough to pick up my wand when Mira woke us today. So I have some form of protection unlike you guys-*stuns random District 1 competitor*

Harry: Ginny, stay behind me

Ginny: *unimpressed, watches Harry get tackled* I guess staying behind you wasn't a good idea...

Harry: HELP!

Ginny: *yawns, checks the time, then lazily karate chops the attacker*

Lily: Go mum!

Mira: I wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

*Ginny gets tackled  by a gigantic dog, which looks like it's going to rip her throat out*

Mira: See!

The children scream

Mira: *sighs, snaps fingers* 

*the dog starts licking Ginny's face instead*

Mira: Honestly, you lot are no fun.

The screens merge as all the characters were pushed into the centre of the arena. Just then, an arrow shoots by Ron's ear.

Ron: AHHH!

Mira: And now, the entrance we've all been waiting for from the GIRL ON FIRE!

Katniss: *drops into a bow exasperatedly* Honestly Mira, I thought we agreed that that was a bit overdone?

Mira: You're right sorry, I just got carried away in the moment.

Katniss: No problem. *raises bow again* FOR PEETA!

Arrows whizz past the contestants as they run, barely missing each one.

Mira: Gee, you've really lost your aim since Peeta's death, ay?

Katniss turns, a look of pure grief-fueled anger in her eyes. In one swift movement, she shoots at the camera. All the screens go black.

Hugo: Mummy!! *starts sobbing uncontrollably*

Mira: Well. That was slightly unexpected. *grins* Who am I kidding? I planned the whole thing! *evil laugh*

Albus: Oh yeah? Did you plan this? *punches Mira in the face*

Mira drops unconscious to the floor

Rose: Albus, you really are an impulsive idiot.

Scorpius: I believe that's what my father used to say about Uncle Harry. Still does, actually.

Albus: Sorry, it's just. INJUSTICE! *rages around madly*

James: Guess he takes after dad more than I thought.

Rose: But she's unconscious now, the only idiot who can bring our parents back. Meanwhile, they're getting their asses kicked in an arena. I might have to reevaluate possible scenarios.

James: You do that, honey. I'll figure out how to get us out of here.

Rose and James have a staring match

Hugo: Hey guys! I found a door! It's open!


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the brief crossover :) Sorry I haven't updated in so long, been really busy :D 

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