Chapter Three

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Not proofread sorryy

I get out of the car after waiting for my song to finish because I'm part the people who could drive an extra 10 minutes to listen to a specific song, and slam the door hard. It's a thing between my dad and me to slam the door loudly when we arrive home so that the other know we're here.

I climb the few steps that lead to my porch, kick off my shoes and open the big wooden door. I'm automatically thrown to a whole other world made of boxe full of diverse stuff and coffee smell. We moved in only tree days ago, Tuesday, and landed just a day before. Yup, we were really occupied the last few days. I make my way through the mess, going in the direction that the voices I hear seem to come from. Sure enough, I arrive in the kitchen where I spot my dad and his salt and pepper hair cooking and my little three years old little brother. He's the one who sees me first:

"Let! Let!" He says opening wide his arms, jumping of excitement in his high chair.

Yes high chair. My brother has Down syndrome that makes him take a way lower time to develop physically and mentally. Therefore, he suffers of floppiness when it comes to his body which means he can hardly stand up alone on a normal chair and for safety reasons my dad and I decided to not take risks. He can't yet say full words when kids of his age could so for him I am not Violet not Vrachoski just Let. And I wouldn't have it other way.

"Hello there buddy" I smile widely taking him in my arms. He giggles and covers my face of kisses.

"I missed you too" I whisper, my heart melting.

"Hey sweetie" says my dad, turning away from the dish his making "How was your day?"

"Adventurous but I'll tell you more about it at diner. How was yours?"

"Busy to change" he mutters " I unpacked a bit but I suck at it I'm sorry" I nod in understanding. He hates it and I'm the only who knows what goes where. He's still lost. "Oh and good news I found someone to take care of Will while you're in school and I'm at work."

"Oh that's great! What's her name? If it's a girl which I suppose it is."

"You're right it's a girl she's named Rose and lives just a few blocks away from the house and work so it'll be perfect in case something happens."

"That's really cool you found someone that fast. I'm gonna go drop my bag in my room." I say walking out of the kitchen but I stop in my way.

"By the way what are eating?"

"I tried to cook lasagna because I thought you deserved your favorite for such a big day but it overlooked." He chuckles embarrassingly, rubbing the back of his neck.

That's my dad right there. A big heart that belongs in a tall body and is the neighbor to a huge brain but when it comes to cooking, well let's say it's not his thing. Yet.

"It's fine I'll be right back."

I exit out of the room and take a right turn to find the stairs that lead to my room. The house is interestedly constructed: my dad and Will have their "appartements" as I like to call it (pretty sure I have royal blood that comes from a tzar) at the main level and I have my own space upstairs that consist of a quite vaste bedroom and a bathroom. I used to share a story with my whole family but I'm sure I'll get used to this quickly.

I run (meaning normal steps for 6 feet plus boys) to drop my backpack and make my way down after quickly looking at myself in the mirror and tying my hair in a bun. Food is calling me I can't make it wait.

Later during the diner, the question "how did your day go" comes back. And I try to explain it as simply as possible

"As I said intense because I started the day with a teacher that probably woke-up and decided that he'll hate me. But other than that, school's the usual. There's the so called and idolized bad boys, the nerds, the normal people and some really nice ones. Lola and Matthew belong to this category." I try to explain between two forks of burned lasagna which are still good cause duh it's lasagna.

"And Lola and Matthew are?" My dad asks, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh they are the only two people who talked to me today, which I'm fine with to be honest. Lola is in my history class and offered me to share her locker so she's definitely a keeper plus she has red hair that's so cool."

"And Matthew?" He insists, a bit of angriness in his voice. At least that's what I hear.

"He's with me in literature. He seems really smart and sweet. I-" I continue, whipping of tomato sauce of my brother's cheek.

"Now Violet what did I say about boys."

"Dad I just said he seems sweet not I'm gonna have sexual intercourse with him in the janitor's closet!" I raise my voice. My turn to be angry.

"I said no boys this time Violet!" He screams.


"No but. Didn't Barcelona teach you a lesson?"


"Would you shut up!" He yells. "If you had behaved properly none of this would have happened! None! So until you graduate I want no fucking boys around you."

"Don't you think I'm feeling already too bad about what happened that I don't need you to rub it on my face every time?" I snap, standing up. "I said I'm sorry so many times and I lost as much as you remember that" I say one last time before leaving the room and heading towards the porch.

"Let! Let!" cries my little brother. I stop in my track.

"Saying sorry won't bring her back" he says so deadly I feel goosebumps.

Then I slam the door.

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