Chapter Four

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Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip- 
Winston Churchill

"Hey mum" I begin, taking a big breath. "I went to school today. Nothing much there, I think I made two friends and that's always nice to have. Remember you used to tell me 'Friends are what make life better' and 'Always make friends wherever you go because there will be a point in your life when you'll need all the support you can get'. So check on that. There's also this boy, Shawn, I haven't seen much of him but he intrigues me. You know he has that bad boy shell on but I feel like there's something more. Oh and his motorcycle is a beauty you would have loved it.
Dad lost it again. If there's anything you can do please help him loosen up a little, all the blame is killing me. Will is okay. I think he misses his mother. We all do. Why did you do it? Why mum" I cry, knees automatically coming up to my chest, my arms circling them.

I'm in the first cemetery I could find on my way. I walked for I don't know how long with my music blasting in my ears, making me get close to death many times as I couldn't hear the cars.

It's dark enough for me to see the stars but also light enough for me to be able the faces on the graves. I walked some more to find one that looked like my mother's and sat down next to it. That's the closest to my mother I can get, her body stayed in Barcelona.

"Hey Vi it's me. I want you to breath and calm down. I'm on my way sweetie it's gonna be okay. I love you so much" I hear her voice say through my phone. That's the last thing I heard of her. Her saying how much she loves me. But weirdly I would have preferred it to be a scold, that would have made it so much easier to be angry at her for leaving us.

Unconsciously, I dial her number out of habits.

"It's Jane. I'm not available at the moment. Please leave a message after the sound" beep-

I hang up before I can leave a thousandth message.

She's not available and she won't ever be again. Just that thought makes me sob again.

"It's Christmas soon. We don't have a tree yet but I'm gonna make sure to get one to make Will's eyes sparkle again and continue your tradition. I'll try to cook too but I'm not sure dad and I make a great team for that. You know us" I chuckle through my tears "It's also hell to unpack there's so many things and we don't even need half of it. But dad didn't want to leave anything behind and I must say I didn't too. There's so many memories of you in each item and we need the most of you we can get." I exhale a breath I was holding without knowing it.

Wind rises up, going through my hair and making me smile. It's like she's here and caressing my hair to let me know she'll never stop looking after us. And that's all it takes for me to finally go home. She has always been my rock, my jar of knowledge and reason and once more she showed it by making me and giving me the strength to follow this decision. After all I don't want what I have left of family to worry about me and what happened to her to happened to dad. And Will if he's with him.

I stand up on my feet, brushing away the dirt of my skirt. I shiver as the wind goes up again. I glance one last time lovingly to the rather young lady pictured on the grave. I'm grateful that she let me cry.

Okay it's not like she had a choice but never mind.

I finally turn on my heels to crash into someone's rock hard chest.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah" I scream, running immediately.

What was I thinking. Going alone into a cemetery at night. I couldn't be more dumb oh my go-

"Hey stop!" A deep young voice yells.

But I don't slow down and continue putting one foot in front of the other until I feel someone grab my jacket.

"Please please don't kill me I'm too young to die I'm too young to die" I mumble completely scared, my eyes closed.

"Aren't you a weird little thing" the voice says again. "I'm not gonna hurt you weirdo I don't want to end up in jail"

This makes me open my eyes.

"Missed me Vratchoski?" Shawn smirks.

What are the odds I would fall on him in this place at such a time? 1 out of a million of billions? At least a number that ridiculous.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me I'm this interesting that you decided to stalk me from the first day we met" my turn to smirk.

Suddenly I'm not frighten anymore. I've deal with worse jerks with an ego the size of Mexico in my life. Sarcasm and innuendos have no more secrets for me.

"Don't flatter yourself little one" He mumbles, eyeing me from head to toes.

That, I'm still uncomfortable with but I promise I'm working on it.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I say which doesn't stop him from taking all his time to get his eyes back at the level of mine.

"I could ask you the same question" he smirks again.

"Sorry, I don't tell my life to strangers" I answer already walking away from him.

"Have you been crying?" He stops me in my track.

I discreetly touch my eyes to check if they are wet and turn around glaring to him with all the hate I can gather: "Nope" I drop blankly.

He just shrugs his shoulders and I begin to walk again when he stops me once more:

"You must be freezing take my jacket" he says out of the blue.

I look at him raising up one eyebrow.

"Shawn the bad boy gives his jacket to a girl in crisis?" I ask him teasingly.

"Don't make a big deal out of it. This jacket must have been around more girls' shoulders than boys' lips you'll ever kiss in your life." He smiles a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"I'm impressed. I kissed quite a lot of boys" I tease back.

"Oh did you?" He smirks.

"Yes, but just so you know I don't kiss and tell"

"Like I would want to kiss you"

"I'm ready to cut my hand if you don't want to even just a little" I grin.

"Which should I cut then? Left or right?"

"What about neither so I can still strangle you when I'm bored"

"Peachy" he says, his breath hitting my cheek as he speaks.

I didn't realize we got so close to each other as we sent one another comebacks. I can see his eyes clearly now. They are the most beautiful brown I've ever seen and that means a lot as I normally find brown eyes extremely boring. But his have gold in it and somehow they mesmerize me.

"I like it" he whispers in my ear, his black soft hair tickling my cheek.

I'm about to answer but he already turned away, hands in his back pockets and not looking back.

I smile to myself, look at the stars and mutter: "Thanks mum you're the best"

I put on his black leather jacket (what a surprise) and walk back home.
20 minutes later I'm in my bed and fall asleep deeper than I have since mum left.

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