Chapter Two

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'What was that? Omg if it wasn't so intense I would be dead on the floor laughing by now' laughs Lola.

I chuckle too. It did was pretty intense, when I finished screaming you could have cut the air with a knife. But it was fun, I hope I showed everyone I'm indeed short but not a total sweetheart as so many stereotypes say when it comes to tiny creatures like me.

'Do you have a locker?' she continues.

'No not yet' Truth be told, I forgot to ask for one.

'You can share with me for today if you want' she smiles.

'I'd love too thanks' I grin. I'm so lucky to find someone like her on the first day.

As we walk towards it, we speak calmly, her asking stuff about me moving and me asking how things work here.

'Oh and that Shawn kid what's wrong with him?'

'If he heard you calling him that way you'd be dead by now' she grins.

'I've never been on the line between death and life so often since I was born' I laugh.

She opens her grey huge locker covered with fake tattoos on the outside and pictures and little notes on the inside. A enormous amount of gums catch my attention and I guess I'm not so discrete about it because she laughs and says:

"Want one?"

I quickly nod yes, my eyes sparkling. I haven't had one in two days and it's hard for a gum addict like me who is used to chew a paquet a day. Ohh how sweet does the mint taste on my tong...

"Who is that on the picture" I ask pointing at one Polaroid in a heart shape, still chewing with all my soul.

"My boyfriend, Michael. He's a freshman in college now." She smiles. "What about you? Left anyone behind you in Barcelona?"

"Nope" I answer, the "p" emphasized by the sound of my bubble exploding. I seriously missed this so much. "I'm more of a no-strings-please kinda girl".

"Oh I see. You and Shawn should get along fine" she winks.

"Never. No strings yes but still they need to have just a little manners thank you. I don't sleep with pricks."

"Okay" she giggles. "What class do you have next?"

It takes me a minute to answer because I don't have my timetable in mind yet and my backpack is full of unuseful stuff.

"Literature with" why is this written in such a small size "Mrs Davis".

"I heard she's really interesting, you're lucky. See you then I have geography. Yeah for more Mr. O'man!"

I wave at her as her tall silhouette goes in the opposite direction as mine. Luckily, this time I struggle less to find my classroom and take a sit on the first row just when the bell rings. Students enter one by one in the room, on time or late, while I watch Mrs Davis do some last minute test marking. When she finally lifts her head I'm greeted by a nice figure with soft eyes we can see behind transparent spectacles and a gentle smile. She must be a bit over 60 years old but weirdly, that doesn't seem to mean she doesn't have authority as except from the usual small chats we can hear in every classroom in the world, everyone is behaving themselves.

"You must be Violet." She says taking a few steps towards my direction. "Welcome to Dumas High School. Do you know who Dumas was?"

I do. Literature has always been my favorite subject.

"He was a french author who wrote novels and stories such as The three musketeers."

"Exactly." She smiles once more. "Anyone else can tell me the name of another story he wrote?"

To my surprise, many hands rise up.

"Very well" she chuckles "Matthew go on"

"The Count of Monte Cristo. It's about a man who is purposely sent to jail even if he isn't responsible for the crime they are saying he did and escapes a lot of years after richer than he could have ever been if he didn't go to "L'île D'If", the prison's French name, as one of his prison fellow told him where his treasure was hidden. He then gets revenge." answers a tall guy with light brown a little bit long hair that he constantly moves away from his eyes.

"Perfect. Now Violet, please take a sheet of paper and write down your full name, city you were previously studying in, why you chose Literature and your favorite book. I do hope you read, this is literature after all" she chuckles lightly. Then looking back at the class that was listening religiously to her, she begins to talk about the tests she's going to hand in soon.

I fill in my sheet .
Name: Violet Vratchoski
City: Barcelona
Why Literature: I've always loved to read and to learn about every little things the author thinks of while writing their masterpiece. They are for me puzzle pieces I can put all together at the end of many lessons about a certain book that help me get the real message that the author wishes to deliver to us.
Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Of course.

I finish writing just when the students begin doing a particular task that makes everyone silent and Mrs Davis eyes to be on me. But this time I don't blush because on the opposite of all the glances I got today, hers is not judgmental but full of care.

We all have that grandmother that would do everything for us. She would cook all day long so you could have the perfect diner you always wished of, always be by your side when you're unwell making sure she can do anything in her power to make you feel better, look at you with a huge grin on her face and small tears that you could mistook for sparkles in her eyes every time she thinks you won't notice but you always do and that warms you heart in a way you wouldn't give away for anything in the world. But she also knew how to make you behave yourself, teach you life nicely but strictly and make you feel so bad by just giving you the silence treatment that you would swear to yourself to never do what made her react like that ever again.

Mrs Davis seemed to me like that grandma. Always wanting the best for her students but that wouldn't mean she would tolerate any bad attitude in her class even from her favorite. If she even had a favorite. She seemed to just to have one, honestly.

I give her the paper and she takes it with her small crinkled hands and put it away. She explains that they are finishing a book of Dumas I never heard of before that she recommends me to read and tells me that this part of the program would soon be finished so I shouldn't have to worry about having to catch up, I'm just gonna begin with them the next book. She doesn't tell me the name, saying that she likes to make it a surprise for everyone.

I smile in understanding and just when I do so the bell rings. I wish her a nice day (yes she's that type of teacher, the teacher you don't want anything bad to happen to her) and leave for my next class.

Now where's that timetable again. Shoot. Don't tell me I lost it. Oh no crap fuck fuck fuck n-


I stop walking in the corridor and turn around to see Matthew, a grin on his face, a paper in his hands.

"You forgot this!" He says gently, giving me exactly what I was looking for.

"Oh thank you so much I had no idea where I was going" I laugh and he tags along.

"So you liked the class?"

"Yes! Mrs Davis she's... she's something"

"Yes she definitely is" he smiles. "Well, I better get going. See you around!"

"See you around" I whisper too late as he is already far behind me.

All of the rest of my day is filled with sheets full of questions about myself I need to answer, meeting new people and new teachers that are luckily nicer than Mr. O'man and sadly not as nice as Mrs Davis.

I get to the car my dad gave me when we arrived here and close hardly the door.

Day 1: check

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