Chapter Six

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The rest of the holidays passed in the blink of an eye. Between homework, unpacking, Christmas celebrations, I didn't have time to explore the city or even have a moment for myself for all that matters.

To put it simply, the only time I could breath and think was when I was taking a shower.

I know.

Today was Monday and I was already running late for first period. The good thing was that it was with Mrs Davis so maybe she wouldn't care about it too much. I ran through the corridors, my arms full of books and papers, cursing myself for still not having a locker. I'm so deep in thoughts trying my best not to trip and not letting anything go that I don't realize I'm running straight into someone.

Literally. My face into a hard rock chest. I trip and am about to fall head first on the cold floor when I feel an arm catch mine, helping me gain my balance back. I close my eyes feeling my cheeks redden, my heart going as fast as a car in a rally. I finally open them, ready to apologize a hundred times when I meet a pair of amused green eyes, hidden by dirty blond curls.

'Are you okay there,' Matthew asks me, grinning.

'Yeah,' I mumble 'Thank you for catching me I really saw my whole life flash in front of my eyes while tripping' I smile.

'No worries, that's what those muscles are here for,' he smirks, flexing his biceps.

I roll my eyes laughing and begin to gather my stuff that got scattered all over the floor. He gets on his knees as well and collects my pens that fell off my bag too. Fucking great. I'm reaching over him to get my Italian book just when the bell rings, scaring me, causing me to jump in surprise and punching my head into his stomach again. But this time, I lose total balance and hold on to his shirt out of instinct as I feel myself land flat on the floor, my grip on his shirt making him lay on top of me.

Well well well. We could say things escalated quickly.

'You can let go now' he whispers, nodding to my hand still holding his black top.

I blush once more but still manage to say, my eyebrows raised and a grin on my face:

'Who says I want to'

'You could have just said you wanted me in this position' he answers, smirking 'maybe you wouldn't have that big bump on your forehead' he continues, reaching to touch it with his finger.

They're smooth and cold.

His touch is kind almost tender.  

'Not my fault your chest is so hard and you're so fit' I tell him, widening my eyes as I realize the words that just left my mouth. He really needs to keep his fingers to himself.

No giving him the time to react, I push him off me and get up, fixing back my shirt into my jeans. He, however, takes more time to get up, getting at first on one knee causing me to tease him.

'But Matthew we just met! I don't know you enough to marry you! ' I tell him in a fake high pitched voice.

'But Violet, you're the one who fell for me because of my fitness!' he responds in that same high pitch voice, grinning.

I roll my eyes, hiding a smile and begin to walk to class, convinced I would be in trouble now.

'Hum Violet' Matthew says behind me.

I turn around and rise an eyebrow at him.

'We have literature right now and it's this way' he continues, pointing in the exact opposite direction that the one I was going in.

'You're sure?' I wonder.

'Please remind me oh fair lady, who's new to this school and who's not?' he jokes.

'Okay okay whatever'

And we run to get to class.

Class went by so slowly. Being late, I didn't get to choose my seat and ended up far at the back making it hard to concentrate on the beautiful things Mrs Davis was talking about. I welcomed the bell with such joy that a little 'yeah' escaped my mouth making people around me frown. Guess I'm the only one who finds literature on a Monday morning a little hard.

I was one of the first ones to get out of class and to make my way to my next class, Italian. I like that language, it's fancy and elegant.

As I went to get a sit in the middle of the classroom, I noticed a couple of guys at the very back talking quite loudly and glanced at them, only to see backs covered with leather jackets except one. That last one grabbed my attention and I began to take a good look, taking in the define muscles of his back we could see through his shirt and was that a tattoo?

'Yo man, check this chick, she's totally checking you out dude' one of the guy next to him said, making me realize I was starring at him completely not subtly.

Oops, my bad.

The guy turned around and I heard his voice before seeing his face:

'Oh it's her.'

I could hear disappointment in his words which made me see red.

'Yes it's me, remember the girl you helped in the cemetery a few weeks ago?' I spoke out.

Shawn's jaw clenched at my words.

'You mean the poor woman that seemed completely crazy, running around like she just saw a ghost?' his hard voice answered.

'More like the girl you gave your jacket to.'

'Oh, that's where my jacket is. I've been looking for it forever.'

'Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize I was just one of the many mad chick that you see running around. It's true there's so many, my bad.'

'And what did you think you were, princess? A lady in distress, I, a kind and pure damsel, decided to rescue? Sorry to disappoint you but as I said that night, my jacket has been on so many shoulders I can't possibly remember every girl I gave it to.'

I smirked. So he did remembered.

'Crazy how you now remember our encounter right? Damn, brain do is a weird thing.'

As I said so, I turned back around on my chair, facing the board once again, smiling as I heard whistles coming from his friends behind me.

'Oh and one more thing,' I added, turning around one more time 'It's not with that behavior you're gonna get that jacket back easily big boy'.

Look at me actually updating once a week wooow :")
Also someone help a girl out and teach me how to use verb tenses thx

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