Chapter One

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Okay now turn right, then right again this must be the good-

'Oops sorry bye' I mumble as I quickly close the door of the wrong classroom, hearing light chuckles, feeling my cheeks heating up faster than you can say my name, Violet Vratchoski. Thank you again Dad for having a grand grand Russian grandpa.

Other than my weird and hard to pronounced family name, I inherited of this part of the family my bright blue eyes and white as a ghost skin. Skin that I have directly on my bones by the way, no fat between them two. I'm so thin it actually worries people, I stopped counting how many times someone offered me food or asked me if I was eating enough. Which is yes, it's only genetic considering the amount of food I eat each day.

Taking two more steps ahead, I get on my tip toes to get to the window's height and check if this is the room I am supposed to have class into. Oh yes, because I'm also a tiny creature. I'm 1.53 meters which is ridiculously small for a senior year student. The teacher seems as old as the lady at the entrance told me before giving me my time table.

Okay, Violet now or never.

I knock on the door and open it slightly.

'Sorry for being late Mr. O'man, I got lost' I say entering and closing the door behind me. Why isn't he saying something, don't tell me I mistook again. I open my mouth to explain myself when:

'Who are you?' the white haired man asks, soon followed by chuckles. Tomato red cheeks welcome back.

'Violet Vratchoski sir' He's gonna ask me how to pronounce it in three, two, on-

'Violet what?' Hell yeah I won again.

'Vratchoski' I smile gently. I always heard you need to smile a lot and act all goody two shoes when you are new. To make friends and give a good impression they say.

'Vrath- Whach- Vrotch okay just come check to see if you're on my list' he sighs.

I take quick small steps to his desk and find my name just after a certain Shawn. I point it for him to see and wait for him to tell me where I should go sit. Seconds pass one by one, slower than ever.

'What are you still doing here?' If glares could kill I'd be dead and buried. This old man got anger issues.

'Hum, where should I sit?'

'Wherever you want, it isn't kindergarten anymore' he answers flashing an evil smile. More chuckles. Oh how History is gonna be fun.

I almost run to the further seat from him I can see. I grab my pencil case and a sheet of paper and finally allow myself to let out a breath. But as I do so, just as if he was waiting for me to do so, his devil eyes find mine once more as he raises his eyebrows in a 'do that one more time and I'll pock your eyes out' manner that make me choke on it. I choked on my own breath. I just choked on my own breath. What is wrong with me. I cough three times in a row to finally found my normal breathing rhythm again which gets everyone to look at me. Which makes me blush even more. Surprise.

'Are you okay?' whispers the girl to my right. I nod and smile a little. Her red hair makes her look automatically sympathetic and is that caring I heard in her voice?

'Yeah are you okay Vratchthingyweirdy?' I hear another voice say followed by lame giggles. I turn my head to my left and see a group of guys that must be the 'bad boys' of the class seeing their black clothes, piercing and tattoos. The one who talked must be their leader. How disgustingly lame. But I fight back my want to bite and smile widely at him, looking him in the white on his eyes.

'Couldn't be better thank you. And it's Vratchoski.'

He rolls his eyes at the same time as I roll mine turning back to the girl who was much sweeter.

'Forget about Shawn. He likes playing the big tough guy when he still sleeps with his teddy bear. I'm Lola by the way. You're Violet right?'

I smile frankly and answer:

'Yes, I'm new.'

That's when I hear coughs. Great, here we go again.

'I think everyone noticed it Miss Vratchoski. You seem to enjoy talking, care to share more about yourself?' Mr. O'man says, in his delicious killer voice.

'Er yes, I'm from-'

'Get up and speak louder'

I do as he say and begin again:

'Hey everyone, I'm Violet, I just moved from Barcelona and-'


Oh my god.


Oh shit did I just lost it

And I'm out of breath


I'm about to apologize when I hear a small melody.

'Saved by the ring' tells me Lola who's already up and gathering my things 'Hurry the hell up before S finds what to say' She continues, nodding it his direction. I stop looking awkwardly at my boots and raise my head to, in fact, see my teacher looking as lost as a just born puppy.

Except much less adorable.

'What part didn't you get in 'hurry'? Wanna get detention on the first day?' Lola says again now pushing me towards the door. I take one last glance to Mr. O'man who notices it and screams:

'OUT OF MY SIGHT NOW just wait for tomorrow'.

Oh my, this year is gonna be long.

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