Chapter Five

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'Which one do you want this year kiddo?' I asked my brother teasingly, on top of the ladder I found in the cabin in the backyard. I'm trying to show him both the angel and the star in one hand while holding on to dear life with the other, trying my best not to fall on the Christmas tree or the floor.

Even if I think the tree would hurt less... Yeah but the pines will sting me while the floor is covered by a thick carpet. But under the carpet, there's the cold hard floor. So maybe the tre-

'This' said Will, interrupting my dumb thoughts, pointing to the angel.

I smiled and proceeded to put it on the top of the tree and then climb down. I took a few steps back admiring my work and it looked pretty good if I do say so myself. Granted everything was so expensive and I had almost no more savings, but what was in front of my eyes was worth it: a tall deep green Christmas tree lighten by multiple yellowish fairy lights and other red decoration. I sight in content and turned around to talk to my brother. I'm surprised by two teary eyes looking not at the tree but at the angel on the top.

'Mum' he whispered, his voice cracking.

In a heartbeat I had him in my arms, hugging him tight, trying to take the pain away. The pain he has because of me.

'She's with us right now you know' I told him in a soothing tone.  'You can't see her or feel her but she's right beside you crying because she can't do anything to stop your tears. She loves you so much' I whispered. 'So so much' I repeated, kissing the top of his head, doing my best to calm him down.

His sobs finally stopped as he smiled at me.

'I love her too' he said, biting his lips to try not cry again.

'Me too baby, me too' I smiled through my own teary eyes. 'Now, does Christmas cookies sound like a good idea while we admire our work and I read you a story?'

'Christmas cookies!' he screamed, moving his little arms in the air, suddenly so excited. I laughed and proceed to walk to the kitchen and put him in his chair.

'Sugar or chocolate today?' I asked him, opening shelves to find the ingredients.

'Chocolate! A lot of chocolate!' he answered automatically making me giggle again.

'Chocolate it is' I said, taking it out as well.

I was just about to melt it when I heard the bell ringing. I frowned a little wondering who it could be as we don't really know anyone yet.

'Coming!' I screamed washing my hands. 'Stay here I'll be right back' I told my brother, giving him a piece of chocolate, making his eyes light up.

I ran the fastest I can through the boxes, hitting my little toe more times than a human can take without wincing in pain and finally arrive at the door. I opened it, my breath short.

'Hello!' said medium height brunette girl smiling frankly at me.

I smiled back at her, still trying to recover my breathing.

'I'm Clara. I'm supposed to meet Will today so he can get to know me before I take care of him after the holidays?'

Oh yes. Will needs a baby-sitter all day since he can't go to school yet and my dad has to work and I have to, well, go to school.

Go to school... Where Shawn is...

I shake my head, deleting that thought and focusing back on Clara.

'Yes! Of course! Come in, my father told me you would be coming today, I guess I forgot.' I smiled.

She grinned and came in, taking my living room in as I closed the door behind me.

'Wow it's-'

'Messy, I know. Sorry I hate unpacking and so does my dad'.

'It's alright' she chuckled ' I was gonna say big but messy works to. Don't worry I'm used to mess, when you have thr-, I mean two younger brothers...' she stated as I nod even though I don't have three brothers. But I'm me and that's enough, I make as much mess as 10 boys in a room.

'Okay so just quickly, on your left is the bathroom and the corridor leads to my dad and Will's bedrooms and another bathroom. Will's room has drawings on it you can't miss it' I state, showing her around. 'Up the stairs is my room and my bathroom." I explainned to her. 'Here's the kitchen and the second living room where we stay the most. And here's Will.' I grinned, bringing her to my little brother who has his both eyes wide open, wondering who the new girl is.

'Will ' I said 'That's Clara. She's gonna take care of you while I'm at school okay?'

He nodded shyly, hiding his head in my chest. I giggled at his behavior and softly push him back.

'It's alright she doesn't bite buddy. Not like me' I added, playfully taking his little fingers in my mouth and closing my lips around it making him giggle.

'Hey Will' Clara said, coming closer.

'Hi' he said back in a low voice.

'I'm Clara, it's so nice to meet you. I brought you something. Wanna see it?'

Instantly, his head lifted up to meet her eyes as he nodded repeatedly. Ahh my brother. Such a mini me, I can't say no to gifts either.

'Here' she said, taking a small turtle from a bag and handing it to him.

His mouth opened in awe as he took the little plush in his hands, mesmerized by it.

'You like it? I named him Bobby but you can change his name if you want.' I heard her explain to him as I got back to my cookie baking.

He giggled to things she tells him which caused a sigh of relief to escape my lips.

Maybe moving to Eastwood won't be such a bad thing after all.

Hello! I hope you remember me and my story... I know I haven't updated in so long but I got really busy and I don't want to rush that story. But hey I'm back and I'm gonna try and post once a week! Will I keep this resolution? Only time will tell :)
Also sorry no Shawn in this chapter but he'll be there in the next one promise ;)

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