Skylar's (P.O.V)
I sat in my bed watching My favorite YouTuber, Dan Howell lived in Australia but was born In England, My dream was to
Go to one of Dan and Phil's tours but ever since my mum died My father would never let me go "GET UP YOU
WH*RE" My father said pulling me by my hair off my bed, I scream in pain "LEAVE ME ALONE" he threw me on
the ground and stomped on my ankle. He then left me on the ground crying. I soon climbed out of my windowstrugling with my broken ankle. I soon got down and ran while limping, I ran as fast as I could as far as I could while bawling my eyes out. I reached a dead end, I stopped and cried, I went to walk away but I felt some on grab
my arm. I screamed,kicked,punched,and cried. Soon everything went black.
Dan's P.O.V.
Me and Phil were going to walk around today just for some quality time. I got up and threw on a red flannel and
black skinny jeans. When I got done I went see if Phil was awake, I walked in his room and he wasn't there I walked downstairs and heard crying. "Phil,you OK in there" I heard a sniffle then shuffling"Yeah I'm fine Dan" I
could tell he wasn't OK,I tried opening the door but it was locked."PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR" I started to get panicked and started to ram into the door, after multiple tries I finally opened the door.
When I walked in I saw something I never wanted to see ever. Phil was sitting on the floor with a blade in his hand with blood gushing out of his arm. I ran over and took he blade from him "GIVE IT BACK" he started yelling
reaching for the blade, I soon threw it,the blade going down the drain. We both watched as it went down the sink, Phil with sadness an anger in his eyes "DAN WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" he then fell on his knees
bawling his eyes out. "Cmon on Phil,let's get you cleaned up"I say reaching for his hand to help him up. After the little scene we then went out walking,as walking we came to a dead end. I saw a figure it looked like..... A girl. I went
over to her getting closer was I noticing she was crying, she went to walk away but I grabbed her wrist "GET OFF OF ME" "LEAVE ME ALONE" the only words she said fighting and crying, I sat down and held her close to me. She soon stopped fighting and went limp"Phil call a ambulance" as Phil calls a ambulance I examine the girl, bruises,cuts,scrapes,
gashes. She finally starts to wake up "I.....I...I don't wanna go back" I looked at her confused "Go back where love"I said softly trying not startle her "I just don't wanna go back". I pulled her close to my chest and starting
rocking her back and forth," the ambulance is on there way" Phil announced. 5 minuets later the ambulance arrive me and Phil in the back as the ambulance drives away to he hospital. Even though I didn't know this girl I felt
as if she was really close to me already "how are you feeling" I asked looking over at her "I'm feeling fine,you don't have to worry about me,I'm just some random girl you just met" she said smiling at me rubbing her thumb on my hand "DON'T SAY
THAT,please" I say looking down. She looks at me with instant regret "I....I'm sorry" she said that with tears in her eyes while letting go of my hand? We arrive at the hospital and me and Phil Had to wait outside for a while, while
outside we were asked questions about her and to go in her room we had to be in someway related, I had to see her so I said I was her father and Phil was her cousin. We went in and she was hooked up to so many wires and
tubes. I wanted to cry at the sight of this poor little girl that I had just met a couple hours ago. We finally got done at the hospital and went to our flat, we of course brung "Skylar" my new daughter home. Since she had cruches I carried her up the stairs, when we got in the flat I set Skylar down on the sofa.
Skylar's P.O.V.I WAS NOW IN THE HOME OF DAN AND PHIL EEEEEEEEEK, at least that's what I wanted to do. I was in so much pain I just wanted to lay and cry. I started looking out in space and my whole face got red I started shaking, still
shaking I started grabbing/touching my Face, Dan came over and took my hands from my face and held them down,"Skylar are you alright" I yanked my hands away and started shaking even more"Phil can you go get me a
glass of water" "Skylar,Skylar are you alright" I could hear Dan I jut couldn't stop shaking. Then Dan picked me up and started rocking me back and forth cooing in my ear, I soon slowly stop shaking and rest in Dan's arms I layed
In Dan's arms for about half an hour until Dan went go make us lunch. I sat drinking my water and then Phil walked in "Hey,how ya feeling" he said sitting next to me "I'm alright it happens all of the time" "Its OK remember
me and Dan are always here for you" he placed his hand on my leg,bad thing is his sleeves were rolled up."P...P.....Phil do you cut?
_______________________________________________________________________BTW the picture above is Skylar but if you don't like it you can imagine someone else or something buuuuuuttttt yea. So until next time✌😘
Life Changers[ Adopted By Phan ]
Fanfictionhi,im Skylar,and this is the story of my tragic,but happy,life