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Skylar's P.O.V.

I woke up under Dan's duvet and remembered that he sung me to sleep last night, I looked over and saw that he was still sleeping.

I looked at my phone and saw it was only 9:30,I walked out of his room trying not to wake him.

I went into Skylnn's room to see that we was awake to,"hey,ass wipe,get dressed and come downstairs" she groaned and got out of bed.

I went downstairs and started the stove,I got out the eggs,milk,pancake mix,and other breakfast items. I started mixing the pancake mix together as Skylnn came downstairs.

"Ok sis,so I need you to mix this" I said moving over to the eggs, "what the flip are we making" she said mixing the mixture.

"Breakfast for dad and papa" I said breaking the eggs in the bowl,"what are we gonna eat then" she said pouring the mixture in a pan

"McDonalds duh".

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"You go wake papa I'll go wake dad,k" I said giving her a thumbs up, she nodded and we go the ran upstairs.

"Daaaadd,wake up,we made breakfast" I said lightly shaking him,he groaned and turned to the other side "dad it's time for breakfast",he ignored me and continued sleeping.

I sighed "you asked for it" I said climbing on his bed. "WAKE YOUR GAY ASS UP,WE MADE FOOOOOOOODDDD" I said jumping up and down on his bed.

He woke up laughing and grabbed my ankles and pulled me down,"you're a rat" he said getting out of bed

We got downstairs and ate breakfast,"ya know,you two are HORRIBLE at cooking" Dan said stuffing more sausage in his mouth.

"Says the one stuffing sausage down his throat day,and night". Phil laughed while drinking his coffee which made him dribble over himself.

"At least I get more than you" he said smirking and pointing his fork at me,"why does my boyfriend do this" Phil said shaking his head at Dan.

~time skip~

"Well I gotta go,I'll be home in about 3 hours" Dan said getting up and putting his dishes in the sink,"be good and don't give your papa a hard time" he said kissing me and Skylnn on the head and pecking Phil's lips.

"can we go swimming" Skylnn said setting her fork down,"were gonna have a pool party tonight with Connor, troye joey,Tyler,and a bunch of other people".

Great I'm gonna have to socialize,"well I'm gonna go shower and get dressed" I said getting out of my chair.

I went upstairs and took a shower and put on of the outfits I got from the mall and died my hair

"SKYLAR TYLER AND CONNOR ARE HERE HURRY UP", I finished dyeing my hair and went downstairs while curling my hair.

"sorry,I was in the middle of dyeing my hair" I said standing in front of Connor and Tyler still curling my hair,"well your hair is already lookin A.MA.ZING" Tyler said laughing,

"Could you help me get the back" I said handing Tyler the curling iron,he helped me with my hair and the tied it up with a bow. "Thanks".

"So what are we doing today", I said sitting on the couch,"well were just gonna chill here for a few hours until your dad gets back,the we'll go take a tour of LA  then we'll have a pool party" Phil said

"Well I know somewhere we can we go" Connor said looking at everyone,"let's go to the beach",I didn't really like the beach.

Its the place where I feel most insecure,"that's a great idea,we could even have a picnic" Phil said a exclaimed expression on his face.

I sighed and walked up to my room,"where you going sky" Tyler said looking curiously at me,"just going up to my room".

I opened my door and plopped on my bed,I unlocked my phone and called the first person,Jack.

"Hey babe,how's LA" he said over the line,"its fine,but it'll be better if you were here"," I swear to god that was cheesy" we both laughed.

We talked for a couple hours until Dan came up to talk to me,"hey Skylar, can I come in","sure" I said putting my phone down.

He opened the door and sat on my bed,"so as you already know,were going o the beach,and its ok if you don't feel confident you can just sit out if you want to" he said looking me into the eyes, "and besides your really pretty,and your size doesn't matter ok" I looked him back in the eye,"ok".

~time skip~

Skylar's P.O.V.

"THE WATERS COLD" I said holding onto Tyler,"its not that cold,now come on scardey pants" he picked me up bridal style and ran into the water,"im gonna get you back for this" I said splashing him in the face.

I sat in the water splashing around and letting sand run through my fingers,"you ok" dan said sitting next to me,"yea just-i dont know-thinging i guesse","ok just maken sure you dont have a exestential crisis" i shook my head and laughed,"i have some of your traits but that isnt one dorko".

we spent more time at the beach and then had a picnic,we had a tour of LA and went out to eatme and tyler are now best friends and we went to the mall while the others spent their time and the pet store looking at puppies.

~time skip~

Phils P.O.V.

"bye, come visit us when you can" i said as tyler and connor drove off,i carried Sylnn up to her room and put her in her bed. today was a long fun day and everyone was tired,and even Dan was so tired he drunk two coffees.

i went downsrtairs and noticed Dan wasnt there i chekedn his office to see hime sitting at his laptop stressing over some paperwork."what'cha workin on" i said standing behind him looing over his shoulder, he sighed and swept his fringe out of his face.

"some papers for work,someone called in sick and so i got stuck with my papers and his" he said taking a sip of his coffee,i sighed/laughed,"oh,ok,just wonderin,and make sure you ge some rest tonight,k" i said pecking him on the cheek.

i walked out of the office and back into the bedroom,i changed into m y pajamas and got into bed. a few minutes later dan came in and slid next to me,"ya'know ive realised you do most of the things around the house,and your like the mother of the family" dan said nuzzling into my neck.

"OH so know you callin me a girl" i said turning around with a fake mad expressionm planted across my face,he laughed and pecked my lips"im giving you a day off tommorow,and i'll call in sick so I can be the lady around the house.

"no,i dont want you to miss work for me,and plus me and the girls can clean the house and other stuff",i said moving a piece of hair off of his face,he laughed and pulled me closer "I'm staying home and doing the work for you and i'm gonna do it no matter what"

I sighed and rolled my eyes resting my head on his chest slowly falling asleep.


so I just released a second chapter of my new story "ace bandages" so go check that out and check out my friends story,which is a collab with my story and hers is binded feelings, and there might be faster updates because I'm writing this on my laptop and I can type faster on a keyboard than I can on a tablet,so until nex time my frends [cant put the emojis because I'm on a laptop]

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