Chapter One

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"Alex you couldn't  at least tried to stay a little longer this time?" Cindy, my social worker whined as she got into the car after putting my bag in the trunk. I shrugged my shoulders.

"She was creepy, she talked to her cats more than she talked to me!" I exclaimed. Cindy chuckled. "So where are they sending me off to now?" I asked. Cindy gave me a some what sad look. "What?"  I asked. 

"First off i wont you to know that i had nothing to do with this. But Alex no one eles would take you and it was either this or juvy. The state found your father, he lives in North Carolina. He wants you to come live with him and honestly Alex you don't have anyother chioce. Word got around to the other foster parents and no one will take you in. I know North Carolina is little ways from here but he is your only chioce other than juvy," She said. 

"Then i will take juvy, I don't wantto live with that inconsiderate dead beat sperm donor." I spat out. Cindy looked at me shocked. 

"The state is giving you no chioce. I am taking you there right now." She said. I groaned. 

"Does he at least live near the beach?" I asked. 

"He lives one block away from it. The town he live in is in South Port, I believe that is one of the places you have been wanting to visit since that is the main setting in Nicholas Spark's books ."  She said. I nodded. The way he descibes the little qaint town makes just about anyone wish they could be there. 

"How long till we get there?" I asked. 

"Well seeing that we are in Pennslyvaina, I'm going to say 7 and 1/2 hours if we hit no traffic." Cindy explianed. 

"Ugh, wake me up when its over." I groaned then i pulled the sunvisor down and leaned the seat back. Maybe living with the sperm donor wont be so bad. I mean i'm 16 almost 17, that means i only have a year with him. And if anythig i could always convince him to kick me out like i did with the rest of the foster parents. But at least he is near the beach and i can get a tan and hopefully meet some cte boys. And mabe my life will turn into a Nicholas Sparks book and i will meet "The one". Not that that would ever happen seeing my life sucks. 

What girl loses her mother at the age of 16 and has a dead beat father who she has never even met. I miss her, my mom, she was one of the greatest people you could ever know, Sh ehad such a big heart and sadly she wore it on her sleeve so she very often got hurt or taken advantaged of. I saw her cry so many nights it was just sad. Most nigts se didn't know i knew about her crying but i did. Thats why i have sworn to myself to never let anyone in and to never be weak. Life seems like it would be easier that way.

I still remember the night that the police told me my mom had died in that crash. I felt like a part of me was ripped out of my chest. I cried for days and refused to believe it. I stared mysel to te point where i fainted becuase i was so weak. After that was when i swore to myself to never be weak agian, So i pushed all the sadness down and walked woth my head held high. It kills me at times to do that but it is easier. 


Hey guys!, I feel really good about this story. So please tell me what you think!! And please please please vote. When i see that people vote or comment its kinda like an inspiation boost so please do.

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