Chapter Five

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"Okay, so favorite color?" Daniel asked me. We were sitting on the beach watching as the tip of te sun disappeared over the horizon, leaving us with the faint glow provided by the fire. 

"Purple." I answered. "What about you?" 

"Red." He replied. 

"Typical." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Hey i could say the same about you." He argued. I shook  my head no. 

"No, Pink and light blue and maybe a light purple are typical girl colors. I like dark purple. Typical guy colors are any shade of red, or blue and maybe a dark green." I argued back. He shook his head no. I bumped his shoulder making him spill his drink on his lap. I started laughing and when i realized that he was moving closer to me i stood up and took off running him following not too far behind. 

"Harmony, i am so going to get you for that," He yelled behind me. I turned my head back as i continued running, and saw that he was barreling after me, but i was soon on my back when i ran into someone causeing them to spill thier drink all over themselfs and then let out a girly scream. 

"You bitch, this is a brand new dress and now it is ruined," The girl that i ran into yelled at me. 

"Sorry i didn't see you," I apoligized. She was getting ready to saw more when her face suddenly lit up and she ran to Daniel practically throwing herself on him. 

"I missed you baby," She said then she kissed him. I looked down, and a pang of jealousy shot through me. How could i be stupid enough to think that he was actually single and liked me. I looked back up to see Daniels hand on her waist and thier lips still locked together. I slowly backed away and started heading towards the direction of the house. I think it is time for me to go. The obviously want thier privacy. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. Stupid, stupid,stupid. 

How could i have been so stupid as to think that he actually liked me? I mean i guess i thought that he did show that he had feelings for me with the few gestures that he did. Like holding my hand, cupping my face like a boyfriend would do for his girlfriend, giving me that look that guys give girls that just makes them swoon. Maybe i just imagined it all, yeah thats what happened i just imagined it all.  I should just give up on being around guys, they are all the same, none of them are ever going to like me, they are just going to take pity on the foster kid. I don't know why i convinced myself that Daniel was different.  It wasn't long until i reached the house. I walked in. 

"Where's Daniel?" John asked. 

"Hanging out with his girl friend i guess," I shrugged my shoulders. 

"He didn't walk you home?" John asked. 

"No, why would he?" I asked. 

"Well i aksed him to keep an eye out for you and to take you in so it isn't so awkward for you being the new kid and all." John explianed. I felt dissapointment rise into the pit of my stomach. So i was wrong Daniel isn't any different form the others, he just pity's me and is only being a friend to me becuase John asked him to be. I sighed and walked upstairs. Of course, that is why he was being so nice to me. John asked him too. I went into my room and decided to take a shower, so i grapped a pair of sweats and laid them on the sink. I took a 30 minute shower and wrapped the towel around my long hair so it could dry a little bit. I walked in my room and searched through my bag that i brought with me and found my phone and the charger. I plugged it into the wall and turned it on. I walked back into the bathroom and pulled the towel off of my head and combed through my hair. I walked back in my room and saw John sitting on my bed. 

"Yes." I asked. 

"Did something happen between you and Daniel?" He questioned me. 

"Why are you asking?" 

"He is here,. do you want to talk to him?" John asked. I shook my head no. 

"I don't want to talk to him, thank you for asking me before you let him come up here," I thanked John. He gave me a slight smile and then stood up and gave me a small hug. 

"I truly am sorry about what i said earlier, i guess i am still getting used to the fact that you are really here and that i cant fix things between your mom and i." He said. 

"Mom never saw that things needed fixing, when ever she talked about you she never was mad, she understood completly why you did what you did i was the only one who didnt." I admitted. John smiled a bit. 

"She was always so understanding, i know i made a mistake leaving the two of you, and i want to make that up to you, so what do you say that tomorrow we go up to the farm and i can introduce you to all the horses?" John proposed. I smiled and nodded. 

"I would love that, i have always wanted a horse." I said. 

"Well we just got a new mare in today, she will need alot of love and she will need some trianning, but i think that you can handle that with a liittle bit of teaching, i haven't named her yet, so i want you to name her and then she will be known as your horse." John said. I gasped and threw my arms around him. 

"Thank you so much." I excliamed. he chuckled and hugged me back. 

"Well get some rest we will leave bright and early in the morning to go there." John said as he walked outof my room, i nodded and plopped down on my bed, John got me a horse! How cool is that! I did a silent little dance and pulled back the covers from my bed and snuggled into them drifting off to sleep. 

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