chapter nineteen

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I haven't been bad since i hacked his face book. He seems a bit uneasy all of a sudden. It started last week. He said it would pass. Um, Liam. It hasn't passed.

"Hey Liam can i talk to you. Alone?" He agreed and we went to my room. "Whats up Hun?" I sat him on the bed and i was standing.

"Why are you distant and uneasy when you're around me?" He got a bit scared. "Liam!" He wont answer me at all. He's looking out my window. I looked and saw someone i couldn't recognize. But the voice was recognizable.

"Hey Abigail. Phases over yet?" Oh my gosh. Emily.

"Liam help me please! HARRY! NIALL! LOUIS!! SOMEONE HELP!!" And then the rest of the boys came in, and Paul was here too. Paul tried to get Emily to let go of my ankles, as Harry held onto me and Zayn, Niall, and Louis were helping Paul get Emily off of me.

"Let go of me you fat ass!" I heard her yell. I kicked her in the face and she let go of my ankles. Harry pulled me into my room and i stood there in his arms.

"L-liam just sat there. When she was pulling me out the w-window." I said, trying very hard to catch my breath. "Come on Ab. "

Me and Harry walked into the kitchen and he sat me down on the counter. He went into the freezer and put an ice pack on my left ankle. I looked down and saw it was bleeding. I face palmed myself, pretty hard if i must say so myself.

"Ouch." He laughed when he got me something to eat. Or at least thinking of what i would eat. "What do you want to eat love?" I shook my head.

"Cereal. Any kind will do." He nodded and got me fruity pebbles. "Wanna take a walk when you're done?" I looked up and saw him at my side as i was eating my cereal. I nodded, because i had fruity deliciousness in my mouth.

I finished and we left. We mainly talked about how me and Liams relationship was going. We arrived at a beach and me and Harry walked along the waters edge with our bare feet. Every now i would find a crab or a sand dollar.

We kept walking and watched the sunset and saw the stars. We layed on the dry part of the sand and looked at the stars, seeing different things in them. At one point Harry had thought he saw a donkey. I laughed at that.

"Thank you for bringing me out here." He smiled. Then it fell, really quick. "I need to tell you something Abi." I sat up, and looked at him. "What?" I got pretty scared as he put his hands on his face and moaned.

"Liam, he really is dating Sophie. That's why he's been so distant." I layed down and just looked at the stars. "no. No he cant be!" He nodded.

"That's why i bought you this." He sat up and pulled out a box. No way he's asking to marry me. I'm only fourteen! "Its not me asking you to marry calm down. Its a promise ring. I was wondering if me and you could, maybe be something."

I smiled and hugged him. "Yes. Yes a million times Harry!" I said, as i was still hugging him. He pulled away and put the ring on my ring finger. I smiled as we layed back down. "This has been, a really interesting,fun,and scary day today. Hasn't it." He said. I nodded slowly as he grabbed my hand.

"We should get back. Louis is gonna take the job of Daddy direction if we don't." I nodded and we left. We walked in and immediately Lou ran up to us.

"Where have you been! Its 2:30 in the morning and i was worried sick! Oh Abigail what did this boy do to you tell me everything!" He said. I looked a Harry and mouthed Daddy Direction much? He laughed and shrugged. I showed Louis the promise ring and he shouted something.

"OH MY GOD ABIGAIL YOU'RE THROWING YOUR WHOLE LIFE AWAY AND that's not an engagement ring."I laughed at him when the reality hit him. "Major embarrassment Tommo. Major embarrassment." He nodded slowly as me and Harry laughed.

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