Chapter thirty

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Third Person POV

Abigail walked into Emily's house feeling like shit. "Hey Ab, you okay?" Abigail nodded as she ran up the stairs to her room. She locked the door behind her as she tried to think why Liam hasn't called or texted her. 

She lifted her hands up as she wanted to see the evidence of the fire she was in a mere week or two ago. She decided if Harry or Liam hadn't texted or called her they forgot about her and wouldn't remember anytime soon.

Meanwhile in the tour bus, Liam, and Harry were scared. They hadnt heard from Emily, nor Abigail. "What happened?" Harry and Liam looked up immediately as Eleanour walked through the door. Harry shook his head and Liam just sighed.

"I d-d-don't know what i-is g-going on!" Liam stuttered out. Harry pulled him in for a hug and Liam stood there sobbing. Eleanour, stood at the doorway, not knowing whats happening.  


I tried texting Harry. I waited about half an hour and decided he wouldn't answer. Then before i turned my phone off i got a text from Harry. I read it and felt like i was in heaven. I jumped up and down and yelled and screamed and was all happy. Until i read what he had to say next.

Harreh- Hey Liam misses you.

Harreh- On way to the hospital. He just got hit by a car.

Harreh- Hello? Abi you there?

I decided to call him. "Harry! What happend? Will he be okay? Is he conscious? God, where are you? Im coming. Where are you Harry!" "Damn Abigail chill! He got hit by a car on his way to visit you, the doctors aren't sure yet, No, We're in chicago. No don't come, i'll pick you up, and Damn chicago i just told you!"

I sighed and started packing a bag. "Hurry up." He agreed and i hung up. "EMILY I HAVE TO GO!" She yelled fine and i walked downstairs to get my shoes on. "Harry should be here any minute now." 

 I opened the door and saw a worried Harry walking towards the steps. I ran over to him. "Lets go." He nodded and i tripped on fucking mid-air. "Mid-Fucking-Air! How do i trip on- ow ow ow!" I held my ankle. 

"Here." Harry picked me up and carried me to the truck. He set me down in the passenger seat and then walked over to the driver side. "Why are you guys in chicago? You're supposed to be in Australia aint ya?" 

"Well, something happened."

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