Chapter twenty six

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I turned at the voice. Harrys. But when i turned around, i didn't see anyone. "Harry?" I sighed to myself knowing i was going a bit crazy. I walked into Hot Topic and looked around. I didn't buy anything. At all. I didn't really care though..

I cant believe management did this to them though. We were all happy, and if they would have let me come the lads would be happier. But, no. Management had to deliver a 'fuck off sweetie' and not let me go. So i cant see my daughter. I know, going off and leaving her with Harry isnt good. That i should have just stayed with her and let Harry go off? Well, she'd be ripped away from her father. 

I sighed as i felt my phone vibrate. I decided to ignore it for now and walk over to Starbucks. "Hey Abigail!" I smiled as i heard that. I ran over to Emily, who had bags full of clothes, shoes, jewelry, almost everything you could think of. 

"I forgot to look anywhere but Hot Topic. Wanna go with me after some coffee?" Emily nodded as i got a Carmela mocha. I paid for our drinks and we walked over to some different stores. The Nike store is where i got most of my shoes. I had multiple pairs of their 'Nike' and a hell of alot of 'Air Jordons'

"You need some more clothes too. I'm digging the tomboy look, so no dresses, but you should get some jeans and hoodies and such. Aye?" I smiled and nodded at Emily's statement. "Yeah i guess. Lets go, AYE!?!?!" She laughed as i had mocked her mocking me.

"Oh look at these! Oh my god you should totally buy that! Oh um Abi? I need to tell you something you probably wont like." I felt my lips try to curve into a smile..

We walked out of the mall, smiling as we set all of our bags down in the car and buckled up. "Dayum. We spent alot. Hey Emily. If you're only seventeen, how are you writing songs for the Ed Sheeran?" She smiled as i asked the question.

"I got a call after i mailed my idea's to Ed's manager and they said i could write songs for them. I was so happy you have no idea how long it was until i got my voice back." She must've screamed really loud then.

We got to her house only to find a black SUV in the huge driveway. "Who the hell? Oh shit. Emily stop the car." She did as i said and i jumped out of the car and walked over to the driver side. "What the hell are you doing here Harry?" 

He noticed how confused i was and opened the door. "Hey. Someone wanted to see you." I raised an eyebrow and then i saw Thomas. "Mummy!!" I smiled and hugged her. She called me Mummy again. 

"Mummy can you come back with us and daddy?" "Hun, daddy's boss doesn't want me to go with you guys..but i will see you sometimes!" She smiled. "But how mommy?" I looked at Harry for help. Then i got an idea. 

"You know how daddy does concerts right? Well, i'll go to every single one that i possibly can! Deal?" She nodded and held my pinkie. Then i heard giggles in the back of the truck. "Who's back there baby?" I whispered to Thomas.

"Liam and Louis mum." I smiled then walked over to the back of the trunk. They couldn't see me. I smacked my hands on the glass and they screamed. Like, full on level 13 screams. I fell over laughing as Liam walked up to me, angry.

"Hello love!" i said. He shook his head and smiled. "I have to tell you something before we leave tomorrow." He put his hand on my cheek. "I know i fucked up. Please give me one more chance. We can text and skype and call each other and w-" I put my finger on his lips, shushing him.

"Shut up and kiss me already please." He went in and i closed my eyes. Within a few seconds i felt his soft lips on mine. We both pulled away and i grabbed his hand. "Yes." He smiled and hugged me. 

"Thank you." I smiled at him. "Mummy?" I looked at Thomas. I forgot that she was here. "Yes sweetie?" She ran to Liam. "Is he my daddy too?" I nodded. "You know Niall and Louis and Zayn? They're your fathers too. For now anyways." Liam smiled at me. I think he knew where i was coming from.

I turned to Emily. "Emily, this is Thomas. Thomas this is my friend Emily." Thomas apparently doesn't do handshakes. She goes for the hug. "Well hello there little one!" Emily was thrilled to meet Thomas. I told her so much about Thomas in the day I've been with her and she was eager to meet her.

"Are you mah auntie!?!" I smiled at her. Emily looked at me for help. 'Sister.' I mouthed to Emily. This made her grin. "I'm your sister!!" Thomas was happy then. I turned to Liam. "When are you guys leaving?" 

"Day after tomorrow love." I smiled. "Hey Emily! Can the boys stay with us until they have to leave!? PLEASE!!" She nodded. I think she was a fan of them. Maybe i can hook her up with Niall or someone. Maybe. Just maybe if I'm lucky.

"Oh my gosh! Liam do you have your swim tr-" He took his shorts off, leaving him in his swim trunks. "How about you love?" I nodded. "But they're in my room." He nodded and i grabbed his hand and ran inside. "OFF TO MAH ROOMM!!"

I got to my room and looked through the bags i had. Then i ran outside and grabbed the bags from shopping and ran back into my room. "Where is it where is it!" i yelled. Liam laughed at my expression and helped me look. "This is hun?" I looked at what was in his hand and saw the new bikini i had bought.

"Yes! Don't look!" I said to him. He shook his head and laughed. "I'll be back." And i ran off to the bathroom. I turned around and locked the door. Hey, he's cheeky! 

"You were thinking out loud again hun." Dammit! "Again." Don't think. I think i didn't think. "You did." I face palmed myself. "Quit listening!" I stripped out of my clothes and got my new bikini on. I put my hair in a simple high ponytail and walked out.

"Damn. I'm really lucky." I nodded at Liam and grabbed my cell phone. "Oh shit wait." I ran back inside and grabbed a swimsuit i bought for Thomas. "Lets go!" I ran outside and found Thomas. "Mummy!" "Hey come with me! I got you a swimsuit so you can play in the pool! Come on!"

She followed me and i took her to the bathroom. I got her undressed and put her new suit on. "Mommy i love it! Can we go play in the pool now!" I nodded and gave her a piggy back on the way out.

"MOMMY MOMMY LOOK AT ME I CAN SKAAA-" It all happened to fast. To fast to prevent it. I forgot to tell her not to run. "THOMAS!!!!" I screamed. I ran over to her. Not awake. I felt Liam's hand on my shoulder. Then i heard yelling. I couldn't hear any of it though. It all blurred out.

Within minutes there was people taking her. I almost punched one then i realized they were the ambulance I couldn't breathe when i saw her in the ambulance. Then Liam started shaking me. 

"Ab? Abigail whats wrong?!" I shook my head. I was able to breathe when he snapped me back to reality. "Social Securities will be here and take her away from me! I may only be fifteen but I'm pretty sure I'm able to take care of her as my daughter!"

Liam put on a confused face, along with the others. Emily stood there. They Didn't remember? I saw Emily mouth to me. I shook my head. She shook her head in disapproval and walked over to me. She hugged me and i put my head in the crook of her head.

"Sh sh hun its okay. They don't know you like i do. Oh my god! That could be a song! Wanna write it with me?" I shook my head and smiled. She could make the simplest of things into a song. "Make a note to though.."

"When was it your birthday?" 

"Today. Also known as the day-" I choked out. "My birth mum hung herself." I didn't tell anyone about that. It happened because she didn't- COULD NT i should say, live with knowing she was hurting me and made it to jail like the rest of her family. 


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