Day 1

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"Wake up you lazy bum." My bestfriend said.

"What are you doing?! It's like 8am in the morning." I groaned in annoyance.

"I have great news! Boysquad is coming here." She said while hitting me with a pillow.

"What?! When?!" I said.

"Chill bruh tomorrow they'll be here for 40 days." She said

"Really?! Ahh!" I screamed.

"Yeah they're gonna have meet and greet btw buildabest is with them." she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Woah! This just made my day. Oh my gosh is this true?! My ultimate favorites are coming here in Philippines. Ah!!!! I am so hyped up. I'm so excited. Oh good heavens! We have to give them something.

So i quickly went to the bathroom to change and do my stuff. I am currently wearing a black jeans,white shirt and white converses. Just basic.

"Bitch let's go and find something that we can give them at the meet and greet." I said while she just nodded her head.

So we went downstairs. My mom was shocked because we were so hyper. She knew it.

She knew what was going on. She supports us on fangirling, well i'm not ''the" hardcore fangirl. I'm just s normal fangirl. Well i have another best friends who likes them too. But you'll see them eventually. For now it's me and Chelsea. So we and ate our breakfast quickly because we don't wanna be behind the schedule.

After we finished our things we said our goodbyes and went on our way.

We made a list of what we are gonna give them. Just two simple things.

: DIY pop jar glass(letters inside)
: DIY letters

That's it! We don't wanna mob them with a lot of things. We just wanna keep it simple.

Let's do this! I faced Chelsea and putted our game faces on. Oh it is on!

First we went to a bookstore to search for some things that we need.

Second we shopped a little bit just to be presentable for tomorrow.

Third we got our VIP tickets from the person who sold it to us in a very long time.

Fourth we went to Papemelroti to get some few things.

Last we just enjoyed everything. We even went to Cold Stone just to keep calm and stuff..

Chelsea pulled out her phone and started to record me on Snapchat.

"Went out with this monster i call my best friend👌"

Then i just laughed at it and glared at her.

She then hugged me and kept on whispering. Btw 1 fun fact about me is that my weakness is hugs when i give you death glares.

So i just nodded and continued to laugh. I am so excited for tomorrow. So me and her decided to stay for a while and wonder around.

After wondering around i felt my legs are going to collapse i asked her if she wants to go home. She just nodded her head "yes''. I was glad because it was hella a day.

-20mins later-

We reached my house and she asked if she can just sleepover at my house and i just nodded. My mom wouldn't mind and besides she likes Chelsea. So no worries. It was currently 6pm. We re-freshed ourselves and ate our dinner

So we decided to make the things for them. I hope they'll like it. We were starting to make the gifts for them. Exciting.

-7 hours later-

Ok so it's currently 1am and I am really tired. The meet and greet will be at 2pm which means more sleep. Yey! Oh i wish he will notice me.

I have my eyes on Sean Lew. He just goals! He has alot of hobbies and talents. His smile?! Don't even get me started.

I'm Alyssa Natalie Lopez.

I felt my eyelids are gonna shut down. I peaked on Chelsea she is fast asleep. So i set aside the things turned off the lights and fell asleep....

Cringed hard :((

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