Day 11

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Sean's POV

I woke up to the sound of Alyssa's dad screaming through his phone. Maybe it was the police that failed him. I sighed and stood up. I went to the bathroom and stared myself at my own reflection at the mirror. Think! Sean think! Think of something that'll help to get Alyssa and her mom back. But how? The heck? Think! Use your brain dumbass!

I sighed shook my head in annoyance. Why on 7 billion people on the earth this family is the victim? Maybe all of this was for money only. After my morning routine, i saw my phone lit up. It was a message from an unknown number.. hmm? I unlocked my phone. I slowly clicked the message and it was a video. I clicked on the video.

It was a video of Alyssa and her mom being tortured by the unmerciful guy. I accidentaly dropped my phone that caused her dad to look at me. He immediately went to me and shook my body, but i noticed that he saw my phone. He picked it up and saw the video.

I was out of daze. He handed me my phone back and quickly threw a glass at the wall which caused all of them to wake up. They were all shocked. I snapped out of my system and told them what happend. They were angry or sad i guess. But i was either the two though.

We all sat there in silence all of us were thinking of a way to save them as soon as possible before they get killed. I was sitting at the porch staring at the sky and suddenly i was interrupted by Josh.

"Aye man you aight?" He asked.

"Maybe i guess." I replied.

"Look i know everyone is very worried of them but you gotta think positive even though you saw things are bad."

"Maybe you're right mr. Price." I said while trying to smile.

"Yeah there's that smile girls are drooling over(not gonna lie though)." He said and i just chuckled.

"Which reminds me we have to meet Noah at Ben and Jerry's."He said.

Oh yeah! I forgot. He's helping too cause he likes Alyssa. She wasn't the ordinary type of girl. She was competetive, aggresive and kind. The reason why Noah likes her cause she always cooks. Even though no one's really special. She cooks for us when we're coming over. She treats us like a VIP type thing. We don't feel awkward when we're with her cause she makes everything at ease and fun.

We asked her dad's permisson if we can go out, he just nodded and told us to come before supper time and we just nodded in response.

Me, Josh and Julian crossed the street. And boii there are alot of big-ass trucks that'll run over us but luckily we weren't runned over. I wonder what's up with Alyssa and her mom. I know i may sound chill but i don't wanna overthink and assume things ya know?

Alyssa's POV

It's dark,cold, and starvation. That's all i can say. We are at his basement. My mom was far from me. She was at the left corner of the other side of the room and i was at the right other side of the room. Why can't he just let my mom go? He can have me for goodness sake. Then i heard some footsteps. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on what's happening.

"Well, if it isn't the precious Gomez." He started of.

"Just let my mom go and let me stay her. Please. I'm begging you." I cried.

"No. Both of you are jewels of the family." Khalil said.

"May i introduce my grandfather. Patrick Mendoza." He said.

"Ah it is nice to see you. Wait where is her mom?" He asked. Then Khalil pointed her and the old man looked at me again.

"I don't need her mom. I only need her. Do you understand?" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry father. But what should we do?" He asked.

"Let her mom go and she'll stay. I know the feeling of this. When your mom is about to be killed." He replied.

"But grandpa-." He was cutred off.

"No buts Khalil i am the boss and you should obey my orders." He yelled.

"Yes grandpa." He said quitely.

I was relieved that my mom is gonna go. I don't care if i die as long as my siblings still knows mom, i'm ok with it. I saw my mom cold, and starved. I spoke out.

"Please don't hurt her. Just be careful." I said quitely and the badass guys nodded.

My mom finally woke up and she was startled of what was happening. She ran to me crying.

"What? No they should take you not me." She cried.

"Mom it's ok you've sacrificed alot and my other siblings still needs you. Dad needs you." I said smiling weakly.

"But no this isn't fair i have lived long enough so i should stay."

"Mom. For once please listen to me. It's gonna be ok, i won't die in here." I lied. I am gonna die here.

"But honey. I can do anything for them and-." I cutted her off.

"Uhmm mister please take my mom and please don't hurt her. Force her to come with you." I said and they nodded.

"NO YOU CAN'T TAKE ME. SHE'S MY DAUGHTER SHE DESERVES TO LIVE LONGER. NOOOOOO!" She yelled veins were popping out. I just waved at her and smile weakly and tears were dropping. Then she mouthed at me. "I'm gonna get you back. I swear." I just nodded.

"Eww... stop these monkey business. Let's take her away, cause her mom might report it and stuff." Khalil said.

Oopss.. sorry mom your rescue misson is gonna take a little bit longer. I was just there trying my best to make myself warm but there was no use. Then someone went over and bent down at me. It was Khalil's grandpa.

"Hey sweetie, i know it's a very hard time for you. I'm gonna take you to a house and keep you there for a while. Why won't you take a bath?" He said nicely. I just nodded.

When i went to the bathroom i saw a window but i didn't bothered to escape cause it'll cause alot of trouble. I just took a bath and boii i missed it. They gave me sweatpants and my hoodie. It was clean. I thank them and i went down at the basement again.

Even though his grandpa treats me nicley, he'll go back to Spain and Khalil will torture me again. Oh boi! Where is this place? They said they're gonna keep me for a while.

I hope everything's ok with my mom and family.

Thanks guys. God bless💕 mwah💕

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