Day 3

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Alyssa's POV

So i woke up to the vibration of my phone underneath my pillow. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to do stuffs. I went out and saw my picture with Sean on polaroid. Wahh!! Still shook!

It was his freaking number!!! Wahh!! I was literally jumping up and down. Preventing myself to scream because it's just 9am and i am awake. Wow! Anyways, he still freaking gave me his number. I cooled off and calmed myself before sitting down.

I sat down starring at the paper he gave me. I mean it's just a paper woth the Sean Lew's number. Nothing really!(note the sarcasm). So i went to the bathroom again to shower and stuff. Then i went to my dresser to find a maroon crop top black leggings and maroon nike roshé.

Then i went back to the paper. As i was looking at it my phone dinged. A notification from instagram. Hmm it's a dm? Maybe it's just hate but i gotta check it out. I gulped and hoped that it wasn't hate. I was on the app and saw the freaking Sean Lew name.
It freaking popped up and stuff. Woah! He just freaking dm-ed me! Awieeee!!!

Seanlew1125: Hey Aly did you recieved the paper i gave you yesterday?!

Alyssa_Natalie: Uh yeah i did...btw how did you know my ig name?!

Seanlew1125: I have my ways and stuff.

Alyssa_Natalie: Is that necessary?!

Seanlew1125: Too much questions. Btw have you added it to your contacts?!

Alyssa_Natalie: Nope not yet i was just really freaked out.

Seanlew1125: Hmm ok then just give me your number.

Alyssa_Natalie: Why is that?!

Seanlew1125: Because it's weird when the girl texts first and i feel bad for you tho if you did it. So yeah just please give it to me.

Alyssa_Natalie: Well ok here it is(number of the phone)

Seanlew1125: Ok thanks Love! Make sure that you save it and after you saved it make sure that you burn it or something so that no one knows my number but you. So yeah thanks love!;)

Alyssa_Natalie: Uh yeah no problem. Bye!

Seanlew1125: Bye Love be safe!😙😙🙈

After having that convo i just froze and went nuts many questions was running through my head.

1st: How did he get my freaking name. All he knows is my twitter which i don't post names on my bio.

2nd: He just called me "Love". Why?! What?!

3rd: He has the freaking kissy emoji.

I am alright ya know. I just blushed at our convo and just hit myself with a pillow. I saved his number and did what he said. So after doing that i went downstairs to see my family are already up. Wow!

"Hi midget." My annnoying brother greeted me.

"Hello ugly." I greeted back.

"Hun, there are pancakes in the kitchen or you want waffles." My mom said while doing her stuff.

"I'll just check." I said.

"Btw where are you going?!" My overprotective dad asked.

"No where dad just hanging around.'' I said.

"Well ok be safe call us if soemthing went wrong or your mom cause i'll be at work. I know you aren't supposed to have work on weekends but i have too. Ok sweetie?" My dad said.

31 days [ Sean Lew ] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now