0•*<Chapter 1>*•o

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The calm before the storm. The silence before the screams. The silence from the audience as they watched in absolute horror, eyes wider than those of a glisglis, while The Flying Grayson's ,Sans the youngest, fell to dusty floor of the big top tent. Then the screams of anguish piercing the air from the highest platform in the tent. The eyes that were firmly trained on Richard Grayson as the young boy scrambled his way down the ladders and stumbled his way towards the mangled, blood covered bodies of his parents, only to be stopped by the owner of the circus himself, Mr Haley. Chaos followed. Pure Chaos. People ran in all direction to the centre, to the exits, to the nearest phone to call the police and an ambulance. Dick had finally managed I wriggle his way free from the cage of the circus masters arm and was standing in the middle of the hurricane, staring at his parents with a blanc face. He suddenly caught a glimpse of the man he had heard threatening the man he viewed as family, Mr Haley, and his eyes narrowed into slits as the man began to slink away with a sly smile on his wretched face. Anger. Crazed anger, filled his shout and he started to sprint at him. He almost made the whole way before he ran into the leg of a tall young woman. She had almost to pale to believe skin, blonde hair and was dressed in a skintight black and red jester suit with a mad smile gracing her features. Puzzle and concern were obvious on her face as she crouched down to be at his level.
"Hey lil guy! What's wrong huh? It's ok I'm not gonna hurt cha! Why were ya runnin so fast?"
Large, tear filled, angry eyes looked up into hers,
"The bad man behind you threatened Mr Haley and I think that he killed my Mami and Tati!"
"And what were you gonna do when you got to him huh? Tell him off?"
Determination covered the boys face,
"No..." He whispered then with a loud voice,
"I was gonna Kill him!"
"Well the-"
"HARLEY what are you doing we ne- who's that?!"
A man stepped out of the shadows towards them. He had the same skin as the woman and the same even crazier smile. He was wearing black trousers, a white shirt covered with blood stains and a purple coat. Dick looked up at him and said,
"M my names D Di Dick Gr Grayson sir"
The man turned his gaze back to his companion and asked,
"And what were you and Mr Grayson talking about Harls?"
"Well Mister J. We we just talkin bout how his parents, the people who fell, were murdered by the 'bad man' behind me and what he was gonna do when he got to im!"
"And what was that?!"
"I" The Joker and Harley Quinn turned the eyes to look at Dick,
"I was gonna kill him and I'm not gonna do anything else till I do."
The Joker's smile got wider, if that was possible, and he looked at Harley with smiling eyes,
" I think Harls. That we just found ourselves someone to add into our lil family!"

Hey! Emma here. Hope you liked that beginning Chapter! I'm going to try really hard to update this as often as possible!
Please comment what you think and give me ideas for future chapters!
Thanks! Love you lil birdies!

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