body language

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Here's a body language cheat sheet for you guys!

Anger is one expression of fight-or-flight mode -- an automatic, instinctive reaction to a threat. In many cases, there is an underlying fear of being harmed. The autonomic nervous system arousal causes the heart rate to increase, pupils to dilate, and the face may flush. Other signs of anger:

balling the fists
crossing the arms tightly
clenching the fists once arms are crossed
tight-lipped smile
clenched teeth
shaking a finger like a club
stabbing a finger at someone

• pupils dilate
• women will cross and uncross legs to draw attention to them
• mirroring (usually unconsciously mimicking the other person's body language.)

• men in particular have a tendency to stroke or rub the nape of their neck if they're upset. It acts as a self-soothing gesture to deal with a "pain in the neck."
• crossed arms - arms act like a protective barrier
• self-hugging - arms are crossed, hands gripping upper arms
• one-arm cross - one arm crosses the body to hold or touch the other arm - women keep a hand on a purse or bag strap to make this look more natural
• clutching a purse, briefcase, or bag with both arms
• adjusting cuffs or cuff-links (men's version of the purse-strap grab)


Lying cause a subtle tingling in the face and neck, so the gestures below are attempts to eliminate that feeling:

• covering the mouth (can be like a shh gesture, or they may cover the mouth completely - some people try to cover it by coughing
• touching or rubbing the nose or just below the nose - often a quick, small gesture, not a scratch
• rubbing the eyes (especially men)
• scratching the neck with index finger

Openness and honesty
• exposure of the palms
• arms and legs unfolded
• leaning forward

Submissive signals
• smiling - that's why some people smile when they're afraid or upset
• slumping the shoulders
• doing anything to appear smaller

• taking steps backward
• hiding your face in your hands
• shifting glances all around the room
• wide eyes
• crossing your arms around yourself
• taking a defensive stance/pose
• stuttering
• scratching the back of your head
• shifting weight from side to side
• exaggerated hand motions
• nervous quirks
• turning head sideways to avoid staring straight ahead

• • •

Hope this helps you guys out! I'm not sure what the next chapter will be about but we'll see!

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