for the frustrated writers

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This is some advice that I saw that really helped me as I'm currently writing a story for the first time in years.

I feel so frustrated and helpless when trying to write because I can see my story so vividly in my head but I cannot, for the life of me, replicate it on paper.

Once I read this bit of advice, I realized that I'm not just a bad writer, and that I am capable of getting this story out of my head and onto paper.

And because of that, I'm sharing this with you in case it's something you needed to hear.


If you're a new writer, and you have good taste, ambition, and originality, it's going to take a while for your skill set to catch up to your vision.

If your story is difficult to write, it's not a sign that you should quit or change your idea.

Keep writing, keep reading, keep practicing, keep learning, keep writing.

If writing is hard for you, it does NOT mean you are a bad writer. If your story is difficult to write, it does NOT mean your idea is bad.

It means you have a complex vision and you haven't developed the skills you need to pull it off yet.

Many times, you'll gain those skills in the very process of your writing. Other times, you'll have to put down that story for a few weeks, months, or even years until your skills catch up.

The process can be slow, but your abilities will catch up with your ambition if you keep writing.

So keep going forward. It's cool if you get discouraged, that's part of the process, but do not give up.

And do not delete anything.

Keep all your writing, including ideas and first drafts that went no where.

If you understand that you didn't have a bad idea, just a skill that you haven't developed yet, then you'll be less tempted to throw away your writing in frustration.

And in the future when you develop the skills you need, you'll be really glad you those stories and ideas to go back to.


Hope that encourages you if you needed to hear that! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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