twenty six || real life

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september 30th 2023

"honey i'm home!" askia sung, walking into the living room to see chris pacing.

she frowned.

"what's wrong?"

"when were you going to tell me you were moving to australia?"

she froze.

"next month for that matter!" he exclaimed. "were you ever going to tell me? or were you just going to leave?" he asked, finally turning to face her.

"i swear i was going to tell you!" she responded, putting her bag down, and walking over to him.

she tried taking his hand, but he pulled away.

he ran his hands through his hair.

"how long have you known?"

"since february," she mumbled.

"eight fucking months?"

"i tried so many times to tell you! i swear!"

"but you didn't? did you?" he retorted.

she sat on the sofa and held her head in her hands to stop herself crying. she was waiting for this to happen, she just wanted to be the one who told him.

"they called when i was on holiday," she started. "i had to give my answer immediately, so i said yes! who wouldn't? it's the lead in a leo smith movie!"

"i wanted to call you and tell you so bad, but i wasn't sure i wanted the role! i'm still not!"

she sighed, and chris raised his head to look at her, his face softening slightly.

"everytime i tried to tell you i'd chicken out, or we'd be interrupted! i took it as a sign i should just turn it down, but liz told me i was stupid, and to grow some balls and tell you," she sighed again.

"liz knew?" he asked, angry again.

she nodded.

"you told her before me? i'm your husband! we're supposed to tell each other everything!" he yelled, turning away from her again.

a tear slid down her cheek, and she wiped it away fast, before standing up.

"i don't know what else to say, i'm so so sorry," she mumbled.

"i hope you go, and you film it," he looked at her. "but... but i'm staying here,"

"chris please," askia begged, holding his arm softly. "please just hear me out, we need to talk about this,"

chris just stood there, his face blank of any emotion.

"i can't, please, just go," he responded, pulling his arm from her grasp and leaving the apartment.

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