Chapter 11

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Go check out my new book Protection From Hell! It's also H2OVanoss and will be updated Friday's despite being published today.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.


"We'll be back, Ev! Try not to burn the house down!" Jonathan called as he left the apartment, the door closing behind him with a loud thud. The guys had to go to a meeting, as Tyler had put it, but Evan knew it probably had to do with the job they had done the day Evan had come home. I mean, they had to get paid sometime, right?

Unknowing what to do, Evan flopped onto the couch, randomly flipping through TV channels. He surfed passed Spanish Novellas, Soap Operas, News Shows-both local and world-, and various other TV shows and movies before settling on something that looked somewhat decent.

After half an hour, Evan wandered into the kitchen and made himself some popcorn, suddenly feeling extremely hungry. Must be the amnesia, he thought to himself as he placed the bag of popcorn into the microwave.

Brock hadn't really explained any symptoms he might have because of his amnesia since he did have a pretty extreme case of it. Which didn't make sense to Evan considering he should know his medical state but he didn't really make sense of anything at that point so he just accepted it. I mean, he had to cut his friends some slack considering he pretty much came back from the dead.

Once Evan had made his popcorn and grabbed a soda, he returned to his previous position on the couch, mindlessly watching some stupid movie that looked like a chick flick. Quickly finding an action movie, he opened his soda and took a sip, trying to take his mind off of everything that happened so far.

He just wanted to feel like a normal human being, not like the supposed dead leader of the greatest gang in town. Because that leader was Vanoss, a fearless badass, and he was just Evan, some guy with a really bad case of amnesia.


Thunder clapped, causing the seven year old to sink further into his sheets as he searched for comfort. Normally he would call his parents in this situation, but he could hear them yelling at each other downstairs. They had been doing this for a while now, maybe a month and a half, but they acted fine around him. So he didn't think anything of it.

But tonight felt different, and he thought it was just the storm that made it feel worse, so he just tried to go to sleep.

Until when the clap of thunder rang out, he heard a loud crash downstairs, and a scream. The boy jumped out of bed and made his way downstairs, having heard no further noise. As he reached the stairs, he called out to his parents.

"M-mommy? Daddy?" His frightened voice called out, sounding a bit strained from his fear. Cautiously, he made his way down the stairs, having not heard a reply.

He reached the bottom and moved towards the kitchen, having heard a muffled voice. He pressed himself against the wall as he neared the doorway, hoping to eavesdrop on whatever was being said.

"Laura, I'm so sorry, shit I'm so sorry. I should've just gotten a divorce! Should've got a divorce.....shit wait, Evan. Hell, what am I gonna tell him? What's gonna happen to him?" He heard his Dad's panicked voice. What was he so worried about?

The boy peeked around the doorway to see his father standing over his mother, who was in a pool of blood and broken glass. Fear darted throughout his entire body, he wanted to gasp, but couldn't because his threat suddenly went dry.

He backed away, hurriedly making his way to the stairs. He rushed up the stairs, his breathing becoming heavier as he realized what was happening.

After closing and locking the door to his room, he pressed his back against it and slid towards the floor, letting out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

Once the situation set in to his young mind, he stumbled to his feet, making his way to his closet. He dug through a pile of clothes, stopping when his hand brushed the worn fabric of his backpack. Pulling the bag free from underneath the pile, he quickly shoved a small amount of clothes into it, the only thing he could think of was getting out of the house while he still could.

After he had a sizable amount of clothes in his bag, he searched the room for anything else he would want to take with him. Deciding on a few pictures, his favorite toy, the money from his piggy bank and a few candy bars he had laying around, he made his way over to the window, hoping to escape through there.

Just as he reached the window, he saw something on his nightstand that he had completely disregarded. A phone. It was a landline that his parents had installed in his room in case of an emergency. But since there was never an emergency, Evan usually forgot about it was there.

He froze, listening for any movement in the hallway, it was silent. Cautiously and quietly, to not make any noise, he shuffled over to the phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, this is 911. What's your emergency?" A female voice sounded the phone. Panicked, the boy explained what was happening.

"I think my dad just killed my mom. There was a lot of yelling then there was a loud crash. So like I went to check and saw my dad standing over her, there was tons of blood and broken glass." His response sounded rushed towards the end as he recalled the scene that he had seen downstairs.

"Oh dear. I'll send police officers right away, do you know what your address is?"

Evan gave her his address, surprised he could remember it in his state of panic.

"Ok, they're on their way to your house, can you stay on the phone with me?" Her voice was calm, which relaxed the boy a bit.

"Yeah, I can do that." He replied, his voice still a little shaky.


The next few hours felt like they went by way too quickly. It was only a matter of time before the sirens had sounded down the street, the boy could almost immediately hear loud crashes come from downstairs.

Absentmindedly, the boy hung up on the phone as he heard loud bangs and shouts come from downstairs as well. The police must have arrived. He quickly grabbed his backpack, pressing himself against the wall as the shouting and bangs got louder.

After what had seemed like forever, silence sounded throughout the house. Evan heard quiet footsteps in the hallway, they didn't sound heavy, but he still felt terrified.

Suddenly, three soft knocks came from the other side of his door. He jumped at the sound, which was followed by a female voice. "Anybody in there? It's the police, you are safe."

Relaxing, the boy scrambled to his feet, pulling the backpack over his shoulder as he made his way to the door. He unlocked it and pulled it open.

The officer gave him a warm smile, holding out her hand for him to take. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. Let's go outside ok? Some of my friends are gonna ask you a couple of questions, that's all." She said as she led the boy down the hall, all he did was nod as they reached the stairs.

He just wanted everything to be over.


Evan woke up in a panic, clutching the sheets as he jolted to a sitting position, his breath short and ragged. Feeling discombobulated, he quickly looked around at his surroundings before remembering where he was.

His grip on the sheets loosened, his breath calming down but still short and quick. Pulling the covers off, he got off the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, still in shock from his dream.

He was splashing his face with cold water when it hit him.

It wasn't a dream.

It was a memory.

Memory (H2OVanoss)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now