Chapter 4our

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Jake returned within 15 minutes, which was surprisingly quick. "Hey." He smiled at Chrisember as he walked through the gate and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey." She smiled back.

"So, they didn't have any of the box things in stock -"

"What?!" She shouted, panic rushing through her. If they didn't have any of the box things then how is she going to call her family! "That's..." she looked up at him and his cheeks were bright red and he was weezing like he was holding back laughter then when he couldn't hold it back he started laughing and coughing at the same time. He bent over and put his hands on his knees. "Oh, you are so mean!" She playfully slapped him on the arm and folded her arms in a pout.

"Your face!" He weezed, "you should have seen it!"

"It's not funny." She huffed.

"Come on, it was a little funny." He smiled, he was done laughing.

"No, it wasn't. It was extremely mean of you."

"Aww, your so cute when you're angry." He poked her on the cheek, where Chrisember felt heat rush to. She was blushing, he just called her cute. That must count for something, right?

Jake attempted to ignore Chrisember's blushing as he pulled out the box thing from his pocket. He handed it to her and she grabbed it from his hand. She plugged it into the charger and then the outlet. Her eyes lit up at the icon on her phone, the fluid in the battery was flashing and the lightning bolt was inside the battery. She smiled and Jake frowned, "So, you want me gone that fast eh?" He teased.

"Get your mind out of the gutter! And no, I don't want you gone... not yet." She smirked.

"When will the yet happen?"

"Not in a million years."

"Okay, good. That gives me plenty of time with you."

"So, shall we skate?" Chrisember asked.

"Sure, but I have to admit I'm not very good."

"That's fine, I'll help you out."


"Yeah, but don't get jealous. I've been skating since I was 5."


"Yeah, it was my favorite sport."

"Ice Skating isn't a sport." He laughed.

"Yes it is."

"No. Hockey, that's a sport. Ice skating? No."

"Oh? Just because men aren't known to competitive skate doesn't mean it's not a sport." She stood from her chair and faced him, poking him on the chest.

"Fine, it's a sport I guess."

"Your not cute anymore..."

"You think I'm cute?" The mistletoe might actually be a success! Jake thought.

"Not anymore if you keep bashing Ice Skating."

"Fine, let's just skate." He took off his shoes and began strapping into the hockey skates but then he stopped, "Um..." he was confused with the strapping.

"Here." She said, kneeling in front of him and strapping his feet into the hockey skates properly.

"Thanks." He thanked her.

When she was finished, she stood and said "Come on, slowpoke!"

He stood and then fell back into the chair as he lost his balance. She laughed and then pulled him up. She held his hand, blushing, and helped him onto the ice rink. When she stepped on she slid elegantly along the ice and began showing off to Jake, twirling and doing figure eights. She formed an audience as she did so and when she finished with a curtsy they applauded her and went back to skating. "Show Off." Jake mumbled under his breath.

"You can learn to do that." She smiled as she slid back to him towards the entrance.

"Sure, in a million years."

"Good thing we have the time." Jake smiled at her comment, "Now come on, bucko, let's see your moves." She reached her hands out for him and he grabbed ahold, stepping on the frozen floor. His eyes widened as he fell onto his bum, letting go of her hands to break his fall. She laughed at him and then got him back up. "Try holding onto the wall, it's a bit easier." He did as he was told and pretty soon he got the hang of it. Now, for the next level. Chrisember and Jake held each other's hand and Jake practiced on the ice. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

Chrisember laughed.

"I'll take that as a no." In the inside he was smiling with glee. This mistletoe thing is really starting to look real, he thought to himself. Jake slipped but managed to catch his fall before he actually fell. "Wow, good catch!" She commented.

"Thanks, I'm glad I didn't break my nose."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to go to the ER just yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that would be a terrific ending to a perfect day."

"Careful, your sarcasm is showing." He smirked. She smiled, then she grabbed his hand again and they started to skate together again.

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