Chapter 8ight

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Chrisember took out her phone from her back pocket and examined the caller ID, Mother was what it read. Chrisember's heart skipped a beat in her excitement, she wanted to answer but she realized that it was too noisy in The Bean so she decided to go outside. She squeezed past the crowd towards the front door and exited, once she got there she clicked answer. "Hello?" She asked, because that was the logical response to say even though you know who the caller is. "Chrisember!" Her mom nearly shouted in her excitement.


"Oh, honey, I'm so so sorry! I'm coming to get you right now." She was still shouting.

"Are you at Linda's?"


"Oh, you remembered the party but not your own daughter!" The rage Chrisember felt boiled up.

"Mind your tone with me, young missy!" Her mom sounded angry. What the hell!? Chrisember thought, Why is my mom mad, I should be the one to be mad! She left me in the cold!

"Sorry mom...."

"I forgive you. Now, where are you at again?"

What do you mean where am I at?! You're the one who left me here! "The Christmas Tree Farm."

"Okay, I'll be there in about two hours."

"Two hours?"

"Well you have to consider traffic."

"Hey." Jake said, Chrisember looked up at him and smiled. "My mom." She mouthed. He smiled, but it wasn't the same as all his other smiles, it was more like a sad smile, and gave her a thumbs up.

"Who is that?" Her mother demanded.

"Don't worry, mom."

"Is that a boy?"

"Yes... "

"Friend or other?"

"Can we talk about this later?"


"You have two hours of a drive, you better get going."

"Alright, but we are talking about it. Love you."

How great, she has to remind me that she loves me. "Love you too."

"Bye, leaving now."

"Bye." Chrisember hung up her phone and put it in her pocket. "So, your mom."

"Yes, my mom."

"Yeah, I assumed so. I saw you leave The Bean."
"Yeah, sorry. Too loud."

Jake nodded, "So, I guess this is it then?" He thought about the mistletoe in his pocket and grew even sadder because he couldn't use it now that she was leaving.

"We have two more hours. Where to next?"

"We should get going now."



Chrisember looked at her feet sadly, that was the exact thing that her mom said to her. "Alright, let's go."

Jake grabbed Chrisember's hand and they walked towards the Walmart parking lot. Their walk was quiet, Jake was panicking about how he was going to use the mistletoe on Chrisemeber. He did like her, alot, and he wanted to be her boyfriend as well but he was too scared to do anything and now that Chrisember was leaving he needed to do this quickly but not have it seem rushed. Chrisember was sad because she really liked Jake and now that in two hours they were coming to an end she wished she had done something about their relationship. She wanted to kiss him and ask to be his girlfriend but she thought that what if Jake didn't like her that way.

They got to the car fairly quickly and Jake opened the passenger door for Chrisember, she thanked him as she got into the car and buckled up. It only took a couple of minutes until they were back on the road again. The car was silent, much like the walk, before Jake cleared his throat and broke the quiet. "So, how are you feeling?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you seem upset. I thought you'd be happy to get a call from your mom."

"I was, until..." Until you.

"Until what?"


"You can tell me anything, you know."

"Not this."


"Its personal."

"Like what kind of personal are we talking about?"

"Geez, nosey much?"

"Hey, don't dismiss the question." He smiled.

"Okay, okay.... I have feelings."


"Yeah, feelings."

Jake pulled the car over, parking on the side of the road. Now is the time, tell her how you feel. He thought.

"Um, what are we doing."

"I have something to admit to you..."


"Okay, I like you Chrisember."


"Yeah, like a lot."

"Me too."


"Yeah, like a lot."

He smiled, then pulled out the mistletoe and held it above them. "Chrisember, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Heck yeah!" She exclaimed and with that Jake leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The kiss sent tingles where his lips touched her cheek and she felt butterflies fly around her stomach. "You're so chivalrous." Chrisember complimented.

"Is that a good thing?"


"You're so sweet."

"Thank you, you are too." She blushed, "I have to admit I'm not very practiced at being anyone's girlfriend."

"I don't believe that! You're hot!"

"Well, there is no shortage of guys flirting with me but I'd just been waiting for the right one to come along."

"I'm the special one?"

"Yeah, you are special."

Jake smiled then leaned back in his seat, moving the car back onto the road.

"Where are we going?" Chrisember asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Oh, you know how much I love surprises!"

"I do, especially during the winter."

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