Chapter 6ix

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The sleigh stopped at the sidewalk and they discovered there was a small line forming to ride the sleigh. Chrisember folded the blanket back up and set it back where it sat as Jake got out of the sleigh. She stood and grabbed Jake's hand that he held out in an offering as she climbed out. "Thank you so much, sir." Jake thanked the driver as they left. The driver tipped his truckers hat at them and then greeted his next customers. Jake smiled at Chrisember, "So, how do you feel now that you finally rode on a sleigh?"

"Hmmm," she hummed as she slipped her hand into his, "Like a 19th Century Disney Princess." she smiled.

"Is that a good thing?" He questioned.


"Right, because all girls love Disney."

"Not all, but some."

"Yeah, some as in 99.9% of the girl population!"

Chrisember scoffed and then bent down to pick up some snow. She threw it at Jake and it sprinkled him in the face. He stood there with a I'm-so-done-with-you expression and then he ran towards a pile of snow shouting "Snowball fight!" he started chucking balls of snow at Chrisember and she squealed and hid behind a pile of snow to dodge the line of his fire. She made a couple of snowballs in the process of hiding then she chucked them randomly above her cover. When she peeked up from the coverage she noticed that Jake was nowhere to be found. She walked out of her hiding spot stupidly and proceeded to call his name, "Jake? Jake, where are you?" Silence, "I'm not joking around, I have abandonment issues!" She joked as she heard a chuckle behind her and turned around. He smirked and then said, "Is that what you're calling it now?" It referring to what occurred earlier that day, how Christember's family forgot her existence and left her at the Christmas Tree farm.

"Yeah." She hid a snowball behind her back unsuspiciously and smiled at him.

"I wouldn't abandon you." He inched closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, he leaned his head towards her. Okay, this is definitely it. Jake is going to kiss me! She puckered up but only a pile of snow came at her face. "Hey!" She yelled as Jake was busy laughing. She was a bit angry even though she was going to do the same thing only after the assumed kiss. "You're such a tease!" She shouted at him.

"I... I just love the way your lips scrunched up like that!" He said in-between wheezes. She smiled mischievously and then slammed her snowball on top of his head.

"Hey!" He shouted as he watched Chrisember started running away in a fit of giggles. Jake chased after her once he recovered from having a snowball be shoved on top of his head. They ran around the sidewalk for a couple of minutes before Chrisember became out of breath. She bent over, hands on knees, and wheezed for air. Jake caught up to her and slammed a pile of snow on her head. She squealed, grabbing a pile of snow in her hand before starting to back up and threw it at him. He dodged it with a "Woah!" and his hands threw up in the air. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Truce?"

"Yes, please!" She said happily and started to walk towards him but he held out his hand to stop her, she froze in her tracks. "What?" She questioned.

"Don't come anywhere near me until you show me your hands!"

"Why? You don't trust me?" She smiled sweetly, honestly she forgot that she was holding both her hands behind her back.

"You nearly gave me a concussion! Of course I don't trust you!"

"Aww," She frowned. "Poor baby."

"I'm not a baby!"

"Are you sure about that, you whine a lot for an older person."

"Shut up!" He joked, "Try something else."

"Babe? Bae? No thank you, I like baby better."

He frowned at that, if she prefered baby then does that mean she doesn't like me? If that was the case, why did she seem like she wanted a kiss from me? He thought to himself then he noticed that she put her hands up. When she noticed that he saw her she gave a smile. "Truce." She agreed. He smiled, too, and then began walking towards her. He noticed her visibly shiver and worried that she was cold. "Want to go somewhere warm?" He offered.

"Um, sure. Where?"

"There is this cool indie coffee shop I've always wanted to visit around the corner."

"Cool? Isn't that too mainstream?"

Her joke made him laugh, "What word would better suit an indie coffee shop?"

"Rad, amazing, aweful...."

He laughed once more then when he was close to her he grabbed her hand, "Shall we?"

"Okay, but it better not be full of awe." She smiled.  

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