So Relatable! Poem :)

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so another poem here :) i'm thinking about posting a poem after every 5 relatable jokes and funny stuff :D tell me if you're cool with that or if you like poems or nah but anyway.. here goes a poem i wrote yesterday. this is for the girls who think they're not beautiful enough for the world, well trust me you are and you seriously don't need to change yourself for those pathetic people who can't love you as the person you are right now <3

. . .



she thinks that she's not beautiful.

i say she is.

not in your shallow interpretation of beauty though.

i say she's art.

she's never just pretty,

art wasn't supposed to look pretty.

art was supposed to make you feel something.

and the people around her did felt something.

but she'll never know that.

but maybe if she let me,

i would tell her of course.

i'll tell her in a heartbeat

if she let me break down her walls.

cause you're this forest fire, dangerously beautiful,

but i know she's more than that.

a million words cannot compare to her smile,

and i don't think anyone can decrypt 

the mystery she holds.

i want to know what's running inside her head,

but if she loves me so,

she'll tell me herself.

she'll see me as something worthy of her secrets.

she'll trust me with her fears and hopes i can keep them away.

and i will keep them away-

even if  it  kills me.

cause even if she finds it hard to love herself,

i'd still love her so.

but darling the pain you feel right now

they won't last forever.

i'll be here to remind you

of the person you are, the




soul that you have.

till you realize that you were perfect all along

with the flaws you have.

and you don't need other people's judgement.

i want you to look perfect in your eyes.

learn to love yourself

even if other people thinks its selfish

because i tell you it's not.

it's courageous 

and if they don't see that

then don't resent them.

you see beauty in all things

and it's unfortunate that they don't,

so darling see beauty in yourself now

don't hate yourself for the mistakes you've done-

cause if you think that matters,

it sure doesn't.



how was it? :) i hope ya'll like it <3 should i make more of these?

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