Chapter 1 Train Ride

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"I still can't believe you managed to win that writing contest," Gabie muses as she sketches on her new notebook. Her hand is shaking ever so slightly as the train moves along.

"You doubt my writing skills?" I exclaim in faux hurt.

"No, just your scientific mind. Allie, the essay contest was made by Tony Stark so I can't really believe you managed to write about astrophysics or something. You got B's in all your science classes in high school," Gabie points out and I pout.

"You have a point there. The contest was about renewable energy and science stuff. I didn't even think my submission would be accepted," I grumble and cross my arms.

"What did you write?"

"I wrote a short story personifying the Arc reactor in Tony Stark's chest and may have included something about his time trapped by terrorists. I guess my story struck a chord in him," I answer thoughtfully. The very thought of Tony Stark reading something I wrote is electrifying in itself, but him liking it is insane. I am still in a state of shock from reading the congratulations letter.

"Your words do have a way to make people feel," Gabie agrees.

"Yours too. Hey, why didn't you enter?" I ask and peer over her shoulder to see what she's drawing. It's an abstract drawing of a girl without a heart.

"I was too busy making my submissions for the week-long art school I'll be attending while we're in New York," she responds and sits up. She wears a wide smile on her face that I'm not used to seeing. "I'm so excited to be going."

"Excited to leave the house too I bet?" I conclude and she nods. We rented a small apartment for the week here.

"I'm finally going to be living with someone who actually appreciates my presence," Gabie says. Her family isn't exactly the greatest so it's good for her to get away.

"Right! We will be bunking together for a week! You get to go to art school, I get to stay in the apartment and write all day! And most of all we both get to go to the super private party to celebrate the opening of Stark tower!" I cheer excitedly and wave my hands. I couldn't be more ecstatic about this. "I never thought I could be this happy!"

"Me too!"


"Ready to see our apartment for the week?" I question and wave the set of keys in front of Gabie. She nods and I unlock the door to reveal a cozy interior. We quickly shove our bags inside and shut the door behind us.

The apartment has a bathroom, one bedroom, a living space, and a kitchen. The bedroom has two queen beds and a medium sized closet. The living area has a large red couch and a decent sized tv. The kitchen has everything you need and lovely granite countertops.

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