Chapter 7 Portal In The Sky

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"That is looking so good," Izzy compliments referring to the necklace I'm working on. I'm wire wrapping broken China pieces and shards of glass.

It is Saturday but Izzy got us a special pass to come in and work at the school.

Suddenly my phone blares loudly making me groan and put down my pliers. I grab my phone and answer it when I see Allie's picture on the screen.

"Allie, what's up?"

"It's happening! Gabie, I'm losing my mind!" Allie screams through the phone. She sounds terribly freaked out.

"What's happening? Allie, what's going on?"

"I was just going to my office to see what it was all about you know? I swear I didn't do anything!"

"I believe you, Allie just tell me what is happening," I order sternly.

"The sky broke open and all these aliens are pouring out and Tony is out there and I have to go out there don't I? God, I'm literally wearing a dark purple corset dress and fishnets. Oh shit, they've started attacking civilians! I'm going out there!"

 Oh shit, they've started attacking civilians! I'm going out there!"

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That's when the line goes dead.

"Shit," I grumble and stand up. Tossing off my sweater I throw my hair into a messy bun above my head.

Looking down I realize that my long-sleeved purple shirt and black slacks will have to do. I'm sure the shoulder cutouts on the shirt will annoy me later.

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