Chapter 6 Breaking News

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"He was nothing like the news makes him out to be," Allie says as the elevator takes us down. "I think I'm in love with him and Pepper." I chuckle and shake my head, leave it to Allie to fall in love with Tony Stark and his girlfriend Pepper Potts. "I mean it I think my bisexual heart actually exploded in there."

"Oh gosh Allie," I laugh out and she bursts into giggles.

"That was the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Me too," I agree.

Both of us have seemed to forget the reason an agent of Shield was there.


Twenty minutes later we enter our apartment with candy and drinks in tow and that's when all my excitement and joy bubbles up in a fit of loud laughter and shaking limbs.

"That was awesome!" we both scream and start bouncing around the apartment.

"I can renew our lease! He's gonna publish my writing! Oh, my god, this is a dream come true! We can pay for more art school too! I have an office in his tower! We have so much Stark electronic shit! This is the best day of my life!!" Allie exclaims and leaps up and down on the couch. I hop up next to her and start bouncing too.

"I don't think this could get any better!" I agree. It's just hit me that Allie and I never have to go back home, we don't have to walk past where it happened every day anymore, we don't have to deal with our families anymore, we are free!

"Let us celebrate by eating all that candy and drinking all that soda!" Allie suggests.

"Let's do it!"


Hours later we're both laying on the couch full of candy and soda utterly blissed out. Allie is mindlessly flipping through channels as her stomach tries to digest all the crap she put in it.

Suddenly she stops at a news station and gasps. Lazily I look up and instantly sit straight upright when I see.

It's a newsperson standing before a pretty badly destroyed fancy building in Stuttgart, Germany.

"Just moments ago an unknown man attacked this gala, killed one of its honored guests, and then trapped a hundred people outside. The man was 'dressed in gold, black, and green, and wore a large helmet' spectators say and 'he seemed to be in six places at once.' On scene law enforcement reports that an unknown aircraft attempted to take the man down but failed. Onlookers say Captain America fought the unknown man and was nearly killed when Iron Man showed up. Before police arrived the aircraft, unknown man, Captain America, and Iron Man all disappeared."

That's when a grainy phone video of Iron Man flying in an taking down the man plays on screen.

"More to the story as it develops."

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