Chapter 4 Tony Stark

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Tony Stark saunters along on the platform outside as mechanical arms take the Iron Man suit off piece by piece and disappear under moving floor tiles.

Once the suit is gone I can really see Tony Stark and I understand why he used to be a playboy. He's hot as fuck. I've always liked beards, and I thought Richard Armitage had the best one but somehow Tony Stark's trumps it. His muscles are defined by the tight shirt her wears as well as the glowing arc reactor underneath.

This is all so astounding.

"Welcome, Allison Marel Hollden to Stark Tower!" Tony Stark proclaims loudly with his arms held up triumphantly. His entire face is lit up with a dazzling smile that makes the sun look dull. "And welcome Gabrielle Tulip Trent!" I stand horribly still for a moment frozen in shock before clearing my throat and waving.

"Hi." Is all I can manage.

"She means thank you," Gabie interjects, braver than I. Gabie can always raise her voice when it's needed.

"Yes! Thank you and it's such a pleasure to meet you! Sorry this is all so...insane and I'm a girl with anxiety so right now my mind is exploding," I ramble then flinch. "Probably shouldn't have shared that last tidbit."

"No, I appreciate openness. Let me say it is amazing to meet the girl that managed to win my science essay contest with a short story about the arc reactor," Tony exclaims and takes my hand with both of his to give it a meaningful shake. "Gosh, you're both such lovely looking girls."

"I'm really glad you liked my story," I breathe out as my face reddens.

"I loved it. In fact, I want to publish it for you but we can discuss that later. I need to have an adult conversation with my lady friend over there," Tony says nonchalantly and winks at me before striding over to Pepper.

Gabie comes to me and snaps in my face till I start blinking again.

"He wants to publish my story," I hiss as my heart pulses rapidly. "Gabie I am freaking the fuck out right now."

"Hey stay calm Allie. This is good, it's great even. Just try to stay cool and collected," Gabie whispers and closes her eyes. Soon I feel a rush of calm come through our bond and I smile happily.

"You're awesome."

"I know," Gabie says and smirks. I subtly nod to Tony and Pepper so Gabie nods and pretends to talk to me in a low voice so we can both listen.

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