Party Poison

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"Alright, love birds, time to get up," Bulletproof Battery muttered, slowly walking away from the sleeping girls. Chaos was sitting by the fire, trying to make what looked like eggs. As he pushed the yellow substance around the wooden pan a green laser blasted right through his skull. He fell over, dead. Atomic pushed Helena down into the sleeping bag as she pulled out her gun and shot the Draciloid who killed her friend. As more and more of the monsters started appearing more and more started dropping dead on the spot. Helena poked her head out of the bag, a laser almost taking her head. Atomic shot the Draciloids down, revenge was the only thing she could think of. Once the small army of Draciloids was finshed she ran over to Chaos' body, sobbing as she looked into his lifeless green eyes. She took his mask out of his jacket pocket, putting it in her own. Chaos' gun sat in it's holster, never to be used again. Atomic picked it up, holding it tightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at the shinny purple ray gun, dubbed "Sinner." Atomic studied the ray gun, tears flooding her eyes.
"I'm going to make them pay for this. I promise. They're going to pay for this, Henery." Atomic pulled off Chaos' jacket, knowing it would never be used again. She pulled it close, holding onto the gun and the jacket as if they were the only things keeping her alive, like the tighter she held them the more life would be pushed back into Chaos. Neon, Bulletproof and Helena all crowded around Atomic, but they didn't utter a word. They knew what was coming.
Atomic slipped Chaos' jacket over her shoulders, put his gun in her pocket and took one last look at her best friend. And with that she stood up and started digging a hole. Once Chaos Killer was buried a headstone was made, a simple rock engraved with the words:
Henery Boulder
"Chaos Killer"
12/3/2000 to 6/8/2019
"So long and goodnight"
Atomic wouldn't sleep until Better Living Industries was defeated.

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