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Atomic smiled and pullled Helena up off the cold elevator floor. The two only had one idea in mind: find Bulletproof Battery and Neon Dust.
Atomic slowly strutted into a room, gun in hand, ready to stain the hallways red with a river of Draculoid blood. Atomic looked around, seeing no one near. Laying in the middle of the room were two figures, one wearing a neon green jacket with a black 'X.' They had found Neon Dust and Bulletproof Battery, but they were too late. Both were dead, their bodies bloody, although it seemed as if they died together, holding onto one another for dear life.
"Take their guns, masks, and jackets."
Helena did as told while Atomic's face glistened with tears. Within a week all her friends had died horrible deaths that she could've prevented. Revenge was going to be sweet, she could give three cheers to that.
"Here," Helena said, handing Atomic the guns and other things that made her friend's personas. The neon green jacket and matching gun which belonged to Neon Dust was splattered with blood, the same going for Bulletproof Battery's clothing.
Atomic slipped the guns into her pockets, giving the jackets and masks to Helena, she walked over to the bodies and lifted them onto her shoulders. The remaining heroes walked out of the building that would claim their friends. Sitting the bodies in the back seat of the Trans Am, Atomic popped into the front seat, a tear sliding down her pale face as she hit the gas and blasted out of the miserable connotation of the building she was trapped in. Helena watched as Atomic pushed a tape into the player in the car, Red Flag by Billy Talent blasting through as they drove to Chaos Killer's gave. A few hours later and two graves were dug, two heroes were buried, and two girls were left broken.
"They didn't-it's my fault...if I wasn't so hellbent on Chaos-"
"You did nothing wrong, Atomic. Everything's going to be okay. Take the guns and jackets and masks and meet me in the car. We're going to get out of this damn city and leave this behind, the memories of their deaths not the memories of their souls."
Atomic smiled, saying her last words to Chaos Killer, Neon Dust, and Bulletproof Battery, the greatest people to ever live. She packed up, deciding to wear Neon's jacket, reaching into the pocket she felt something, pulling out the paper to reveal a picture of all four Killjoys, smiling and all doing somthing different. Chaos was giving a thumbs up, Bulletproof was saluting, Neon was flipping the camera off, and Atomic was hugging all of them. The back read "the best group of friends ever. They've got my back."
Atomic smiled, getting into the Trans Am and looking back at her friend's graves one last time. It seemed almost as if they wanted her to go as much as she wanted to run away and leave everything behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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