Regaining Memories and old friends

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Why did Cana do that? I am so mad right now! I can't believe she knocked me out and left me lying on the cold hard ground!

Wait a second, where am I? I stop storming around Tenroujima Island to look around the clearing I entered and see a figure slouched against a tree, sleeping. I approach the figure slowly and feel an immense amount of dark energy radiating from him. I realise who this person is, Zeref. I kneel down in front of him to look at his handsome sleeping face. Suddenly he stirs and I back up a little bit.

"Are you alright, Zeref?" I ask not feeling any fear at all.

"Lucy Heartfilia?" He asks me, joy on his face.

"Yes, how do you know my name?" I ask cautiously.

"Time for you to remember me my sweet," Zeref says and before I know it, he is kissing me. I relax into the kiss, I can't help it, it feels natural and my eyelids flutter closed. When I do lots of forgotten memories come back.

Me as a little girl.... But 400 years ago. I am playing with Zeref and Mavis! My mum is sitting and watching before glowing gold and summoning a dragon.

"Hello sister," she says stroking the snout of the dragon and I run over.

"Aunty Celeste!" I cry and hug her.

"Lucy time for training, you to Mavis and you Zeref," the golden dragon says and we climb onto the dragon's back. We fly off waving to my mother below and laughing as we feel the wind in our hair.

The next memory I am a bit older and I am having a friendly duel with Zeref using dragon slayer magic, mine is celestial and his is dark. Mavis is sitting in a nearby tree on a low branch and swinging her legs back and forth watching the battle next to Celeste whilst Celeste was in human form. Celeste is tall with golden hair, golden eyes, a golden dress and a pair of simple gold flat shoes with leathery gold dragon wings sprouting out her back, folded in at this moment of time.

"It is a draw, well down," Celeste says ruffling our hair.

"Thanks aunty Celeste," I say before being pulled into a hug by Mavis Vermilion.

The next few memories are similar and some of them were training ones. One struck me though.

I see me, Mavis and Zeref standing with Celeste in the training clearing we use.

"You three are some of the most powerful wizards in the world. You could start a wizard guild, they are becoming quite popular," Celeste says and we all look at each other and nod.

"I think we should," Mavis says nodding.

"Great, I thought you'd say that," Celeste says pulling out a bunch of papers.

"What's that?" Zeref and I ask in unison.

"Paperwork to get permission to start a guild," she explains why we need the paperwork and we nod.

"Now what will the guild be called?" Celeste asks after we spend a couple hours filling the rest of it out.

"How about Dragon Scale?" I say and they shake their heads.

"It does not seem right," Mavis says.

"I agree, how about Luna scale?" Zeref suggests and me, Mavis and Celeste burst out laughing.

"Seriously Zeref-kun that doesn't even make any sense!" I say as our laughter turns into giggles.

"Stop it I am not good at this kind of thing," he says pouting. I kiss his cheek to make him feel better and in a way of apology to, Zeref blushes and I do too.

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