Ravens Tail and the guild of the mermaid

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Authors Note: After god knows how long I am back, yes I do know Lamia Scale's real name but I thought what I put made a better chapter title.

I will stop with the excuses and promises, which I did mean at the time but I came up not able to carry them through so sorry for that. That weekly update turned out to be a false promise :( 

I'll let you get on with what you came for now :D

Town in Fiore - No POV - With Team Dark Hearts/the new guild

The group did notice the stares but chose to ignore them as they followed Lucy and Gray to Ravens Tail. It didn't take them long and when they arrived outside the guild, Laxus stopped anyone going in as he sniffed the air.

"Their master smells like my so called father of this age," Laxus says and Lucy nods, Zeref had picked up Luna and kept a hat over his hair and a mask over his lower face as not to be recognised as the darkest wizard of the time. Mavis used a repelling charm designed to make oneself seem invisible by making people not emotionally close to them avoid looking in that direction.

"Okay, well let's just go in, get Flare and leave. We don't need any confrontations with the master apart from before leaving with our next new-old friend," Freed says, always the voice of reason.......most of the time anyway.

"On three," Jellal says, Mystogan hat and scarf on.


On 1 Wendy sends a gust of strong wind at the door and they slam open, the chatter from the barely lit guild ceases as they all look to the doors. All fourteen members of the new soon-to-be-guild enter, Gray holding Storm who had his head on his dads shoulder and arms around his neck, dropping off.

"We are here to retrieve a friend of, say, 400 years ago," Lucy says and one person who looks like a wannabee goth with neon black hair approaches.

"Which one of us are you on about blond tart because I can assure you that none of us are over 400. However, we could give you 400 years worth of pleasure, you seem like the kind to be into being chained up like a little whore. Maybe you are a little whore eh, come here and let us all have a squeeze" he says in a greasy drawl.

"Don't you dare insult my sister that way you faggot! Also can't you see there is two children here with us, Have you no shame about your language. Now bring us Flare Corona and then piss off," Laxus says, Lucy admits the words did sting a bit but after a look at Zeref and then the ring on her finger, she doesn't take it to heart.

"Flare you slag, you have visitors!" the dude yells then walks away as fast as he can after directing Flare to the front. She walks up and is in the deepest v-neck dress they had seen a guild mage wear.

"You wished to see me?" Flare asks, eyeing up all the men in the group then giving the girls quick glances.

"Come with us," Mira says and the group leave Ravens Tail to talk outside, they end up blocking that street but oh well.

"What is your business with me?" Flare asks, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"It is time for you to remember all the good times we had dear Corona," Lisanna says and kisses Flare's cheek briefly, Mavis sends a backup bit of remembrance magic just in case Lisanna's wasn't strong enough. Flare goes off into a sort of half dazed state, her eyes glazed over as the memories rapidly play in her mind. After a while she shakes her head and her eyes return to normal, they had lost their colour when she was in Ravens Tail.

"I remember, where is my darling Macbeth? Where is everyone else? Why am I wearing the dress of a common slut?" Flare asks.

"Macbeth is locked up at the magic council, he is there with Erik; Ultear and Meredy. They are the last ones we go to as the magic council will take the longest. We're going to go pick up Chelia and Lyon from Lamia Scale and then going to Sabertooth for Sting; Rogue; Yukino and Minerva. Also that was your normal outfit in there," Mavis explains then points to Ravens Tail.

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