Authors note

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Hey Minna, I am so sorry for not updating but this school year has been busier then ever.
I've had so many assignments, homework and tests to revise for that I've hardly had time to even think about the next chapters. I was originally planning on getting the old friends together first before taking an official break from updating but I now see how impossible it really will be.
I have prelims in a month and exams a couple months later, I'm only going to get busier but I promise to continue writing parts when I can. That doesn't mean I will publish them but they will be there for when I start updating again.
Another reason I've not updated is because I'm dealing with a ton of shit at school and the guy I've liked for a few years recently found out and hasn't said anything yet *W* (it's been a couple weeks BTW T-T)
I'll hopefully be back at the end of May next year after exams finish but if you really want I can try for a Christmas special chapter or new years in time for it.
Thanks to all of you still following this story, if anyone is and thanks for understanding.

Thanks again everyone, until I update again ~ Author-chan out
P.S. if you have any ideas for what you fans/followers want to be called leave a comment with your suggestions!

(BTW, song is irrelevant, I just like it and wanted something in the media XD)

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