Welcome here!

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Hello there reader~chan! And welcome to my Amazing Fanfiction Is Not On Fire! Apparently I just had the urge to do this...
Yes, you have to be a girl to read this book. That's why I called you chan. Oh and you have to be best friends with me, broken_mc , and yeaah!
You'll have to bear us huehuehuehue..(ALSO GO CHECK OUT HER BEAUTIFUL PROFILE, LIKE-DAAANG GURL!)

Anyways! So uh,go please read my description because it has alot of real important stuff...

Heh, heh heh...yay!

Anyways I haven't really introduced this book yet!
So, this book is just about you, Daniel James Howell and ze rest of le Youtubaaahs.(Youtube is a masculine right?)
And your parents of course...

This book will be written in 1st point of view but sometimes 3rd point of view.
Which means 1st point of views will be written as: "I" "me" "my" etc...

And also, fanfictions like theeeeese:
//fanfictions flying across the screen
Has beautiful concepts!

So the conceps are simple:
(Y/N) ~ Your Name
(Y/L/N) ~ Your Last Name
(Y/M/N) ~ Your Middle Name
(Y/F/N) ~ Your Full Name
([option]) ~ will become the optiom you'd have to choose- sometimes pictures would be given.
([Author~chan's note]) ~ yes, my notes you you. BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS AHHH.

And that's about it, movin' on!

Also, I will try and make a schedual for updating this specific book.
And if I don't update- well someone must have school y'know!

So go check my profile page to see the schedual!

Anyways see ya'll soon and buh bye!

P.S. I'm planning on making an Art book soon to see how many requests I can get to draw- I know how readers are creative!
P.P.S. Also, if you guys want smut/lemons/one shots, tell me in the comments below!
(Prepare youtself for the worst drawing you'd ever see
P.P.P.S. If you're curious how Aqua (my OC) looks like:

 If you're curious how Aqua (my OC) looks like:

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Also... Shout out to dem people:
broken_mc for a follow and accepting to be in this book, (way to go)
imnotonfireoramazing for being an amazing lyric follower
MrsStevenGrantRogers for being ^^^
mvargas101 for voting btw.
(Maybe even danisnotonfire  for giving me a hug on the streets of HK)
(Btw, thanks for being rude xD)

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