Chapter 6: Elizabeth P.O.V.

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"Everyone report to the dining hall in 30 minutes for breakfast!" I had been up for the past 30 minutes but just tossing and turning, trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep. I got up and walked over to my suitcase to get some clothes, I still hadn't put my clothes in the closet since yesterday was a long day. I picked out another pair of jeans and a t-shirt and decided on my combat boots again. I put a little more effort into my appearance by putting on some mascara, foundation, and swiping on some lip gloss. I don't care much for makeup but I have a few things. I put my hair into a messy bun and decided, since I had about 20 minutes, I would explore a little bit.

I locked my door behind me and put my keys in my pocket. As I started walking down the hall a door swung out and banged my head, making me lose my balance and fall over.

"Woah! You okay?" A girl with short layered black hair and toffee brown skin was standing over me.

"Yeah, I guess," I said still a little dazed. I grabbed her extended hand and she helped me up.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before."

"I'm Elizabeth, I'm new here."

"You're 16? Wow, you look mature for your age!"

"No, I'm actually 18. It's kind of complicated I don't even know the whole story, but my mum kept all this from my brother and I  until a couple of days ago when someone came up to my brother at lunch and injected him with the gemstiten. Then our mum sent us here."


"I know. Who are you mysterious girl who knocked me over with her door?" She laughed at the question.

"Beatrice, Beatrice Everlark. But most people call me Bea," I heard a door open behind us and when I turned around I saw Ben coming towards us.

"Hey Elizabeth. Hey Bea" he said as his blue eyes flickered to my forehead and his expression instantly turned to one of concern,"Are you okay Elizabeth? Your forehead is bleeding." He rushed over to me and brushed some stray hairs out of the way. I reached my hand up and it brushed against the cut. When I looked at my fingers they were covered in blood.

"Yea, I didn't even know I was bleeding to be honest."

"Here," he ran his finger over the open cut and it healed up instantly, leaving no sign of being there, except for some blood still left on my forehead,"all better. How did this even happen?"

"Well I was walking down the hall when Bea's door swung out and knocked me over. We're good though, it was an accident."

"We should go to breakfast if we want to get there early to get bacon, if we don't it'll be gone in minutes," Bea announced. I gave Ben a confused look. Why was bacon so important?

"We only get bacon on Saturdays and it's always gone in minutes. Sometimes Bea and I don't get to the dining hall in time and we have to wait another week to have a chance at it," he explained.

"Well I want some bacon! Let's go!" I yelled as I pumped my fist up in the air and took off down the hall.

"Wait up!" Bea and Ben yelled as they started after me. We stopped in front of the dining hall doors and tried to catch our breath. We opened the doors and walked in, picking up plates as we got on line. We got to the end and there it was; bacon in all its greasy glory. I grabbed a few pieces and so did Ben and Bea. We walked to a table and sat down to enjoy our breakfast.

"So Bea, what's your power?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"I can manipulate sound frequencies and the natural vibrations of objects. It can be quite destructive but also pretty sick. When I woke up after I went through the transition I nearly took out the entire boardwalk."

"Wow. I wonder what I'm going to get."

"Whatever you get your still gonna be my little sister," I heard Ethan say from behind me and squeeze my bun.

"Hey!" I shouted swatting his hand away.

"Wait, Ethan's older than you?" Ben asked. I nodded my head. Ethan sat down next to me.

"Yup I'm the oldest so I get to be the boss," he said proudly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah by two minutes! And you're so not the boss," I interrupted.

"Tell yourself whatever you want to lil' sis," he said teasing me.

"You know I don't like it when u call me that," I huffed. Seriously it was only TWO MINUTES. Cuz of two minutes, 120 seconds, he thinks he is in charge of me.

"Whatever. So who's this?" He asked gesturing to Bea.

"This is Beatrice, but she goes by Bea," I said.

"So Ethan I told you yesterday you could choose to stay with me as your mentor or choose another mentor. I went through the list of all the mentors and picked four that I think would work with you best. There's Oliver, Jesse, Emily, and Bea," Bea's face lit up at the mention of her name,"It's totally your choice though, I don't care either way."

"I think I'll choose Bea," Ethan said.

"Okay so what can you do?" She asked.

"Can I borrow your knife? You haven't used it yet and I think I can make this work."

"Here," she passed her knife to Ethan. Ethan cleared an area on the table and hovered his fingers over the knife. He closed his eyes and concentrated. All of a sudden I saw a little bolt of electricity hit the knife and it hover for a second then drop with a clatter on the table.

"Electricity I see. I've only known one other person in my time here with electricity," she pointed across the hall,"that's Joey."

"We've met him! And Ellie his girlfriend! They've been helping with our lessons," Ethan exclaimed.

"Yeah he's pretty advanced, but you'll catch up to him in no time, with my help of course."

"So Elizabeth, tomorrow night you are scheduled to get your powers. Are you ready?" Ben asked.

"I guess I have no choice."

"Coffee again when we're done with breakfast?"He asked

"Yeah definitely!"

So we got coffee and after that we met up with Joey and Ellie for our lesson. We just went over some final things.

"So, are you ready to get your powers tomorrow morning Elizabeth?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah I feel pretty confident."

After that we just hung out and talked. Before we realized it was past curfew and we headed to bed.

"Goodnight Elizabeth."

"Goodnight Ben."

We went into our rooms and I got ready for bed. I went to sleep smiling, it was a good day.

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