Chapter 4: Elizabeth P.O.V.

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"Wake up kids, we're here!" I heard the driver call from the front seat as Ethan and I were just waking up from passing out in the backseat after the long flight. He opened the door for us and got our luggage as he pointed us in the direction of the shop. We started walking towards the door and he was following close behind us. When we entered it looked like a normal store to me no secret entrances, no signs pointing to a secret entrance, nothing just a regular shop.

"Where are new here. Where can we buy some gems?" The driver asked the cashier. I had no clue what he was talking about, what he said didn't even make sense. The cashier turned around and signaled for us to follow him. He took us to the back of the store and pulled a curtain revealing a metal door. What he said must have been the password to signal you were a Protector. He opened the door and we looked down to see a few flights of stairs going down but couldn't see what they lead to. He signaled for us to go down the stairs so we went through the door and started making our way down.

As we finished the last couple flights a state of the art training room where other kids about our age were training and fighting each other, came into view. I saw a kid with blond hair and pure blue eyes turn around to see who had come down. Unfortunately, his opponent noticed he was distracted and took the opportunity to take him out by tripping him and giving him a nasty punch to the face. Strangely when he got back up he didn't care that his face was bleeding and bruised. He congratulated his opponent and came over to greet us.

"Hi my name is Ben. You two must be the new recruits. Arthur has given me the task of training both of you. Since you two are two years behind on training we will be doing a little harder training than normal to make up for lost time"

"I'm Elizabeth," I shook his extended hand, "you know you're bleeding right?" He had taken a pretty bad punch but didn't seem to care.

"Oh that's no big deal. See?" He said running his finger over the cut and instantly closed up and didn't show any sign of ever being there. I was shocked.

"I'm a healer," he explained, " I got my powers two years ago and even though I have no combat advantage with them I'm one of the best fighters Haven has"

I yawned even though I had slept the whole drive I was still so sleepy and jet lagged.

"Oh my goodness Arthur told me you were coming from London! I totally forgot! Most recruits come from across the U.S. you guys must be so tired and jetlagged!" He exclaimed, "I'll show them to their rooms, thanks for the help Mark"

He picked up a couple of my bags and headed off to a doorway and signaled for us to follow him. He lead us down a hallway and to two rooms.

"Here are your living quarters you can decorate however you want. My room is two doors down if you have any questions just knock," he said pointing down the hall, "The wake up call will sound at 6:00 and you will need to be in the dining hall by 6:30 for breakfast. After that you will go to classes to be prepped for the transition stage. In two days Elizabeth will be given her powers and will start her training with me. Ethan, you can choose to stay with me or pick another mentor. I won't put all the pressure on you now we can talk about it at breakfast and here are your keys," he finished, handing us our keys and disappearing into his room down the hall.

When walked in I was expecting to se a small dinky room with a little cot, but that was most definitely not what I saw. It was beautifully carpeted with a huge king bed and a full bath. Much bigger and fancier than my room back in London. I started to put some of my stuff away but I was so tired I just passed out on the bed.

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