Chapter 8: Elizabeth P.O.V.

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"Okay come at me."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want to hurt you."

"Elizabeth, you won't hurt me. I promise."

"Okay," I had done some basic self-defense training before going into high school. My mom also wanted me to do it before I started dating, in case anything ever went sideways on a date. I've had a couple boyfriends, but none of them really cared or were committed.

I threw a punch at him but he dodged it easily without using an ounce of energy. I tried to punch him again, but instead of dodging he grabbed my wrist and flipped me. I groaned as my back hit the mat.

"What did you do that for?!"

"To show you that you should plan your attacks strategically and always anticipate your opponent's."

"It's my first day training for god's sake!"

"Here," he reached out his hand and helped me up,"Where does it hurt?"

"My shoulder," I said rubbing it.

"Here, put your palm on top of mine," he stretched his hand out to me. I placed my palm on his and I instantly felt a tingling travel up my arm and the pain go away.

"Wow," I said just staring at my hand resting on his,"How do you ever get used to that? You ca heal any injury whenever you want."

"Well, I actually can't. Healing is quite strenuous and drains a lot of energy, especially when you're first learning to control it. Before you can fully control your powers they're usually controlled by your emotions. Whenever I got too happy or upset or angry I'd heal any cuts of bruises I had. After a while, though you can learn not to let your emotions get the best of you and in no time have complete control of your powers. Healing isn't nearly as destructive as some other powers, though, but it is quite draining. Bea's powers, on the other hand, are quite destructive. She could create an earthquake strong enough to tear the U.S. apart straight down the middle if she wanted."

"Wow, I'm glad she's on our side," I chuckled.

"Yeah me too! You wouldn't want to be on the other side of her attacks. I don't think Ethan knew what he was getting himself into by choosing to train with her. Come on, let's go again."


"Hey Ben," I said batting my eyes. We had been in the middle of a fight for 20 minutes. They had called for lunch 10 minutes ago but neither one of us was going to lunch until one of us won and the other lost.

"Yeah, Liz?"

"I was wondering," I said and inched closer to him giving him my puppy dog eyes. I slowly put my hand behind my back and focused on one thing: water, "Would you mind being soaked by water right now?"

"Yea... wait what?!" I quickly turned and dodged the stream of water that was coming. Ben didn't realize what was coming and the stream of water hit him, knocking him over. he got up and glared at me, his clothes dripping with water.


"To win. You told me at our first lesson two weeks ago to never let your opponent distract you. You let me distract you. I win."

"Okay, you can have this one but I demand a rematch later," He said with a smile.

"We have to go to lunch now, don't want to be late."

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