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  • Dedicated to Everyone Reading <3

We all change as we grow up. 

It's a way of life. 

But on the inside we are all just children screaming to come out. 

Let me rephrase that, 

Our image changes as we grow up, our personality stays locked deep within our body. Our body that strains everyday just so we can mumble words to one and another. Just so we can step out into the cool breeze finding our smiles widening. Life all seems great. 

When you aren't living it. 


I couldn't keep my eyes from wondering through the glass that separated me from the world, taking a glimpse in of all the people with control over who they are and what they do. I am different however. I'm not the only one. But it feels like it. 

I had only stepped out of these walls once. To get bread from the bakery on the opposing side. Everyday I sit on the windowsill practicing words to say if I ever get the chance to meet the sweet pastries and cakes again. I remember the noises from the bikes, the footsteps from the children and my heart beat quickening. It was all too much for me to take in. My mother had only set me a simple task of placing a five pound note onto the counter top and taking the bread in return. That was it. But it was too hard. 

She had decided that after fifteen years of my life crying and not knowing how anything out side my house works that I could be able to do the one miniscule thing of crossing the street. I remember her words floating through my head.

"Don't talk to the strangers, if they smile at back. I will be watching from the window. Always.'"

This was a sentence the child inside of me kept situated in the bottom of it's soul. My mother would always be watching. Making sure that I was ok and happy. But that was never the case.

I had reached the bakery with shaky hands and sweat colliding with the skin on the back of my neck. Turning around I remember my mothers face; pleading me to go onwards. The first voice that I have ever heard in my life that wasn't anyone related to me was a young boy. His blond sandy hair that was creatively spat on his head, it wasn't perfect at all. Ruffles and cow licks here and there. But somehow he intrigued me. 

"What can I do for you, you seem lost?" His voice would've been normal volume for anyone that speaks daily. Where as for me, I could'nt help but startle backwards. My hand placed the crinkled five pound on the surface of the glass work top. It sat like a statement piece; separating us. That five pound note I will never forget. For he just stared puzzled back in return. That was when I had started panicking. Speaking to him was what i had to do.

But I couldn't. Knocking over the tables and chairs as I had ran out of the bakery crying. Leaving the money alone with the boy. His presence was behind me right up until i reached my house. Clicking the door open my mother pulled me in hugging me straight away. The door still wide open with the boy clinging to the five pound note as if it was a treasure. "You forgot this." 

And then the first words to a stranger I had ever said, escaped my trembleing lips. 

"No I haven't. I left it for you."

His smile was never seen again after my mother had lunged at the door shutting it breaking our gazes. But sitting here right now staring at the bakery across the street. His arms working as his plunged the mop into a bucket and swung it around the floor. I caught his eyes with mine. He smiled.

Remebering what my mother had said. I smiled back. After a year of meeting him, and all I have ever done with him is run away and watch him work everyday through laced curtains and windows. Somehow that smile wasn't needed. Because he didn't and wasn't a stranger to me. 


What do you guys think? A bit rough but I tried my best :S The next chapter will be released at a hundred reads. You should know why if you have bothered to read the Authors notes xD So if you want it uploaded soon then you better share it :) Ok just to let you guys know, I am british. So some words will be spelt a little different xD


I can't change who I am...and I don't want to.Where stories live. Discover now