Chapter 5 - Without realization...

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You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, 

Love like you'll never be hurt, 

Sing like there's nobody listening, 

And live like it's heaven on earth.


After my hands had frozen from the excessive amount of ice cream I had handled today, I couldn’t stop thinking of what my mother is going to say about my sudden party invitation. Should I tell her? Should I go? I mean Darren won’t really hurt anyone I like if he really likes me, right? Who was I kidding I have to go. I stepped out into the cool breeze, the wind hitting me in the face. It was a cold night. Really cold. Fumbling for my phone I called my mother to pick me up. She answered the obvious answer and said she would be a few minutes. But strangely enough my phone starting belting out a tune, signalling me to answer it.

“What mother?”

“Well if you want to call me mother that’s fine.”

“Darren?!? How did you get my phone number?!”

“Secrets babe. Also don’t worry about what you will wear tonight; I left it on your bed.”

“You went in my room!?!”

“I guess im sneaky.”

“No Darren you are a stalker.” And with that said I shut the phone. To be honest I thought I handled that really well, but I still was really scared. The guy that killed, a guy that beat and hurt people. Wanted me. Obviously I’m scared.

I saw the minis lights flash from around the corner and walked over jumping into the seat. Waiting for the bombard of questions and queries of my day, my father was sat in the driver’s seat.

“Oh dad. I thought mum was picking me up?”

“She was meant to, but she wasn’t feeling that well. So I offered. How are you anyway? I didn’t get a chance to see you this morning because of work.”

“I’m fine.” Smiling to him, he drove back the normal route home.


A sleek small tight black dress clung to my small body. If someone had actual curves I’m sure it would look great! I looked like a slut. There I said it. My legs were all on show, and the heels that had been supplied with it made me tower over my usual height. I had curled my hair and it fell down my back in loose ringlets. Walking over to my mirror I attempted to apply some makeup, but failed drastically at making me look like I a prostitute. I just wanted to try and look half descent so my mother and Cole wouldn’t have to face Darren’s beatings. I walked downstairs tripping over each one with my high heels causing my ankles to ache drastically.

“Where are you going?!” Mothers voice caused me to fall down the remaining two steps. Quickly getting up I replied.

“I...I was...Invited to a party.” My stuttering words, made me scared. I was finding it hard to talk to my mother, yet speaking to Darren and Cole was easier. I was changing. But they need to realize it’s for their benefit.

“A party? No way! You’re not leaving this house Miss. What if you get hurt? What if you faint?”

“Darren said that he would have me by his side at all times”

“DARREN! You better be joking Erika Holls! Never will you go to a party with him. Wretched boy, you are surely going to get hurt.”

“Mother don’t understand I have to.”

“NO! You don’t have to go out looking like a stripper!” A door bell sounded Darren’s arrival.  I ran towards it opening it. Trying to escape my mother’s grasp around my wrist. She grabbed and pulled me back as the door swung open, revealing a cocky Darren. He was still wearing the same clothes as earlier.

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