Chapter 10 - Small Spaces.

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Never trust someone,

Unless they give you a reason to.


My eyes flickered open; all I could see were stars and the tops of trees. My back was moist from the fragments of grass placed beneath. Pushing myself up, I saw the running bodies darting in and out of the trees.

“Aw Erika you are so fucking awesome sometimes, completely passed out for a whole day again!”

Another figure came next to the tall one already crouched next to me.

“Isn’t she just?! C’mon we’re taking you Crudos. We are gonna get wasted again!”

As they shouted and cheered they seemed to collect the other running shapes in the distance. As soon as my feet were steadily on the ground again, my mind and body finally wanted the same thing. To get the hell out of here. Carefully stepping back trying not to find an unwanted stick in my footpath I ran to the nearest light I could find. My breath quickened every move I took along the winding pathway. I swear I was going in circles. Where the hell am I? I’m with people? Who are they? What have I done this time? Wiping the tears from my eyes I carried on running towards the small building. As I came closer I realized it was some small toilets for a campsite.

Barricading myself into one of the cubicles I locked the door and slowly fell down the sides onto the floor. My whole body ached of fatigue and reeked of alcohol. The last thing I could remember was the touch of Darren’s hand in mine...where is he? More tears plummeted to the tiled, cold floor. I had to find a phone...somewhere there has to be one! If I can remember Darren’s number correctly then I could get him, I need him.

Right, I need to man up a bit. Yes, I’m breaking down. Yes, I have no idea what’s been going on for the past who knows how long.  Getting back on my feet, my drastic clothing caught my eyes. I was in a cropped black tee, it looked like it had been ripped off halfway up. My legs had small ripped shorts that would barely class as a belt let alone something to cover up your...area...I was barefooted except for one rainbow sock. What have I been doing?!

I glanced in the mirror on the opposing wall my brown hair was practically thrown onto my head. It was split and everywhere. Not to mention it had some sort of blue colour. I don’t even want to know what that is. Eyeliner was smeared around my eyes, and pink lipstick looked like it had been wiped along my lips instead of the normal placing of it.

“As soon as I get out of that door, I will run. All the way through the campsite, right up until I find the nearest human with a phone.” I spoke into the mirror. Hoping this would stay in my head. I ran through the door and straight into the darkness. My legs operated and I ran through the campsite. Out of the corner of my eye I saw people staring at me through their little tinted windows. Then I saw it. The big stage.

Lights of different colours streaming out everywhere.

Squinting my eyes I made out the huge screens of whoever was on stage performing. Somebody had to be there that could help me. As I walked forward, hands groped me from behind. Locking onto me.

“Where do you think you’re going? We were playing in the woods!” The tall figure latched onto me, his hands were suffocating my mouth shut. For some reason this felt like déjà- vu. “Get off of me!” I tried kicked and screaming but it was no good, once again I had lost. “Darren! Darren! Mai! Cole! Anyone!?”

“Shhh it’s going to be okay, they are all having a good time. As long as you stay with us.”

“Who the hell are you?!” My voice raised so much it scared myself, how was I doing this? From a girl who spends her life in doors watching her neighbours this is almost impossible.

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