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It has been a month... still no Weston I guess he's gone for good...

Weston's pov

It has been a month without Lilly. Without anyone. I ran away, I haven't seen my parents, Lilly, Mark, anyone. I really miss them. I realized yesterday that I would do anything to be with Lilly. Even if to be with her I can only be her friend. Right now I'm 2 blocks from her house, yes I am going to her house. I wonder how she'll react. I've been ignoring her calls, texts, everything. 

I knock on the door nervously. It's 12:00 midnight. Lilly answers the door with tear stains on her face. She jumps into my arms. I hug her tightly and she does too. 

"I've missed you so much!" She says crying.

"I've missed you too." I say crying. "Why did you have tear stains on your face?"

"Every night I do.. I need you Wes!" she says.

"You cry every night because of me?" I ask feeling 10 times worse.

Lilly's pov

I'm hugging Weston with mixed emotions. I haven't seen him in a month! Now he's here. 

"You left me, Wes." 

"It wasn't any easier on me... I haven't seen you, Mark, Jacob, Mario, parents, or sister!" 

"I know! Mario has been out non-stop looking for you!" Wait Mario! "MARIO, JACOB!" I yell.

They both run downstairs. They see Weston and run and join the hug. We all let go and I call Mark.

"Wait he's there right now?" Mark asks.
"Yes so hurry!" I say. He hangs up and comes over.

Once he gets here him and Weston hug. 

"I should've never left. I'm sorry." Weston says.

Love Triangle (W.K & M.T) ✅ Where stories live. Discover now