Chapter 2~ Dreams and Sleepless nights?

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Jolting up "please come"... I shouted. My face was damp from tears, I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. The door opened frantically.
" Honey! White uh, is everything alright?" My Worriedly mother asked me.
"Yeah it's all good mom just another nightmare, sorry to have scared you." I said while drying my face off with my covers.
"Oh okay... I'm glad that your not hurt" the truth was, I was hurt, maybe not on the outside but definitely on the inside. 
"White dear," my mother said as she made her way to my bed and sat on the edge "You know you can always talk to me about anything and I will listen, I'm always there for you ok!"
"Thanks mom, I know but seriously it's okay it was just a bad dream! I promise!" I replied with a forced smile.
"Alrighty then, well do you want anything before I heard back
downstairs?" Mom asked.
"Nope I'm good but thank you though! You go on ahead back down and get some sleep okay. I love you mom!" I replied.
"I love you too, White!" She embraced me in a hug then got up and looked back at me one more time before closing the door.
I let out a huge sigh, oh man when will this dream quit haunting me I thought.
It's been over a month now since I defeated team plasma, became the Champion, and he left... and since then everyday I have been searching for him just hoping to getting to see him again, but I've had no luck so far.
Anyways though, I looked around in my room and my eyes landed on the clock 2:30 a.m. Wow okay... I said my head. Well I know for sure that I'm definitely not getting any sleep tonight/morning, not when that dream comes back and creeps into my mind. So I decide to change out of my pj's and into my regular clothes, next I waited for a full solid 20 mins to make sure that my mother was fully asleep. I then pulled out my masterball that contained Reshiram, climbing out of my window on to my roof I released Reshiram and hopped onto her back.
"Couldn't sleep again?" She asked using telepathy.
"Sadly yes." I responded.
"So I assume that we are headed to Nimbasa City today?"
"Yes we are."
During my search for him I always at least like to stop in Nimbasa City two times in a week to see if maybe..., he is there at the place where he told me his secrets. Plus the City is really beautiful as well! Reshiram slowly rose into the very early morning sky and began to soar. I tilted my head up admiring the few stars still dotting the sky, and at the full moon. Although Reshiram caught my attention.
"You know I'm worried about you White... it's very unhealthy for you not to be sleeping like this." Reshiram tentivaly said.
"Oh don't worry Reshiram okay, I'm pretty sure I'll be sleeping normal again soon. Hopefully the dream will go away." After I said that I yawned loudly!
"Why don't you try taking a nap I promise that you won't fall off, you will be perfectly safe." Reshiram said hopefully.
"Well..., okay I guess I will try too." I only said that to help not have Reshiram worry about me.
"Good!" Reshiram sighed with relief.
I leaned further into Reshiram's soft fur, it was like feeling a cloud. I thought then exhaustion took over me and feel into a deep slumber. And that's when the dream started....
"White! White! Wake up White it's okay it's just a dream I promise! Please wake up!" Panicked Reshiram.
My eyes immediately shot open and I jerked back and looked around. Tears once again fell down my face, Reshiram looked at me with sympathy.
"Is everything alright?" Quietly I asked.
"I should be the one asking you that question, though I already know the answer and the reason why... however we are at the outskirts of Nimbasa City."
"Really?" I wiped my eyes to have clearer vision and saw that Nimbasa City was in the distance. "How long was I asleep?" I asked.
"Almost for 20 minutes, but that's...," Cutting off Reshiram from speaking further.
"Oh okay well good, how about let's go to the Pokémon center so I can let the rest of the team out and so that way you can rest!"
Reshiram sighed deeply, but dropped the previous subject "Alright that sounds like a plan."
I pulled out her pokeball and returned her. Then continued on to walk into Nimbasa City and headed straight for the Pokémon center.
"Hello welcome to the Pokémon center how may I help you!" Said a cheerful Nurse Joy.
"Hi Nurse Joy, um I would like to get a room please and if you could heal this Pokémon for me as well." I politely asked.
Her eyes widened realizing who I was.
"Oh it's the Cham...", stammered Nurse Joy.
I cut her off before she could finish the full title, "Please just call me White." I spoke softly. I don't want a lot of people knowing that I'm here, um then I guess I need to change my clothes soon. I thought to myself.
"Certainly White, we will have your Pokémon healed up in no time and here is a key for your room!" Joyfully said Nurse Joy.
"Thank you very much!" Gratefully I replied.
Inside the room I set my bag on the floor beside the foot of the bed, then left and went out to the training area the Pokémon center has. There I let out the rest of my team minus,Reshiram who was being healed, Emboar, Audino, Glaceon, Swanna, and Lilligant.
"Hey everyone!" I said happily to my team.
They then all came at my and tackled me to the ground, I was laughing! I love all my pokemon with all my heart and I know they love me too! Emboar was the first to get up from the dog pile and he stuck out his arm for to grab. I took it and got up and soon all my pokemon were up again.
"So are you guys up for some training this morning?" I asked feeling more alive. They all replied cheerfully. So we trained and when we train, we go all out! Because how else would we have won the Pokémon league if we didn't!
After the training session with my team, I walked back into the lobby part of the pokemon center and went to Nurse Joy's counter.
"Oh perfect timing White, your pokemon is all ready to go!" Happily Nurse Joy said.
"Thank you! Also do you think you could heal up the rest of my team now please." I laughed nervously.
"Of course I will!" She said with a smile.
"Thank you!" I said.
Nurse Joy nodded in response and an Audino came and took my pokeballs to be healed. Before I was about to leave the counter Nurse Joy spoke up...
"Please excuse me if I sound rude White, but are you feeling well just making sure that's all!" She said with a polite smile.
I looked at her,gave a thumbs up, smiled and said...
"Yeah I'm doing fine! Just a little tired from the journey here that's all." Slight lying in a way.
"Oh okay I should have figured, my apologies though if there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask!" Chirped Nurse Joy.
I nodded in acknowledgement. Then left the Pokémon center and walked to the Ferris wheel. Whenever I walk there my heart always pounds rapidly inside my chest and I wish it wouldn't. As I looked at my xtransciver and see that is 8:30 a.m., it's early but oh well. When I approach the Ferris wheel the rapid pound of my heart stops and goes back to how it's supposed to be but I feel dejected. Cause he isn't he... and I know anytime I check it's always a long shot but I still have to see.
Sadly I sigh, and then slowly make my way back to the pokemon center and just before I open the doors to the center my xtransciver begins to ring I look to see who's calling and it my mother... I'll call her back a little later I thought in my head. Inside the Pokémon center I collected my pokemon and went up to the room and walked into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw... that I had some bags forming under my eyes from the lack of sleep and I looked thinner too from not eating as much as I should be but it just looked like I was sick, like from a cold! The idea came into my head okay yes I will just act like I have a cold when I get there that perfect and no one will suspect anything! As I walk out of the bathroom I hear a knock on the door. Who could that be? Saying inside my head.
"Hey uh White it's Nurse Joy I bought you up some breakfast!" She said positively.
"Oh thanks so much Nurse Joy!" I forced a smile.
"No problem, well enjoy!"
"Oh wait before you leave here is the key back." I said handing the key back to her.
"But aren't you staying the whole day in the city today?" She asked surprised.
"No I have somewhere else that I have to go now,but thanks for everything and I'll be back here soon again!" Another forced smile again.
"Well okay I understand and make sure to at least eat something before you head out okay, and have a safe travel!" She beamed with a warm smile!
I nodded "I will thank you!"
With that she left and I looked at the patter of food and took a few bits of the eggs and grabbed the apple and threw it into my bag. Walking out of the room I had a strange feeling that something was watching me? Nah there is no one it's just mind playing with me! I declared in my head. Continuing on I walked into the lobby and left the Pokémon center and pulled out Swanna's pokeball, instead of Reshiram not wanting to attract too much attention. Swanna appeared and  cooed. I rubbed her head and climbed on her back. Her back straightened know that she was about to take to the skies, she unfolded her wings awaiting our destination.
"Swanna to the Pokémon league!"

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