Chapter 4~Reminiscing in Driftveil City

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~ Time Skip: Five months later...
I flopped on the bed looking up at the ceiling, I'm so exhausted my eyes keep trying to close on me but I can't... I just cannot sleep, not yet anyways until I find you! Closing my eyes not to sleep but for thinking instead, where are you N?! Why haven't I been able to find you yet? It's been over six months, surely it shouldn't take you this long to find your dream, right? I wish I could just find you already!!! I thought all in my head. Annoyed with my thoughts I sit up rubbing my eyes.
Rummaging though my bag until, I find my map of Unova, scanning it for possibly an place I forgot to look. However, I looked everywhere! Literally! I've searched every town, city, routes, ruins, forests, caves, towers, and there's absolutely nothing, no clues whatsoever! "Ugh!" I growled while quickly rolling up the map. It's okay just calm down White, eventually you'll find him. I told myself. Besides I need to go get my pokemon.
Walking into the lobby of the pokemon center in Driftveil City, I go over to Nurse Joy's counter.
"Oh hello miss White!" I told her so many times to not use the "miss" part but this Nurse joy is very formal. "Great timing we just finished healing your pokemon they all set to go!" She said gracefully.
"Thanks very much!" I said. "Here is the room key back as well." I said while handing it to her.
"Oh...leaving so soon miss White!" She said with disappointment.
"Ah, yeah I have somewhere else that I need to be. Though don't worry I'll... probably be back soon." And with that I left.
Once outside I was walking then I noticed a familiar green hat out of the corner of my eye... Bianca! And she was walking towards my way. Although she wasn't alone she had linked arms with someone, I almost didn't recognize him because his appearance had changed not drastically but just almost... as they got closer I realized it was Cheren! Wow! Since when did he change his wardrobe and... hold up stop it. Gah! White now is not the time to ask questions I need to hide! Thinking in my head.
I was debating on where I should try to hide at and I took to long because Bianca looked right at me. Though she looked at me kinda funny at first, that's right because my appearance was definitely different I thought. But then recognition dawned on her face and she was about to say my name but I shook my head at her hoping she wouldn't say my name, and she caught on because she pointed at something and Cheren and her started walking down to the huge market department building that was in Driftveil city. They disappeared into the building.
I quickly fast walked in the opposite direction of the huge market. Whew!that was a close call thank goodness She understood what I meant! I said to myself. As I continued walking down the street I saw the Driftveil gym...
~Flash Back~
"Dodge it then use Flame charge Emboar!" I shouted. Emboar easily dodged the roll out attack. Then just as our attack was about to hit...
"Excadrill use dig!" Clay hollered. Thus casing Emboar's attack to miss. Emboar began to twist and turn in all different directions tying to guess where Excadrill would come up from.
"Emboar its okay just concentrate, just like we trained, okay." I said reassuringly. I didn't want Emboar to sense how nervous I actually was, so I by saying that I was actually helping myself as well.
Emboar head finally concentrated on one single spot of the battle field which meant that was where Excadrill was underground. Perfect! I thought.
I looked at Emboar letting him know I knew that he had found Excadrill,
"Alright Emboar use heat crash!" I exclaimed.
Emboar leapt up into the sky and plunged straight to where Excadrill was beneath the ground. The ground cracked all around the battle field as the heat crash made a direct contact and with this Excadrill came up and had taken a good amount of damage too. Excadrill rose into the air and landed on his side by Clay's feet. Although Excadrill wasn't done just yet, no I probably had to make one more direct hit before that battle would be officially over. As I was about to tell Emboar what move to use next... I glanced up at Clay and saw that there was a gleam in his eyes. Uh oh... j-just what does he have planned? Nervously I asked myself.
"Emboar use Flame charge!" I shouted hurriedly. I was hoping for our attack to hit before Clay's secret plan, but we were a few seconds late... just as Emboar was about a couple of inches away from Excadrill...
"Use earthquake Excadrill!" Clay shouted. Panic arose inside of me cause Emboar had already taken a good toll of damage himself so this attack would probably be the end for us.
"Dodge it Emboar!" I yelled. Though it was inevitable...
"Emboar is unable to continue battling, Excadrill wins the battle." Said the referee.
The gym battle was not completely done after that I still have one pokemon left it was evee, she hadn't evolved yet at the time, but she too quickly fainted from the move earthquake as well. After I returned her to her pokeball, I had my eyes casted downwards towards the ground thinking... then I saw boots. Though I still kept my gaze looking down. That is until "Now I get it. It's hard losing... but at least look me in the eyes, cause when someone is speaking to ya it's the kind thing to do." Clay stated. I reluctantly looked up at him.
"I'm sorry sir!" I said apologetically. "I wasn't trying to be rude."
"It's quite alright kid, don't worry so much and also you don't need to be so formal with me just call me Clay, okay!" Clay said. I nodded at him.
"So now where was... that's right okay so that battle was a really close call but you are lacking in a certain area, I can't tell you exactly what it is because thats for you to figure out. Though I'm sure with some hard training you'll figure it out kid, because I can see the determination that blazes in your eyes, that is something I definitely noticed in our battle. Well so I guess until our next battle then kid, I'm looking forward to when you come back to the gym again." He said while tipping his cowboy hat in my direction and walked off.
~Flash Back over~
That day I learned so much about battles and somethings about my pokemon and I, and then the next day after that I won the battle. I will never forget that day.
Anyways though, I continue walking and I'm about to leave Driftveil City to go onto the route, when in the distance I see a person in heavy robes? Robes? Hmm? I said in my head. As I get closer I recognize them's a s-sage of team plasma! What the heck are they doing here and ...? I think to myself. I immediately began following him.
He continues on the route for a little bit then suddenly makes a quick turn into some thick trees. When I get by the trees I'm about to go through them but then I hear footsteps next to me. So I quickly turn around to see what it is or who it is...
Its just a trainer. Relief washes over me and some disappointment as well. But the trainer notices me and walks towards me. Crap, I don't really have time to battle them. I need to find out where that sage went. Stating in my head.
"Hey do you want to have a battle?" Asked a boy younger than me. No not really but I will only to be polite! I exclaimed to myself. I nodded my head.
"Really! Sweet!" replied the boy. He was wearing brown hiking boots, khaki shorts, a t-shirt and vest with many pockets. Looked like he was either a mountain climber or bug collector possibly?
The boy extended his hand out to me and said...
"My name is Josh, nice to meet you!" he replied cheerfully. I shook his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Josh, I'm Wendy." I said politely. Wow White, really Wendy was the best you could up with! Saying sarcastically in my head. Josh spoke again saying...
"How about we have a one on one battle is that good with you, Wendy?"
I nodded in response to the term.
"Not much of a talker are you." Josh stated. And I shrugged at it, Josh laughed. He finally took out his pokeball and his Pokémon was a Leavanny. Ah so I was right about him being a bug collector of sort. I took out my pokeball and threw it up in the air and Emboar came out and turned to look at me and gave me nod I nodded back.
The battle was over in less than 5 minutes.
"Ah man!" Josh sighed. "Wow Wendy you sure are really strong."
"Thanks but battling isn't just about being strength is about having a relationship with your Pokémon as well, with a little more training there is no telling what you'll do!" I said sincerely.
"You really mean it Wendy!" exclaimed Josh. He had a little spark in his eyes, I nodded at him.
"Thanks so much for the battle Wendy, I hope that we will meet again one of these days and I'll win next time for sure!" He said smiling and extending his for a hand shake. I grabbed his hand and spoke it, and when I was about to pull away his grip tightened just a bit. He looked at my face.
"Wendy you know you look almost like the Cham....," before he could say any more I yanked my hand out of his and jogged away from him but said this over my shoulder as I left
"Bye Josh, good luck with the rest of your journey!" Then immediately went though the thick trees that the sage had gone through. As I continued I realized that there was a path that had broken twigs. Well it's better than nothing, right? I said to myself.
The further I go the forest continues to get denser, and then some fog starts appearing... fog? Wait then that means! N's sisters should be somewhere close by! exclaiming in my head. Fast walking deeper into the forest the fog continued to get thicker and thicker. I pulled out one of my pokeballs... "Swan~a" cried Swanna.
"Swanna could you please fly high above the fog and see if there is a house nearby." I asked. Swanna nodded in response and flew up being swallowed up by the fog.
"Concordia and Adelina please come out I need your help please!" I shouted. I continue to amble around the foggy woods yelling out N's sisters names over and over again.
Then I hear something behind me and I run towards the sound but I hit my head on a limb and trip from a tree root. I face plant, I try to get up but my head spins to much and stars fill my vision and my eyes began closing on me. "Concordia! Adelina! Please! No I can't c-close.. my eyes" mumbling as the world went from foggy white to black.

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