Chapter 7~ Time to begin again!

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After our confession time, we spent the rest of the evening outside... just taking. It was so nice and peaceful, it's been a while since I felt like this... not alone. I got to know Concordia and Adelina better. That's right even Adelina, shocking huh! She really isn't as terrible as I thought she was, I mean she still treats me with rudeness, but it's bearable and sometimes it even seems she is joking with me? It turned out that they didn't dislike me in fact they were really fond of me. They just treated me like that in the past, because they weren't keen (especially Adelina) that N's closest friend was a trainer. Though once they saw how I treated my Pokémon their opinions were immediately changed but they didn't show it, and they apologized for that today!
As the sky began to darken, and the stars twinkled, Concordia spoke up...
"Well I guess we should go back inside now and get some rest!" She said in her angelic like voice. Adelina and I nodded our heads and I returned all my Pokémon to their Pokeballs, then went inside the cottage. Concordia and Adelina showed me where their rooms were in case if I needed anything in the night, and told me that I could sleep in the spare bedroom I had awoken in early today. I thanked them and walked into my bedroom. Seeing as I should try to get some sleep, even though I slept for four days, I'm still tried! So I got ready for bed, just as I flopped down on the bed about to get under the covers I heard a noise... something was ringing? I thought silently to myself. Getting out of the bed I went to find where it was coming from, which led to my bag. Scrounging through bag looking for the sound, it was my Xtransceiver... uh no! I exclaimed in my head.
Picking it up, I looked to see who was calling me... Bianca? I figured it would have been my mother. I said in my head. Should I answer or should I not? Clicking the answer button...
"Hello? Hello? Hey White! Are you there?" Bianca said shouting to the world. I laughed because that's Bianca for you, "Hi Bianca! Yes I'm here!" Responding back.
"Whew...okay good!" She said relieved. "White what the heck! I have haven't heard from you for four days, four days! AndI have been calling, and messaging you like crazy! Where have you been! And why can't I see your face in the Xtransceiver?"
"I'm sorry Bianca I got into a weird situation, but it's all good now! And I guess when I tripped earlier this week I had landed on my pack which broke my fall, though it seems the Xtransceiver took damage..." I said, which was part truth and not.
"Well okay I'm just glad that you are safe... you had me so worried because you didn't respond at all." She said concerned. "So where are you? I have been searching like crazy around Driftveil City to see if I could get the chance to talk to you face to face... but you disappeared?"
"I went on ahead and set out to journey to the next town, but got lost in the forest..." Bianca laughed at this, and I smirked a little. "Yeah, then I found a Pokémon center in the forest so I've been here for a little while. Though I plan on going somewhere else tomorrow." I told Bianca.
"Oh, really where?" Bianca said questioning me.
"Uh... well I don't know where exactly yet... just playing it out by ear, type of thing." I said casually.
"Ah... okay?" She said in disbelief. I got up from the floor and sat down on the bed. "So White, are you going to keep lying to me or going to tell the the truth?" She asked.
I scoffed, "What makes you think that I am lying?"
"White come on! You're my best friend and I can definitely tell when you are!" She exclaimed.
"Haha okay fine." I said in defeat, and clicked a button on the Xtransceiver that allowed Bianca to see me. Bianca's face was glad, then her eyes went round  and began to glisten.
"White... what's going on you don't look so good right now, this is scaring me." She said with tears on the verge of falling. I didn't know how to answer to that. Though Bianca spoke up again... "I mean when I saw you earlier this week, I could tell that you weren't feeling well, but White this not good at all!" Wow okay, thanks so I guess I do look really bad. I just wish everyone would quit pointing it out, and stop worrying! I said annoyed to myself in my head.
"Sorry, but being passed out for four days doesn't help with appearance." I said a little on edge. "You were passed out for four days?!" She asked surprised. Oops! "Yeah but that's a story for a different time, sorry for sounding rude too." I said apologetically. "It's okay White, I understand." Bianca said nodded her head. "The truth is that I have been searching for him, ever since he left... but I've had no luck." I said disappointed. "Yeah I figured that was the case, but White... why didn't you talk to me sooner about this? You know I would have helped you any way I could of!" Bianca stated.
"I don't know... I just felt... like it was my responsibility to find him. If that makes any sense at all." I laughed a little. "It probably just sounds crazy." Mumbling to myself out loud.
"No! Its not I totally get it!" Bianca said understand me. "I mean if Cheren did the exact same thing, I would probably be doing what you are now, but I would ask for your help instead of doing it all by myself."
"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream. " I knew that you two were together, when did it happen?" Asking enthusiastically.
Bianca smiled and got this dreaming look on her face. She sighed with happiness... "It happened about a month ago, we were going to do something for professor Jupnier, and he looked at me and told me he had to tell something. His face started turning red..." she giggled. "Then he said what he needed to say, and.... Ahhh White I see what you did there, changing the subject like that!" She said while shaking a finger at me. I laughed... "Well I'm happy for you two! I always wanted you guys to be together." I said genuinely.
"Thanks so much White!" Bianca said beaming. Then there was noise coming from behind Bianca, she put the Xtransceiver down, I heard...
"Bianca who are you taking to at this late hour?" It's Cheren!
"Oh it was just Professor Juniper!" She said cheerfully.
"Oh okay, well I was just checking on you... I'm going back to the room, so if you needed anything just let me know okay!" Cheren said politely as ever.
Bianca giggle, "Okay thanks so much, I'll be back there soon." A few more minutes went by and then I saw her face again.
"Sorry about that!" Bianca said sighing. "No it's okay, you guys are so cute!!!" I said fan girling! Bianca face turned a deep shade of red, because of that. I laughed..."Also thanks for not telling him about what I've been doing." I said.
"Hey no problem, that's what friends are for right!" And smiled sadly. I nodded my head "Right." I said.
"Allright well I'm think I'm going to go to bed now," Bianca said yawning. I checked the time on the Xtransceiver and it was 12:00 am! "Though if you need anything, I'm always here for you okay, White!"
"Yeah sleep sounds like a good idea and  I know Bianca, thanks!" I said gratefully.
"Goodnight White!" Bianca said waving . "Goodnight Bianca!" I said waving back. I put the Xtransceiver on the nightstand and hopped on the bed, getting under the covers I turned off the lamp and tried to go to sleep. However sleep isn't what came, instead the dreams and nightmares did. But I didn't wake up screaming, thankfully, but I was crying, breathing heavy. Throwing off the covers I got up, and went outside, I needed fresh air.
When I got outside I stumbled over to a tree log by the lake and sat down. I was still crying, the nightmare still fresh in my mind...
(Remembering the nightmare)
The amusement park is beautiful weather is day or night in Nimbasa City. I was sitting at a park bench all by myself starring at the Ferris wheel, the sun was setting. I wish... I wish N was here with me. Saying sadly in my head. Ah stop it White! Scolding myself for thinking about him. I decided to get something out of my bag and it dropped down by my feet. So I bent down to retrieve it, though when I did I could feel the presence of someone next to me... I lifted my head up slowly, hoping to see if my wish had come true, but instead I saw three men around me. But these aren't just ordinary men, no they are the Shadow Trio... and they work for Ghetis! Which means if they are here then, Oh No! Thinking frantically in my head. I jolted up from the bench and began to run, I don't know where exactly but anywhere. As far away from them as possible. Rounding a corner of a building,  I was at a dead end! I was hoping silently that I had lost them... but figures emerged towards the opening of the dead end. NO! NO! NO! I yelled in my head. Attempting to get Swanna's pokeball, so that we could escape them... before I could even get her Pokeball out, the shadow trio appeared in front of me. Cornering me further against the dead end, I continued to back slowly up until I bumped into one of them and he grabbed my waist, while the other two grappled my wrists. I kicked and screamed! "Stop! Let go of me!" I was getting ready to scream for help, even though it was completely hopeless for anyone to hear me, but we vanished. Instead of a dead end, we were at the Plasma Castle? The trio still held me and dragged me to a room..., no the place where N left me all them months ago... and... he was... here! We were still kinda far from him but it was definitely him, no mistaken his light, green hair. Instantly, I stopped fighting against the shadow trio trying to get closer to N as I could. I first felt overjoyed because he was here! Actually here in person and not in my imagination! But then dread came because when we got closer to him I realized he was chained up, and had been beaten. Our eyes locked together as the shadow trio pulled me closer towards the middle of the room, closer to N each step they took, dragging me with them. His eyes..., those beautiful eyes brightened at the sight of me, but then sorrow filled them quickly, tears formed. It broke my heart cause I knew something terrible was going to happen. The Shadow Trio stopped a few inches before N, then threw me down towards his feet, I thought I was going to fall in the ground, but thankfully my footing kept me upright, for once in my life. N spoke enraged at what the Shadow Trio did.
"I swear if you touch her again, you will all pay!" They smiled at him, mocking his statement, but I can't say I don't blame them, because N is not in the best shape to do really of anything. Though I turned my full attention to N, I softly put my hands on his bruised, beaten face. "Hello my dear White..., I am sorry that we meeting like this." He whispered and smiled sadly. After that he winced, though because of the pain in his face. I spoke softly... "N... N..." tears streaked my cheeks. "I'm going to get you out of here, I whispered so only N could hear. I was about to bring out Lilligant, but then I had no control over my body? I was frozen in place? A blue light outlined my body, which meant physic was being used. Though the question was is whose Pokémon is using the move?
"Ah I'm so sorry White, for N won't be leaving anytime soon, I can assure you... and same goes for you as well." He spoke deliberately and strong. I shivered on the inside for I know this horrible voice!
From the shadows he emerged, Ghetis, and he had a Zoroark with him as well. Thus revealing the Pokémon using psychic. "Ugh...Ghetis!" N roared. I have never heard him like this and it surprised me. "Let her go! For she did nothing wrong, it was all me!" N shouted. "Ah but N, you are wrong. See both of you did do something wrong, when you, N lost the battle and our plans failed. Thus causing White to win, which was not to happen." Ghetis spat at N and I. "Since you technically failed first N, you get punished first." Ghetis said laughing maniacally. I struggled against psychic, trying to get free of it but alas nothing... I screamed in frustration.
"Can't you tell that he's already had enough punishment!" I yelled. "Also not only that but your a coward, Ghetis... For you restrain us because your afraid!" I spat at Ghetis.
Ghetis got a dark look on his face and marched over towards me, and slapped my face. It hurt so bad and I could see stars, but I didn't want him to give him the satisfaction to see how much it hurt, so I gritted my teeth together. Ghetis laughed, and this angered me even more. I turned my face to stare right at him, and spit in his face. He became enraged by this, and he was about to hit me again, with more for but...
"Stop!..." N shouted. "Stop... please father... just let her go! I beg you!" N pleaded. Why N? Why? I'm trying to save you cause it's terrible to what they are doing to you, but yet you pleaded for me to be released! Ghetis slowly walked over to N, and stared at him with disgust.
"You are no son of mine... you're a disgrace." He whispered out loud. Turning around to face everyone and talking louder now, "And besides, why should I let her go, she around for the main show!" Saying and laughed evilly. He then pulled out a knife and turned to face N. My heart stopped...then started beating so rapidly. I tried so hard to reach N, or to stop Ghetis, but it was just a daydream. Because of the stupid psychic! Ghetis was now in front of him, the knife gleaming in his hand.
"Any last words N!" He spat. N looked right at me and our eyes locked once again, he breathed a deep breath.
"White...I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together," his tears fell on the floor. "Even though I said we would when I would come back, I guess... I lied." N smiled ever sadly though his eyes told me something completely different than what he just said to me. His eyes show... love. My tears had not fallen yet but were about too, any second.
"G-goodbye... White!" N sobbed. He whispered ever so softly that no one else heard it but I did. Tears rolled downed my face.
"I love you." Was what he said, before the knife was plunged straight into his heart, by his own father! I felt my heart break... then I went into a blinding rage .
(End of Nightmare)
I bring my feet up and hug them close to my chest, putting my head on my knees. Sobbing out loud, why, did you have to leave...why? I cried in my head. Even though it was a dream it felt ... so real. I raised my head up to look at the stars and the full moon,
"I feel so alone, without you here, please..., come back please." I pleaded to the night sky, tears landing on my knees. I breathed a ragged breath, that nightmare really shook me up.
"I wish I didn't feel so alone, but I do!" I said quietly sobbing. I put my head down on my knees again when all of a sudden I felt warmth wrap around me?
I brought my head up and saw Emboar in font of me, hugging me. My eyes widened in realizing, wow! Just how stupid are you, White! I said scolding myself in my head.
I haven't been alone all this time, because I have my Pokémon! There are always there when I need them. Emboar looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, "Thanks Emboar! I need that." I said while wiping the tears away. I stood up from the log, and headed towards the cottage. There was definitely no way I was going to sleep again tonight, so I went to the living room and made me some tea. After the tea was made I sat down on the couch. My eyes wondering around the room, though they stop at the fire place. There were pictures. It was N and his sister. I got up to look at them. There were some of when they were little, they were cute I giggled a little. Also there were pictures of the Pokémon that lived here. I continued looking at the photos and there was one of N with a Zorua (look at the picture), I picked it up and sat back down on the couch.
I started at the photo and sipped on my tea, this is a good picture of him. I thought to myself. Taking the last sip of my tea I began to feel faintly drowsy, so I laid my head down on the couch. Still looking at the picture. A small sliver of light had appeared through the windows meaning it was dawn, a new morning. However, my eyes closed blocking out the soft light, sighing quietly, and I hugged the frame close to my chest.
Something in the air was smelling wonderful! My eyes fluttered open, to see the windows now pouring in morning light. How long was I asleep for, and how come I didn't have nightmares? I thought in my head. I felt something in my hands? The photo was still clutched in my hands, close to my chest. Rising from the couch, a blanket was laid on me. I got up, to find the source of that amazing smell, still holding onto the photo. It led me to the kitchen.
Concordia was baking, by the looks of it, muffins? I think. Adelina was feeding the Pokémon.
"Well look who's finally up," Adelina said teasing "glad that you decided to get more beauty sleep, you look better."
My face flushed at this because it was probably the truth, but I yawned and stretched trying to hide it.
"Good morning White!" Concordia said brightly as always. "Or well I guess... I should say good afternoon noon, huh Adelina!"she said giggling, Adelina nodded her head.  What! It's already afternoon! I thought frantically. I attempted to smile back,
"Good afternoon, and sorry for sleeping so late." I said and sweat dropped.
Concordia giggled again, "Its quite alright and no need to apologize. I'm just glad that you got more sleep!" Saying sincerely.
"Yeah me too!" I said while setting the photo facedown on the coffee table, and walking into the kitchen area. Where Concordia was baking. Inhaling the amazing aroma of the muffins I sighed, Concordia smiled.
"They are Pecha Berry muffins..." the timer for the oven went off. "Oh and great!" She said happily, placing them on top of the oven to cool off. I sat down at the kitchen isle/ bar. The kitchen was quite cute just like everything was in this cottage. The design of it was shabby chic, which I loved dearly. If I ever got a house of my own, my house would decked out in that style for sure! While I was lost in thought about my dream house, I didn't notice that Concordia had placed a muffin in front of me. "Thank you!" I said gratefully. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Hey White..." I turned to Adelina, "Why did you have this photo?" She asked. I thought that she might be upset that I was looking at their pictures, but her eyes held amusement. "I- I umm...." I looked down at the ground.
"It's okay White! We're not mad or anything like that we're just curious." Concordia said sincerely. I took a deep breath in and looked up, "Well last night I had a nightmare again, but not the same one as before it was different... and..." I had to take another breath before, I spoke again because it was still lingering in the back of my mind. "It really got me shook up, so I went outside, then came back in and fixed me a glass of tea and looked at your photos on the fire place. When my eyes feel upon it... it just made me feel better, I guess. Crazy huh." I said with a  sad smile.
Both Concordia and Adelina looked at me remorseful, "No White... it's not crazy." Said Adelina, which shocked me because if anything I figured she would be teasing me about this. "Because we understand completely." Concordia spoke, "It just shows that you care for him like we do..." Adelina handed the photo to Concordia, to look at and she smiled a sad smile. It broke my heart to see her so sad. "Whenever Adelina and I are feeling hollow we look at our pictures, because they remind us that... he is always with us no matter what." Her bangs covered her eyes and you could see some tears slipping down her cheeks. But then she wiped them away, and looked up and smiled her radiant smile. I smiled back at her.
After I finished having a late brunch, I went back to my room to pack. Packing my last item up I turned around, and Adelina was standing in the door way. "So your leaving." She stated. I nodded my head. She looked a little sad by this but then said, "Well then... after you have finished please come to living room, we have something we would like to give you." After that she turned on her heels and left the room. I surveyed the room to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Nope I had everything, I sighed... wow I sure am going to miss this place... I thought to myself. Because they are my friends now, and they understand what I am going through. Looking at the room one last time for memories sake, I left.
Walking into the living room I see Concordia and Adelina both sitting on the couch. So I sit in the other couch that faces them. "White I'm so glad that we all got to spend time to get to know you better!" Concordia spoke very happily. "Me too!" I said smiling a little. Concordia didn't say anything after that she was just starting at me, and I felt nervous like something was wrong. But then her face started to show her sadness and I was going to say something but then Adelina coughed (a fake one obviously), it snapped Concordia out of her trance.
"White we have a few things we would like to give you, before you go back on your search." Concordia said, then turned to look at Adelina and she nodded her head. Then out of nowhere a Gardevoir appeared in the room, holding a small box. Adelina took the box from Gardevoir and then placed it in front of me on the coffee table. She sat back down by her sister. I stared at the box, because I was unsure of what it held... "Are you going to keep staring at it, or you going to eventually open it? I promise it won't bite you, whatever you think is in there!" Adelina said playfully, with a hint of sadness lingering behind her green eyes.
I smiled and opened it. Inside of it was a... necklace? Why a necklace? Thinking to myself. I took it out to look at it more, it was a choker, and it was black ribbon. It had a silver crescent moon on for the center on it that, also inside the moon was a perfectly white pearl. Though, when the sunlight hit it just right it looked like a bluish/greenish color... like someone's eyes, who I miss terribly... tears began to surface to my eyes. Although Adelina spoke up and brought me out of my thoughts.
"You're probably wondering why we are giving you a necklace, huh." Adelina said. I looked up at them, "Yeah". I said kind of confused. Adelina smirked a little, "Well you see White, N and us..." she said pointing at Concordia, "We all have some type of jewelry that we always wear at all times." She said.
Concordia spoke next, "I have this necklace." She pointed at it, was a beautiful little, small diamond necklace.

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