Chapter 8~ Nimbasa City

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After being teleported back to the outskirts of the forest that is by Driftveil City, I decided it was about time to look at Nimbasa City again. Hoping, maybe just maybe, that he would be there! I called out Swanna and she flew me there gracefully and quickly. She landed near the Pokémon center,
"Thanks so much Swanna! Now take a well deserved rest okay!" I said to her happily.
"Swan-a!" She cooed, as I returned her to her pokeball. Walking into the Pokémon center I was greeted by Nurse Joy.
"Hello Miss how may I help you this evening," she asked while turning to face the counter. "Oh White its you!" She exclaimed.
"Hey Joy! How are you?" I asked. The Nurse Joy of Nimbasa and I have gotten really close to the point, where she told me to call her Joy, so now I do.
"Well I have been doing fine, but I'm glad to see you! I was getting worried because you haven't been here in like two weeks now!" She rambled. Joy reminds me a lot of Bianca, sometimes. I thought.
"Ohh yeah sorry about not coming sooner...some things came up that I had to take care of." I said with a little smile.
"Ah well I'm just glad that your okay!" She beamed. I smiled and nodded my head at her.
"So what can I do for you?" She asked brightly.
"Could you please heal Swanna and can I have a room for tonight please!" Asking politely.
"Of course!" She exclaimed, while handing me a room key and took Swanna's pokeball. I thanked her and headed off to set my stuff in the room. And again like last time I got that weird feeling like someone was watching me... why only in Nimbasa City? Because White your just being paranoid! I thought and shook my head. When I got in the room I closed the door and leaned against it sighing deeply. I pushed myself away from the door and dropped my bag on a desk. Then plopped onto the bed.
I turned over on my back looking up at the ceiling, getting lost in thought. Closing my eyes for a few minutes...
My eyes shot open with the last nightmare I just had, sitting on the bed, breathing hard. I can't believe that I feel asleep I only had my eyes closed for a few seconds. Rubbing at my eyes trying to erase the nightmares, I look to the window in the room to see that it was dark outside. I slept a lot longer than I thought, I said to myself in my head. Though it wasn't sleeping... it was more like torture. Trying to brush it away I got up, grabbed my bag, got Swanna, and left the center.
The city always looks so lively at night, because of all the bright lights and festivities that happen at night. I'm admiring this as I walk through the park, the place with the Ferris wheel... however I don't go over to it, because I'm tired of feeling disappointment.
So instead I decided to go sit down on a bench and people watch, hoping that he will just walk right in front of me... even though it's a completely hopeless thought! As I'm watching all I see are couples... holding hands, taking little strolls through this beautifully lit up park. Sighing deeply I look down at the ground to block out the depressing scenes. Then I felt that presence again... that I was being watched.
Oh my gosh... please don't let my nightmare become a reality please! I pleaded to myself. I slowly lifted my head up to look at the park to see that all the couples have moved, on to explore the rest of the wonderful lit up city.
Although I see someone by a tree looking at me, they are wearing a black hoodie so I can't see there face! I blink a few times and rub my eyes thinking that I'm imagining things that aren't real. But the person is still there! Gah! I shout inside my head. Deciding weather to stay or not, I get up from the bench and walk towards the exit of the park. Though I still feel that presence... taking a quick glance behind me and I see that hooded figure follow me! My heart is beating so fast right now! Who could be following me? I asked myself.
Because of this I pick up my pace, I begin to jog through the busy, night, packed city streets of Nimbasa City. Hoping to lose this person. For a little while I didn't sense them anymore so I slowed down and began to try to blend in with the crowd around me. I look behind me just to make sure that I finally lost them... but then I forget to pay attention to where I'm walking and I bump into someone. Just as I'm about to say sorry to then I look and it's the person in the black hoodie. A lump formed in my throat. They had a hold of my elbows. Quickly pulling away from the person, they then proceeded to grab my wrist and I frantically escaped there grasp and ran. I don't know where I was running too, but as long if I got away from that mysterious person then it was good enough. I wonder if that's the eerie feeling that I have been feeling this whole time while coming to this city. How have I not noticed them before though? These questions ran through my head, as I rounded a corner it was a dead end. I was breathing heavily, stopping and turning around about to run the other way. The person was staring, standing there blocking my exit!
No, no, no! I thought frantically! Searching for another way out of this predicament, there was not another option, while I was looking around the hooded figure came closer to me!
"Stay back!" I shouted loudly hoping someone would hear me! Although the figure kept coming towards me... panicking I pulled out Emboar's pokeball. This was just a bluff really cause I never use my Pokémon on people who weren't using a Pokémon as well. They stopped for a minute but then continued to move closer to me... there were only a few feet away now!
"Who are you and what do want!!!" I screamed! Now they were standing right in front of me...
"You mean to tell me that, you don't even remember what your best friend looks like when wearing a hoodie? Wow!" Someone said sarcastically. They pulled back the black hood revealing who they were... Black! He has super, midnight, black hair, that sometimes in the light it can look a really deep, dark blue. It always looks spikey so he wears a baseball cap to keep it tamed, and he had deep, brown, chocolate eyes. That sometimes glimmer when he gets super excited about things. It's been a little while since the last time I saw him, and he had grown since then he is only about a couple inches taller than me, but not much but a little. I breathed a breath of relief!
"You really had me scared there, you idiot!" I said to him punching his arm. "What makes you think that watching someone from away is not a stocky move at all!"
"Gah," He said wincing from the punch, "I'm sorry White your right, but I just figured this was the only way I would have been able to approach you." Black said while rubbing his arm. I scoffed at his comment.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" I questioned annoyed with him!
"White have you not checked your xtransiver?" Black questioned me. I looked at him...
"No why?" I asked confused. Then began to rummage through my bag to find it. Black sighed...
"Oh course you haven't... White your mother has been worried sick about you." He spoke with concern. As he explained that I saw what he meant... my xtransceiver was completely blown up with messages, missed calls, and voicemails.
"Actually we all have... since you wouldn't answer, your mother has been on the edge, she asked me to find you and just to make sure that you were okay. It sounded easy enough but it was hard to find you White." Black laughed a little. "Though a few months back ago I saw you here and planned to talk to you then but then you completely disappeared somewhere and then I couldn't find you... so then I tried calling, and calling, and calling, but nothing. Then I called Bianca and Cheren to see if they have seen you." I tensed up at this because I wonder what Bianca told him...
"Cheren has not seen you at all, but Bianca on the other hand... she lied to me at first saying that she had not seen you either, but I could tell that she way lying because she wasn't looking me in the eyes. So I questioned, and eventually she ended up telling me that she had seen you and spoke to you recently as well! This shocked me very much considering that none of us could get ahold of you but Bianca was able too... however though that doesn't matter I'm just glad that you did talk to her so that way I was able to find you White." Black said looking at me.
"I'm really sorry Black..." I looked down at the ground not being able to hold his gaze any longer,
"it's just that I ran into some issues while on my..."
"You mean your search right?" Black interrupted me. I looked back up at him shocked that he knew, cause I have only told a select few at what I'm doing.
"H-how did you know?" I questioned.
"Please White... did you think your mom wouldn't figure it out eventually? And besides I figured it out way before anyone did... because I remember the way you looked at him." His eyes showed hurt and sadness.
"Black..." I said softly. "I-I'm..." but he cut me off again before I could say anything.
"I just don't understand White... I have been there for you, for everything you went through. Growing up together and being your best friend, to when we finally started our journeys we always battled along side each other, to the moments we struggled and felt lost along the way we always confide on one another... so what made you think that I wouldn't help you search?" He said while staring right at me. I opened my mouth to speak but he was right... I was speechless I didn't know what to say to him. He put his hands on my shoulders. I know I was blushing.
"White... you know I would do anything for you! Anything!" He cried. I nodded my head.
"I-I know.." my voice quivered.
"Then how... how is it that I'm still not good enough for you?" He whispers. I felt my heart wrench, this made me feel torn... I mean I always suspected Black to have... maybe some feelings towards me, but not like this. However though his confessions just made me feel terrible because I will never have the same feelings that he feels for me...
"Black... I'm sorry but it's not that at all... it's just that I can't feel the same way back, because I c-care about someone else." I sighed, Black looked as if he had been hurt by what I just told him, so I recovered quickly with, "but... that doesn't mean that I don't care for you but it's not the same as I care for the other person." He seemed to perk up a little after that but still liked he had been defeated. So I decided to hug him because I honestly did not know what else to say to make him feel better.
I felt Black sigh very deeply, "well it's good to know that I'm in your heart somewhere..." he said softly.
"Hey I have an idea!" I said while pulling back too look at him, "let's go to the Pokémon center and have some coffee, just like we always do!" I smiled a little to try to help and cheer him up, and also to get out of this ally way too.
"Yeah... I'd like that, although you forgot one thing?" He said and his eyes held bemusement. I had already walked a little bit so I turned around...
"Huh, what did I forget?" I tilted my head to the side.
"That I'm the one who drinks the coffee whereas you drink tea!" He grinned.
"Haha very funny, Black!" I said sarcastically, "you know what I meant though." And with that I started to quickly walk to the Pokémon center not seeing to see if Black was behind me.
"Hey wait up White!" Black whined. I chuckled lightly at this and began to walk even faster...
When we finally arrived at the center it was very early in the morning, but we went straight for the cafe in the Pokémon center. We got a little booth table in the corner of the place.
"Yawnnn!" Black yawned. "Man I sure am tired..." he muttered.
"Awww does Little Blackie, need to go to bed?" I said joking and sarcastically. He gave me a menacing stare for saying that.
"Really... Blackie? You haven't used that since we were little, and come on White don't act like your not tried too!" He said while accusing me. I really was tried but I can't go to sleep.
"Well the truth is that I really don't sleep anymore, now in days..." I said while looking away from him.
"And why is that White?" Black voiced concerned, although he pretty much knew the answer.
"Because Black, my mind never stops thinking..." I told him while staring at my reflection in the window I was looking through.
"Because your thinking about-" I knew what he was going to say so I spoke before he could finish.
"Well how about I go and get the drinks okay!" Trying to avoid this conversation at all costs. I was almost out of my seat, when Black put his hand on mine...
"No don't worry about it, I'll go and get them." He spoke kindly and smiled. And he walked away from the booth but then he turned around, his hands were in his pockets. "Beside this is my treat, as a late birthday gift." Then he turned on his heels and went to go get the drinks.
Oh... my I can't believe that I totally forgot about my birthday. It was last week so it happened while I was at N's sisters house... oh and my poor mom... she always makes a huge deal of birthdays in our house. I feel terrible! Before I could continue to get lost in my thoughts, Black came back with the drinks.
He placed my cup of hot tea in front of me...
"It's chia tea, your favorite." He said while a smile.
"Thanks Black!" I said thankfully. He sat back down in the booth. I picked up my cup of creamy, white, and light brown tea blew on it for a few seconds then took a sip. I love this tea so much for the spices and flavor is just so unique, so good!
"Yummm it's really good!" I said with delight!
Black smiled but then he looked kinda sad at the same time and I don't know why for sure but oh well...
I went back and sipped so more on my tea, though suddenly I began to feel sorta drowsy. Wait, this doesn't make any sense, I mean yeah... tea is great for making the body relax and all but... I couldn't think anymore my mind had completely shut off and I could feel myself being to slip under the power of sleep.
"White, White? Are you okay?" Black asked concerned sounding far off as well.
I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I closed them and put my head on the table...
"Yeah... I just need to r-rest for a min..." though I never finish my sentence for the darkness took over...

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