Chapter 6~Confessions...Kinda?

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Reshiram's eyes grew wide, because of what I said. "So does this mean they, know where he is?" Reshiram asked hopefully. We both looked at N's sisters hoping they could give us an answer, though one glance told me everything.
"No we don't know where he went, we don't even know why he left in the first place!" Concordia said heartbroken, tears were beginning to form around her bright, blue eyes. Whereas Adelina had a hard, pained expression on her face, she was fighting to not letting her tears show but I could see the gleam around her eyes. She abruptly turned around to wipe a tear off her face. Why doesn't she want to others to see her cry, there is nothing wrong with not being strong all the time. Thinking sympathetically. Adelina took a quick collective breath and look back at Reshiram and I.
"Okay so clearly, we all need to have a huge discussion to get caught up with one another." We all nodded our heads in agreement to this. "How about we move the lunch out side, because that would be easier on you, Reshiram."She stated.
So, in less than an hour we outside sitting by the bluest lake I had ever seen in my life. Our lunch had consisted of a wonderful fresh salad full of berries and fruits, grown from their garden. Also there we corsiannts that had some honey drizzled over them. They were to die for! Anyways though, after we all finished, Adelina was the one who started the conversation.
"So White..." wow she is actually acting nicer than before, I wonder if it's because of  Reshiram? Thinking to myself as she spoke. My eyes skipped over to Reshiram and she nodded her head slightly, which told me she agreed with me. Not only can she speak with my mentally but she can hear my thoughts as well, though she only does it when it's necessary, she never tries to invade my privacy. "What exactly happened in the team plasma's Castle?"
"And what happened to N?" Concordia asked heavyhearted.
"Well..." Come on White, you can do this, it shouldn't be this hard! Scolding myself. "When at the castle I was confronted both by N and...Ghetis," I instantly got the chills after I said Ghetis name, and Concordia, Adelina flinched. "Ghetis told me that if I wanted to save Pokémon from being liberated from people then I was supposed to win this battle against N. I also had to prove to them that I was the hero, but I didn't understand that, because I wasn't any hero.... I was a girl. A girl who was frightened and yet determined to make sure that my family's, friends, and other people wouldn't have to live in a world without Pokémon!" I looked at Reshiram, her eyes hid a hidden smile. I continued to look around seeing everyone one of my Pokémon playing with the Pokémon that lived here having a great time! "At the time  Reshiram was not with my team yet, because she had not been awakened... that was until the white orb I received at spiral dragon tower, began to glow and thus made Reshiram appear." Concordia and Adelina looked at each other both of their eyes wide, clearly shocked by this news.
"Oh my!" Concordia said softly.
"Wow I can't believe it!" Adelina said  aghast. I sweat dropped, "um Adelina I have-" though she cut me off before I could finish...
"No, no it's not that. I believe you about Reshiram it's the fact that N was right!" Okay, now I'm supppper confused!? I said in my head and my face probably showed it as well. "Well you see, remember the first time you came here..." I nodded my head, because how could I forget! "After you two left because of circumstances, N came back later on to check on us and the Pokémon here, though he also told us some very important information as well. Although Concordia and I didn't necessarily believe him." What important information did N, tell them exactly? Concordia spoke "He told us that when he first met you that he instantly knew there was something...special about you. Though we just thought he was saying things because we knew that he liked you!" She giggled. My cheeks felt warm, which meant that I was blushing. She continued on again, "You, White have been the only person N has ever brought to us to meet and talk with, so you were definitely special to him!" Concordia smiled. Adelina shook her head, "But we asked him what he meant by special, and he told us that you were the other hero...White. He knew all along, but we chose not to believe him and we should of." Her eyes gazed off somewhere deep in the forest. "Oh..." I said. "I had no idea that I was, but I certainly never felt like any hero. Like I said before!" As I said this I met their eyes.
"But it's true White, because Reshiram awoke from its slumber for you! Last time Reshiram was awake, was back when the two princes were fighting, as the legend stated it, for what was right and wrong." I looked to Reshiram astonished, because that can't be true, it just can't! Reshiram nodded her head about what was said.
"It's true White you really are the hero, or else I never would have awoken from my slumber if it wasn't for you."
Wow okay so it's all true!!! I exclaimed at myself in my head.
"Oh and White there was some other news as well that N told us about!" Concordia said smiling brightly. "He said because of this that you two were meant to be-......". Just then Adelina hand covered up Concordia's mouth and muffled every thing else she said and Adelina said very loudly.... "Don't listen to her White she is just making up stuff now!" And laughed nervously! I sweat dropped. "How about you continue where you left off!" She said taking her hand off her sister's face. Concordia huffed and looked like she was about to protest against that, but the glare that Adelina gave her was enough to silence her.
So I began again and told them the conversation N and I had right before he left, the reason why I look terrible, and that I have been searching for him every since he left. By the end my eyes felt damp, the tears hadn't fallen yet but were on the verge too.
"Alright it's all makes sense now..." said Adelina shaking her head in belief. "However my only question is, why.... why are you looking for N? I mean he said he would eventually come back." She asked staring at me. Oh no, I was afraid she would ask this question! I thought nervously to myself. I felt Reshiram come up next me and I put a hand on her soft fur, "I don't know exactly why, myself" I looked at the blue lake seeing an imaginary version of N and his beautiful eyes. "I just wasn't ready for him to leave yet... and I begged him to stay but he still left..." tears were falling down my face. Something in the lake made it ripple and N disappeared. I blinked and look up at Adelina and Concordia, the tears continued. "When he left...I... I lost best friend!" I said sobbing. "I thought that after everything was over that we could fix everything and that we could get to really know one another instead of playing roles that apparently were there." Concordia was crying now, and Adelina face contorted with an emotion I couldn't describe. "When he left it.. was.. as if I lost something inside of me... when he left I felt empty... I still feel like that... and I don't know why!" I said crying even more. "So I figured if I could find him then...t-then  I might feel... complete again!" I looked around and saw that my Pokémon, and all the Pokémon that lived here were surrounding us at the little table, listening to us. I took a deep breath it felt good to get that off my chest. Although that wasn't the complete truth... "so" I said quietly. "That's why I need to find him." I looked up at the trees and sky wishing and hoping N would come back right now and all this would be over, but it's not. "I h-have to find him... I have too." I whispered softly.

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