Chapter 5~Hidden Family

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"Remember this White whenever there is fog my sisters place is close by okay, you are the only other person who knows about this besides one of the sages." N said mumbling at the end and we continued walking thicker into the foggy forest. I don't know why I was following him, I shouldn't because he was supposed to be my "enemy" right? But back in Driftveil City after I finished some shopping at the department building I stepped outside and saw him there and he saw me and asked me to follow him. I should have turned around and walked away, but I didn't because his eyes, always...his eyes told me too and I couldn't say no, so I followed.
As we continue walking into the creamy thick fog, I began to see something form in the distance. The closer we got to that something the fog slowly let up and what was in front of us was an quaint cottage. It had flowers blooming all round it and there was a lovely,bright, blue lake too.
"Wow it's so beautiful!" I said in awe.
N chuckled and said "Yeah my sisters tend this place so that way the Pokémon here feel at home."
"Where are the Pokémon though?" I said wondering.
"Ah yes, just a minute." N told me, "Hey everyone come on out! It's okay you can trust her she will not harm you!" N shouted in forest surrounding the house. I was about to ask N why on earth he would think I might hurt pokemon, but then... all kinds of pokemon began to emerge from the forest's tall grasses, tree tops, and from underground. There were deerlings, ducketlets, pidoves, Unfezants, Crustles, Minccinos, and more...
I was awed by how many Pokémon there were, it wasn't until N spoke up that I realized I had been staring,
" I know that you would never hurt pokemon White...," He says while looking at the Pokémon playing around the cottage, "it's just that t-these pokemon have been through rough times in there lives when they shouldn't have." He sigh and clenched his fists. "Most of them were either mistreated, neglected, or abandon by their trainers and people. So they have a very hard time trusting other people or trainers."
Whenever he says the word trainer it always sounds harsh coming from him, some times it makes me cringe because that's what I am, a trainer... but not all trainers are bad and I wish he could realize that! I mean obviously I'm not and neither are my friends... but I wonder what kind of trainers had he crossed with while along his journey? That caused him to have such a horrible view on us?
I hadn't realized that N had moved away from me till I saw him standing by the front door of the cottage. I quickly walked over there and he put his hand on the door knob...
"So are you ready to meet the rest of my family White?" He said and laughed at the end. I nodded my head in response because I didn't really know what to say. N began to open the door and his other hand was held out towards me, and just as I was about to take it, everything disappeared!
~ Dream/ Memory over~
I felt like I was flying? or falling? Then I hit something hard, okay so I fell! I said annoyingly in my head. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see a white looking forest,but instead I saw that I was in a bright, sunlight lit room with a bed and nightstand that had a glass of water sitting on there. So I'm guessing I fell of the bed. Stating to myself as I stared at the blanket tangled around my legs. Though the question is where am I exactly? Thinking curiously.
"Did you hear that sound too?" Asked a sweet voice.
"Yes, I would not be here if I didn't!" Stated a firm voice.
" shouldn't we go in there and check on her, Adelina?" The angelic voice.
"No I'm sure that she is fine Concordia!" Said the rigid voice. Footsteps followed and got softer as someone walked off to somewhere else. I'm still on the floor I realized and I try to scramble back up on the bed, but I can't cause my legs give out on me as I try to stand. Great! Once again annoyed with myself.
Then the door flew open and in came a girl a few years older than me. She had beautiful, long, blonde hair, and striking blue eyes, also she wore a pretty white dress. She really looks like an angel ,and I  know her?!
"Oh my goodness White do you need some help there?" She asked sincerely in her beautiful voice, but there was a hidden smile as well. Though I can't blame her I must look like a horrible mess. However all I can say to her is...
"Concordia?" I said hoarsely. She knelt down to me and began to help me up.
"Yeah, it's definitely been a while huh, White!" Said Concordia smiling. When she helped me to the back to the bed, she handed me the glass of water as well. I took it gratefully. Then set it back down on the night stand and Concordia looked at me waiting for me to speak, but I didn't what to say. But I said something anyways?
"How did I get here? Last thing I remember is that I was in the forest and I tripped and fell hitting my head... then everything went black." I said curiously.
"Well the Pokémon around here had told us that someone had entered the woods and we were curious to see who it was, because only a certain few know about this place. Anyways so, Adelina and I went to go out and see who it was, and we saw you! Laying on the forest floor out cold. We also noticed that there was a swanna by you trying to wake you up and we asked what was wrong and she told us... at first we were shocked that you were looking for us, because why would you look for us. We weren't exactly kind the first time we meet you." She laughed nervously.
Oh my goodness that's right! They weren't kind to me at all, I remember. The dream I had earlier too; wasn't a dream but a memory.
When N and I walked into his sisters cottage they were completely rude to me, even though I was nothing but kind to them. Though they too despise trainers and that's why they were rude to me, but once N told them of how I treated my pokemon they were slightly nicer, not much... but I noticed. However shortly some circumstances made us have to leave abruptly, so we didn't get the chance to talk longer. Well at least for them to judge me longer.
Anyways though, Concordia spoke up again... "However after Swanna finished telling us everything and how worried she was for you, we couldn't leave you! Well actually Adelina was keen on the idea but you know how she can be sadly..." she said sighing. "Though deep down she cares it's just hidden, really!" Yeah I bet! I said sarcastically in my head.
"So we brought you back to our place and here we are now." She finished with a little smile. "Although Swanna didn't tell us the whole truth I could tell she was holding back, so why were you looking for us, and how come it's looks like you haven't slept or eaten in days or months?" Saying curious and concerned. Wow I totally forgot that I must look like complete and utter crap! Great! I said angrily at myself in my head. I know I should tell them the truth but I don't know why it's so hard to tell people, because N is just a friend I'm looking for right...?
"White, everything okay?" Concordia said gaining my attention again.
"Well... you see... um..., I" I said while trying to find the correct way to say this.... and just then the bedroom door flew open forcefully! A girl stepped into the room. She had bright reddish hair that almost looked pink when the light hit it a certain way. Her eyes were a deep green, with her hair it made them stand out. She had an intense, scrutinizing stare as she looked at us.
"Ah! Well it seems that she finally woke up... such a shame really I was hoping you would sleep longer cause you look terrible!" She said in a snippy tone. "Plus I just don't want to deal with you." Our eyes met as she said this and usually I would snap back at a comment like like, but I just don't have it in me. So instead I just look down at the floor and heave a heavy sigh.
"Adelina there is no need for that okay! Clearly, White has been through a lot lately so at least be decent to her!" Concordia said raising her voice a little from her quite tone. Adelina's hard gaze softened slightly after Concordia said that, she then turned around abruptly and her back was face towards as she stood in the door way.
"I just came in here to tell you, Concordia that lunch is ready. And I suppose, since White is finally awake that she can join us if she wants too." She said harshly but in all honesty that is the nicest thing she had said to me in my life. Then Adelina walked off down into the hallway. Just then I thought of a major question!
"Wait oh my goodness, where is Swanna?" I said frantically about to leap out of the bed and began running to look for Swanna. However,
Concordia stopped me from doing this, by putting her hands on my shoulders.
"Woah! Take it easy White!" She said kindly while making me sit on the bed again. "Swanna is just fine, she is playing outside with all the other Pokémon that live here!" Smiling she said. It still didn't ease my worries, and Concordia noticed.
"If I look through the window from here you can see her!" Concordia said cheerfully. "Here I'll help you!" She grabbed my hands and pulled me up and I was about to argue with her that I don't need help, but as soon as I was standing my legs began to wobble. Though I leaned on Concordia for support and grateful for it.
"Thanks" I say to Concordia as she helps to led me to the window.
"No problem!" She said smiling her bright smile. When we reached the window it took me a while to find Swanna because she was flying in between the trees' treetops... but she was there and looked happy too! I sighed a huge breath of relief, knowing that she is okay.
"So how about we go and get some food now?" Concordia asked. I nodded my head in agreement. "Okay sure!" I replied a little cheerful. Concordia smiled again. While walking down the hall way I saw Pokémon running around in throughout the house having fun! Even a Minccino accidentally bumped into my legs and fell on it's back... I quickly stooped down to help it up. The Minccino then looked at me curiously, then said "Min min". Concordia translated for me.
"She said thanks, to you!" She said in awe.
"Oh no problem!" I said and rubbed Minccino's head. Minccino looked at me and then smiled and ran off further in the hallway.
"Wow I can't believe it!" Said Concordia looking shocked. 
"Why?" I asked. She looked at my and helped me up from my crouched position and we began walking again towards to what I assume to be the kitchen. "It's just that most of these Pokémon don't trust other people, unless it's Adelina or I. But that Minccino looked at you admiringly and that hasn't happen in a long time with a stranger." She told me and we had finally reached the kitchen/dinning room area. I blushed a little, "Well I just did what I thought was right cause all pokemon should be treated kindly!" I exclaimed. Concordia nodded at my statement and smiled and said "Yes all Pokémon should be treated kindly!"
"Well Sadly some still get treated poorly in this world." Adelina said and grimaced. She had made plates for everyone and even some bowls of food for the Pokémon that run around inside the house. Okay, so she is kind underneath all her coldness I guess! I said perplexed to myself.
"There is more than enough Pokémon food, if you want your other Pokémon to eat, though it's not like I care! Oh and Swanna has been feed so don't worry about her!" Adelina said in a harsh tone. Man she is so bipolar! I stated to myself. "Oh okay thanks so very much Adelina!" I said as nicely as I could. Though she ignored me, I sweat dropped and sighed, then released all my Pokémon from their pokeballs, except Reshiram. Because she wouldn't be able to fit inside the cottage! So I went to the nearest window and opened it up, while Adelina and Concordia looked at me intentionally trying to figure out what I was about to do. Wait but when I let her out she is going to be so mad at me! Aghhhh! I said to my self conflicted. "White you better let me out this instance, there is no need to hide from me!" Reshiram stated, she had used her telepathy, she can use it while in her pokeball as well. She clearly is annoyed with me, which she had every right to be. "Okay, okay your right I'm sorry!" I said deflated. I could tell that Concordia and Adelina were looking at each other now, assuming that I had finally lost it.
I threw the pokeball outside the window and out came Reshiram. Her icy blue eyes were as cold as a fierce ice storm as she looked at me through the window. I heard Adelina and Concordia gasp at what they saw through the window. "Oh my it's....its...its.. Reshiram!" Adelina said fumbling with her words. I turned around to look at them and they were awestruck. However a voice pulled my attention off of them....
"White don't you dare look away from me! Do you care to explain why you haven't brought me out of the sooner? Or the fact that I haven't been able to reach you for four days now!!!" She shouted angrily but yet on the edge of concerned as well. I started at her in disbelief, I couldn't have really slept for four days straight... right? "I've been asleep for four days?" I mumbled looking down at the floor.
"Yes like I said when we found you... you were out cold, and you slept longer because you haven't been taking care of your self, White." Concordia said gently. My eyes lifted from the floor and back to Reshiram, though the icy fire that was in her eyes earlier had been smothered by worry.
"I'm sorry for snapping like that White, I was just concerned for you that's all." Reshiram said quietly. "No it's okay I really deserve it!" Tears threatened my eyes but I didn't let them fall. "I'm sorry as well for I shouldn't have made you worry like that, so it's all my fault." I said with sigh. Reshiram eyes became soft and gentle again, "No it's not for I shouldn't have jump to conclusions, because I didn't know that you were out for four days, I just thought you were ignoring me." Saying with a sad little smile in her eyes. Adelina coughed quietly, we both look at her. "Oh Reshiram this is Adelina and Concordia...."My voice grew quiet towards the end, "N's sisters".

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